Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Evil King Concubine: Doctor Hand Covering Sky

359, I like you more and more

"It turns out to be true? The elder brother really has you. The person I admire most from Lingang's childhood is even you. Even women who like them are so simple. Then when will you marry the master of Qianxue County and let me also have the royal wife? Ah?" The second prince said with a grin, as soon as he looked up, he saw Gu Qianxue and was walking in this direction.

"Brother Huang, sister-in-law is here! Queen sister-in-law is here!" The second prince coaxed.

But to the second prince's surprise, Gu Qianxue came to the prince's seat and stood still, but did not continue to come.

"Brother Elder, what's the matter? The elder sister-in-law hasn't come to you, how did she run to find the third elder brother?" The second eldest son looked very lively.

With an eye knife, he shot hard at the second prince, "You shut up."

The second prince stretched out his hand to cover his delicate thin lips. "Oh, the elder brother is angry."

Li Wang smiled slightly, because that smile added a stunning color to the frozen cheeks, and for a time he could evenly share the two princes who are famous for their beauty. "Gong Ling'an, have you been free recently?"

Gong Ling'an only felt that the back spine was chilling for a while, "Hehe...hehe...Don't, elder brother, just kidding me, just kidding, don't be angry, I will punish myself for three glasses." drink.

But before the wine glass was lifted, Li Wang pressed it against the table with the mouth of the glass. "Three penalties for self-punishment? It's really cheap," and then turned his head to the palace **** the side. Zihong is drunk and immediately picks it up."

When the second prince heard it, his face was white. "Brother and brother, I am really wrong. I apologize to you. I... shall I disappear immediately?"

Just about to run, the wrist was held by Li Wang, "Gong Lingan, you know that this king has some ways to make you better than death. If you want to challenge this king, you can try it."

The second prince was crying, and his face was crying. "I understand you very much, brother, brother. I dare not challenge you even in my dreams, but the three-tan wine will drink my brother, or will you change a punishment?"

Li Wang raised his brow slightly and nodded. "Okay, you take a strip and run around the field."

"..." The second prince, "I still drink the bar."

During the speech, the court lady had moved the three jars of wine up, and King Li released the second prince, and focused her attention on Gu Qianxue not far away.

But saw Gu Qianxue standing opposite the prince, the two separated by a table.

"Gu Qianxue and Gu Qianxue, you don't even trust this palace." The prince rested leisurely on the chair with a glass of wine in his hand. Even though the posture was not correct, the prince's inherently noble breath seemed The whole person is very elegant.

Gu Qianxue was stunned. "Where does the prince say this? When did I not trust His Highness?"

The prince smiled slightly, "At the beginning of the dance, you pulled the ribbon hard to make sure the ribbon is strong. This is not distrust of this palace, what is it?"

Gu Qianxue was secretly surprised. She never thought that the prince had noticed this little action. She had disguised this action perfectly, and could only say that the prince's observation power was really amazing.

Although this is the case, Gu Qianxue can't admit it? She laughed twice, "Hey...hey, Your Royal Highness misunderstood, why don't I drag the ribbon, I don't know? Those are dance moves?"

Nonsense, if she comes again, she still has to pull the ribbon, otherwise she will be embarrassed if she goes up and falls down. Qiu Anran and Gu Qianrou will laugh at the big teeth!

This tooth is a good thing. If there is no tooth, how to eat? Gu Qianxue dragged the ribbon with the feeling of a Madonna in the heart of a doctor's parents.

The prince did not get entangled with her on this issue, and the original intention was only to stop.

"Okay, very good!" Gu Qianxue did not skimp on the praise, and raised her thumb.

"Since it's good," the prince's ending picked slightly, "should there be some reward?"

"..." Gu Qianxue really wanted to lift the table and hit the prince's head, reward and reward! Award a fart incentive? Have seen insatiable, never seen so insatiable! But I was thinking about it, but I said, "Yo, this said to your prince, your position, you haven't seen any good things. I have some broken copper in my house, but my prince may not be able to look down on it. Yes."

The prince swept the King Li around with Yu Guang, his voice lowered a few times, "How about the parent palace?" The sound was so good that it could not be heard by others, but also ensured that King Li could hear it.

"..." Gu Qianxue twitched his mouth, "Is there anything else with His Royal Highness? If not, I will go back."

"Wait, this palace hasn't let you go back yet," the prince was busy, "Gu Qianxue, your habit of crossing bridges and demolishing bridges is not good."

"No, Your Royal Highness, I'm just trying to kill the donkey." Gu Qianxue whispered.

The prince was stunned and smiled, "Are you calling this palace a donkey?"

Gu Qianxue was right when he saw that he was wrong, and he hurried to correct it, "No, your Highness, Prince, don't get me wrong, I just... Find a synonym to show my versatility. How dare I say you are a donkey? Don't say I dare not Scold, only say that if there is a handsome donkey like His Royal Highness, how much I want, I have bought it!"

Boiled Ejiao with donkey skin is very nutritious, and women should eat more.

Of course, Gu Qianxue would not tell the prince about the food value and medicinal value of donkey meat, but only made the prince think she was not scolding him.

Regardless of whether the prince believed it or not, he was very happy to hear Gu Qianxue praise his appearance, "but then, this is the best dance style I have ever seen in this palace, but I don't know who gave you the thought, is Ling Xiaozi? ?"

Gu Qianxue said, "Yes, it's him!" A big hat pressed on Su Lingxiao's head fiercely.

Gu Qianxue didn't want to be the first bird when the gun shot the first bird.

The prince nodded clearly, "To congratulate you on the success of this game, what do you want? This palace gives you."

Gu Qianxue was surprised, "The game was successful? But the emperor did not declare that I was successful."

The prince smiled, leaned forward slightly, and lowered his voice, "Your Hou Qiu is still here, do you really hope that the father emperor announced that you have won the Enron Lord? If so, your Gu family and the Qiu family are really enemies, the most A good way is not to mention this matter, only as a joke. But even if the father emperor does not announce the result, the result is already in everyone's mind."

Gu Qianxue nodded, "Yeah, if Qiu Anran really came to his knees, I really don't know how to step down. It's fine. Anyway, I didn't think about how to win her."

The prince tilted her head slightly, a pair of peach blossom eyes full of smiles of appreciation, "Gu Qianxue, this palace finds you more and more like you, what should I do?"

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