Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

702, salicylic acid 2

"Disfigured?" Xiangqi screamed and said that she took a few steps back and covered her face.

Not only Xiang Ju and Xiang Qi, but also Yulian and Yucui have changed their looks.

But in the end it was Gu Qianxue's loyal servant. Even if they were afraid, the two stubbornly shook their legs.

"Yes, so I will come by myself, you all go out." Gu Qianxue calmly said.

"Sovereign, slave-maid stays." It was Chu Yan who spoke.

Qianxue shook her head, "You can't stay."

Yulian and Yucui said, "Sovereign, we are not afraid of anything, we want to stay."

Gu Qianxue saw this, thinking a little bit, and then said, "In this way, the four of you, Yulian Yucui and Xiangju Xiangqi, go outside the laboratory, no matter what happens to someone who needs to take care of it."

Yu Cui just refused, but Yu Lian said, "Yes, the county master."

Yu Cui was puzzled, but Yu Lian came to Yu Cui's ear, "You trust those two maidens? If something happens in the laboratory, we can save the county master as soon as possible."

Yu Cui knew it and nodded, "Okay."

The four retreated, and Gu Qianxue said to Chu Yan, "You are two feet behind me."

"No, the lord..."

Chu Yan was about to refute, but Qian Xue glared coldly, "If you don't listen to me, this experiment will stop."

At first smoke, helpless, can only back two feet.

Everyone withdrew, Qianxue felt relieved, took out the veil and folded it into a triangle, covering the mouth and nose, and tied a knot behind his head.

At this time, all the liquid in the heating dish had disappeared, leaving only a white crystal.

This white crystal is salicylic acid widely used in modern times.

Salicylic acid is not only a raw material for the pharmaceutical industry, but also used in the preparation of aspirin, sodium salicylate, salicylamide, analgesic, phenyl salicylate, schistosomiasis-67 and other drugs. In the dye industry, it is used to prepare mordant pure yellow, direct brown 3GN, and acid chrome yellow. Used as rubber vulcanization retarder and disinfection preservative. It is also widely used in cosmetics, as a preservative in cosmetics, and even in foods.

But even if it is widely used, its toxicity cannot be ignored.

Salicylic acid dust is irritating to the respiratory tract and causes coughing and chest discomfort after inhalation. Irritating to eyes, prolonged contact may cause eye damage. Prolonged or repeated skin contact can cause dermatitis and even burns. Ingestion causes gastrointestinal irritation, tinnitus and kidney damage.

Although the Anonymous laboratory far exceeds the standards of the contemporary era, if it is put into the modern era, it may not be as good as a laboratory for students in a key high school, and it does not have effective ventilation and anti-virus equipment.

This is also the reason why Gu Qianxue dismissed everyone and left himself alone.

Because of the successful extraction of salicylic acid crystals, Qianxue stopped heating, and then used ice water to cool the last little bit of liquid, and then more crystals precipitated.

This salicylic acid cannot be used directly, but it needs to be further purified to become phenol, and then purified by heating with hydrochloric acid and iron powder to reduce aminophenol. The final product is the prototype of modern daily medication-paracetamol.

In the case of only common sense and no dosage standard, Gu Qianxue did not know whether he would succeed, even if he barely got the experimental results, he did not know whether it was medicine or poison.

But at this time, there is no escape route and no time.

Without goggles and gas masks, Gu Qianxue could only try to keep herself away from drug corrosion, but in the end, she could not care.

In a flash, one day passed.

The people in the Nuan Pavilion were as anxious as the ants on the hot pot. Everyone hoped that the master of Qianxue County would return quickly to complete the task smoothly.

However, the people in the laboratory are walking on thin ice, being cautious.

After noon, Gu Qianxue finally completed the experiment and put the yellow-white powder finally obtained in a jar. "Let's go." The first flue was dark.

Chu Yan hurriedly supported him, "Sovereign!"

Gu Qianxueqiang opened his eyes, "We can't stay in the laboratory for a long time, we go out at a speed, and then let people ventilate the laboratory."

"Yes." Chu Yan saw that Gu Qianxue was inconvenient, and he simply picked him up and flew out.

People outside the laboratory were surprised when they saw Chu Yan holding Gu Qianxue and ran out.

Yulian and Yucui were most frightened, and flew over, "Sovereign!"

Gu Qianxue struggled, "I... it's okay," and then hurriedly, "Go to the Nuan Pavilion."

Early smoke did not dare to neglect, almost used light power, hugged Gu Qianxue and ran forward.

Nuan Pavilion.

When he saw the return of Qianxue County Master, the famous doctors could not help crying, and even had an urge to kneel and give him a few bangs.

Fortunately, fortunately, the master of Qianxue County came back, and the son of Ling Xiao was not dead. Their huge bounty was considered.

It's just...Mr. Ling Xiao is not dead now.

As far as their medical experience is concerned, the son of Ling Xiao can't see the sun of tomorrow at most.

"Master, why are your eyes swollen?" Su dispensers puzzled.

"It's nothing." Gu Qianxue's eyes were slightly corroded and hot and sore. She knew that she should be rinsed with a lot of water at this time, but she was only a pair of eyes. Su Lingxiao was a life. She would rather lose her eyes and save Su Lingxiao.

Early smoke put down Gu Qianxue, Qianxue rushed into the room holding the jar.

At first she stopped talking, and she naturally knew what was going on in Gu Qianxue's eyes. Eventually, it was selfishness that didn't say it.

Gu Qianxue entered the room and began dispensing medicine.

"Chu Yan, help Su Gongzi up." Qian Xue said.

"Yes." Chu Yan immediately supported Su Lingxiao, who was hot, and put a cushion behind him.

Gu Qianxue took out the simple acetaminophen, weighed the dosage, and then added water to feed Su Lingxiao.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the penicillin powder, which was still mixed with water and fed.

"I will continue to wipe him for him." Then, Qianxue fetched spirits.

Chu Yan snatched his hard liquor, "Sovereign Lord, please deal with your eyes. If the Master wakes up and finds your eyes... he will blame himself."

Gu Qianxue realized that his eyes were so painful that he could hardly close it.

"...Also." So, she handed over the task to Chu Yan, and with the help of Yulian and others, she rinsed her eyes with clean water.

When the hot eyes touched the cold water, Gu Qianxue felt pain in the bone marrow.

"Master, how are you doing?" Yu Cui was anxious.

Xiang Ju and Xiang Qi are also anxious.

But I saw that Gu Qianxue's eyes were redder, and tears kept flowing.

"I'm fine, continue to rinse." Gu Qianxueqiang opened his eyes.

Yulian shook her hand, with tears, pouring cold water on it again.

But I don't know if Gu Qianxue brought the new medicine or other. Unconsciously, the atmosphere of the unknown center has changed.

Without the previous depression and sorrow, it was replaced with hope and lightness.

That feeling is like the breeze after a storm, and more like the dawn after night.

Suddenly, the first smoke in the room ran out like crazy, and his expression was excited and impatient. "The master! Master, he... the temperature has dropped!"

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