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389, Family Banquet

Looking at himself in the bronze mirror, Gu Qianxue knew. It is no wonder that Xiangqi thinks that she is like the second prince, because both are half-breeds and have exotic style on their faces. It's just that the second prince is more intense and her hybrid traits are hidden deeper.

Without Shifen Dai, her appearance is no different from that of the Nanyue people, but once her makeup is put on, the outline looks deep.

At this moment, there was the voice of the maidservant downstairs, "Sister Xiangju and Sister Xiangqi, I wonder if the master is ready. There is someone from the concubine Qin to urge him."

Xiang Ju whispered in reply, "Ready, you go back to the concubine Qin Fei, the governor will arrive later."

Gu Qianxue finally took a picture in the mirror. When he saw the trace on his face, he couldn't see it anymore. Then he was relieved. Then he followed Xiang Ju and Xiang Qi to the attic and went to the banquet.

This is the first time Gu Qianxue went to the emperor's family feast. He was slightly nervous. When he arrived, he saw that the hall was overcrowded.

Unlike the private family banquet, the royal family banquet naturally cannot have a table for all ages, men, women and children, a table for the emperor and the queen and several concubines, and a table for the princesses. Saying it is a family feast, it is actually hierarchical, not to mention whether those humble concubines can attend, but only that, even if they are reluctant to attend, they are seated according to rank.

On the left hand side of the emperor is the queen, and on the right hand side is the concubine Qin. In addition to Princess Yong'an sitting next to the concubine Qin, the seating arrangements of the other concubines are also very orderly.

Gu Qianxue naturally wanted to be with the princesses. As soon as he looked up, he saw a piece of Yingyingyanyan red, red, green and green. Li Wanggong, who was dressed in black, was sitting in it. His face was cold and handsome. The already meticulous appearance is not like attending a family dinner. It was the second prince beside him, who was very close to Li Wang, who smiled at Gu Qianxue, and greeted no one else.

"..." Gu Qianxue subconsciously didn't want to be involved with the second prince with a beautiful appearance. Just ask, what would a person who is not even afraid of King Li fear?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The two princes are by no means a fuel-efficient lamp.

The prince is sitting on the other side of King Li, and the other princesses are arranged in this way. In general, whoever has the courage is more close to Li Wang, the less courageous, and far away. Especially the young princesses who saw Li Wang were like mice that saw cats.

After quickly understanding the family banquet seats, Gu Qianxue was shocked, and then quickly apologized to him, "The emperor forgive sins, I'm late, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Liu Hai and sideburns followed her bow and bowed like a fan, but she didn't have any fun.

The room was quiet, everyone including the emperor stared at Gu Qianxue, as if she had never met her before.

Yes, today Gu Qianxue cut a haircut that Nanyue Guo has not seen up and down, and even put on makeup. Not to mention that the emperor and others could not recognize it, it was the mother of Gu Qianxue, Zhao. Here, I will also recognise for a while.

The emperor was relieved. "Qianxue changed her hairstyle. I almost didn't recognize you."

The queen also smiled afterwards, "Yeah, the concubine was still thinking, where is the smart fairy from now, and now it is Qianxue at first sight." Then he turned to Gu Qianxue, "How can you be this girl?" With so many ghost ideas, did Qin Fei's hair style come before?"

Gu Qianxue lowered his head and covered his bangs with his hands. "Returning to the Queen Mother, it's not really Qianxue's celebrity, but it's been too spicy in recent days, and my forehead has grown a little... She just cut her hair to be ashamed. She also hoped the lady to forgive her sins." Then she raised her eyes and told the few people who knew-you know.

The queen naturally understands, and Princess Yong'an is busy, "If you have filial piety, remember to eat a few bites of spicy food next time." Gu Qianxue lied.

Gu Qianxue was speechless with two lines of tears, and was slowly moved-no more than the father and son soldiers, when the original guns were actually working, they had to rely on their mother-in-law.

The emperor, the queen, the concubine Qin, and the Princess Yongan naturally knew what Gu Qianxue was covering, and only laughed a little. The other ladies and princesses thought that Gu Qianxue really had a pimple on his forehead.

Li Wang, who was sitting in the corner and dressed in black, slowly raised his lips, with a little joking.

"Brother Elder, why is your smile meaningful? What's the inside story, tell the younger brother to hear it quickly." The second prince hurried over and squeezed the exquisite eyes.

King Li ignored the second prince from beginning to end, and didn't even move his eyebrows, as if there was air around him.

The crown prince glanced at Gu Qianxue, and then noticed the King Li around him with uncomfortable eyes, his complicated eyes thoughtfully.

The four princes, the five princes, and the six princes have long been interested in the women who danced out of the gorgeous flying ribbon dance, twisting their bodies and looking carefully.

Several princesses were whispering, nothing more than the hairstyle of Qianxue County Master, especially the three princesses, because they just entered puberty, they had a lot of pimples on their foreheads. Seeing Gu Qianxue's haircut, he thought carefully about what he wanted Don't cut this hairstyle too. But if you follow this blindly, will you fall into a laughing stock?

Princess Ceylon also smiled, "Today's Qianxue County Lord is so bright and beautiful, even more delicate than the previous Emperor Shou's birthday dance, and the woman is pleasing to herself. Is it true that among the princes present, there are those whom the Lord of the Clan loves? "" He said, the seemingly absent eyes swept the prince and the king Li twice.

Gu Qianxue was shocked. What does Ceylon mean?

Princess Yong'an gave the Ceylon Princess a white look. "Everyone says that the hybrid is clever. Now, at first glance, this is the case." It means that the Ceylon Princess has Chuyan blood.

"Emperor..." Princess Ceylon's face changed, and she immediately faced the emperor's pear blossoms with rain.

Princess Yong'an sneered, "I want to pretend to be a weak chicken. It's just a little provocative, and now it's pitiful. People say that they have to make a draft. Will you change your face?"

"..." Gu Qianxue was completely speechless. In her imagination, wasn't the battle in the harem a hidden needle? Princess Yong'an really destroyed the picture and played the rhythm of the play in minutes. At the same time, however, I felt that the words of Princess Chang were really awesome. In my heart, I vigorously raised a thumbs up for the wayward mother!

The emperor was also very helpless to her irritable sister, but the sister did not live well, and could not bear to demand her, she could only sigh, "This is a family feast, and I will say a few words." Princess Ceylon said, The emperor could not hear it.

The harem concubines all have sources, and naturally they can hear the meaning of the Ceylon concubine, and the meaning is very simple. Provoking the contradiction between the prince and the king, naturally, the queen and concubine can be pinched one day earlier. stand up.

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