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375, Emperor's weakness

Grandma Li is the queen's mother-in-law, and just at that moment, Grandma Li seemed to see the lively appearance of the queen when she was young, nodded sadly, and sighed secretly.

But the cunning flashed by, and the next moment he disappeared from the face of the queen. "In the future, the palace will be very caring for Princess Qin, even closer than sisters and sisters, oh, look good."

Dry palace.

The queen's arrival was as expected by the emperor and concubine Qin.

Asking the queen for the emperor, the queen did not sit next to the emperor, but came directly to Qin Fei, "It's great that Sister Qin can return to the palace, and we often meet in the future, just like the old days." Then, it seemed like a memory. In the past, "I still remember that we were in the Prince's Mansion, I was just in the house and everything was lost, whether it was food, clothing, housing, transportation, or anything, it was Sister Qin who took care of everything. I have no sister in my mother's house. But so be it."

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The emperor thought that he would take the concubine Qin in the Qing Palace, and the queen would be angry and jealous, but she did not expect the queen to have any hint of vinegar.

In the high position for several decades, the emperor prides himself on practicing a pair of flamboyant eyes, not to mention seeing through all of them, but seeing through a woman’s mind is true. The emperor can see that the queen is sincerely kind to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei's smile has been gentle and calm, just like it was a few decades ago. "Yeah, it seems to be back to the old days." There was a time when people mistakenly thought of others as conscience.

"The Qingqing Palace wants everything to come, but I dare not question the ability of the general manager, but I still have a copy for food and clothing, only for my sister to choose. If you think my things are good, you can use mine; if you think the emperor It’s good to use the emperor’s.” The queen is really like returning to her old days. She is as happy as a girl in front of the emperor and the concubine Qin.

Grandma Li stepped forward and presented the list with both hands respectfully.

Kang Quangang was about to take the reading, but the queen took it away, lowered her voice, read it aloud in person, and explained while reading.

"The quilt is made of fine silk satin, so the emperor doesn't like it, but it is good for our women's skin. The stove is made of gold enamel nine peaches. The shape is unique, and it can be put in incense. This incense is made with the incense made by a handy maid from my place," the queen took the Qin concubine and explained them one by one. "There is such a wonderful person there. Before entering the palace, the family was in the spice business." , I have been eye-stained since childhood, and have a good understanding of incense. I adjusted a few incense and was liked by the sisters of the harem. I will let the girl come over and adjust one for Sister Qin."

Qin Fei's soft smile deepened, "How can I trouble the Queen Mother?"

The queen hurriedly said, "No trouble, no trouble. Besides, my sister wouldn't call me a queen, just call Yu Fang. You used to call me that way too. I like Sister Fang."

When the emperor saw the two sisters' affectionate appearance, they did not intervene. They just listened quietly and smiled, and for a while, the solemn dry palace was full of joyful atmosphere.

Qin Fei has always listened and spoke well, and occasionally went back a few sentences, although gentle, but not friendly.

The queen could naturally feel the seclusion of Qin Fei, but she was not in a hurry. "But when it comes to wonderful people, the girl in Weiyang Palace is not as good as the people around her sister Qin."

Qin Fei was clear, her brow moved a little, and then she returned to normal instantly. "The empress queen is humble." It has always been called the empress.

The emperor was interested, "Who is the wonderful person beside Wan Qing? Why not go into the palace together?"

The purpose is to better accompany Qin Fei, in other words, to make Qin Fei more happy.

The queen said, "The emperor is also known to the emperor."

The emperor was stunned, and then said, "Is it Gu Qianxue?"

"Yeah, it was Gu Qianxue." The queen smiled, this was her purpose. If Gu Qianxue is not allowed to enter the palace, how can he create opportunities for the prince? Gu Qianxue is indeed unbearable, she is not worth seeing, but she is very optimistic about the military power of Zhenyuan Marshal Zhao Yuanzheng.

Zhao Yuanzheng has no children. There is only one silly daughter, and she is also obedient to her silly daughter. The silly woman listens to Qian Qianxue in other words. In other words, as long as Gu Qianxue wants, Zhao Yuanzheng will have to follow. Zhao Yuanzheng held the military power and was upright, he could not be said to be hard and soft, but people had weaknesses, but the queen took Zhao Yuanzheng's weaknesses into account.

The emperor thought of Gu Qianxue’s paintings at the Bishen Lake Fighting Art Conference, and even more of the dance performance at the birthday of the previous day. "Yeah, Gu Qianxue is indeed a wonderful person. If I think about it, I will seal her a county. The Lord has not yet owed her a reward feast."

Qin Fei just smiled and didn't say a word, but the hands under the sleeve were tightened more and more, with disgust and hatred in the eyes.

The Queen said, "You may not know that the Emperor Qianxue County Master not only has the magical technique of rejuvenating the hand, but also the folks say that the Qianxue County Master can let people stay young and live forever!"


Qin Fei's fist squeezed violently, her eyes burst fiercely! What the queen wanted to do, she had already guessed it, but she never expected to use this to seduce the emperor. Yes, if everyone has weaknesses, then the emperor's weakness is immortality!

Sure enough, the emperor's look was obviously stuck.

Concubine Qin slowly said, "The Queen's mother is so serious, how could Qianxue be as capable as you said? If she can make people live forever, wouldn't it be a fairy? If it is a fairy, it won't be forced by the Enron Lord Learning to dance, in order to perform dance for the emperor, Qianxue can suffer a lot. If the emperor and the queen do not believe, you can call the Sang Yu, the **** of the workshop, or the musicians of the workshop."

The queen chuckled, "It's definitely not true. I didn't say it just now. It's just folklore. It's good to believe nine out of ten folklore. If Qianxue really has that ability, why not order the emperor to live forever?" The emperor is immortal, and Nanyue will prosper forever. One day, he will be able to unify the world, right?"

The emperor smiled and said, "Yu Fang, you are too exaggerated. How can I have such ability?" Disappointment flashed in the eyes.

The queen knew that she had taken the emperor's life. "As long as the emperor can remain in power for hundreds of years, this unified world is certain."

The emperor couldn't help but say, "Don't say for hundreds of years, give me another hundred years."

Concubine Qin hated the queen, but knew she could not stop it. At this time, if she spoke, she would only make the emperor bored.

The Queen said, "I don't know if Sister Qin will know that Ling Xiaozi's illness is also cured by Qian Xue."

Gu Qianxue cured Su Lingxiao's illness, and Qin Fei knew it naturally, "This thing is true, but I heard Qian Xue said that Ling Xiaozi's illness cannot be eradicated, and all she can do is help Ling Xiaozi to recuperate her body. Just go."Concubine Qin can't hide it, because this matter is not a secret. The emperor has so many eyes and ears, how could he not know?

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