Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

744, Interrogation 1

Everyone was shocked.

"What, this is your handwriting, and your handsome seal?" Although he was skeptical before, Gu Qianxue was willing to believe that Yuan Zhao was wronged. "Grandpa, look carefully, some people have imitated human handwriting." Ability."

Marshal Zhao carefully looked again, and his voice was deeper, "I will not mistake it, these are indeed my handwriting, and this handsome seal will not be fake, except for some difficult to copy, it is also passed down by our Zhao family ancestors. The secret is unknown to outsiders."

Qian Xue was confused, "That is to say... Grandpa was not wronged, and indeed colluded with Chu Yanguo, is it?"

The news was so shocking that even Lu Weilou looked at them.

"The handwriting and handsome seal are true, but I don't remember when I wrote it." Zhao Yuanshuai said.

Gu Qianxue burned hope again in his heart, "Is my grandfather under control?"

Marshal Zhao nodded slowly, "This situation is not ruled out."

Although he is not familiar with Marshal Zhao, Qian Xue somehow trusted him, "There is no place other than Chu Yanguo for such an overbearing poison. Chu Yanguo’s poison is overbearing, but it has a drawback that requires a lot of and sustained Sex medicine can achieve the effect of medicine, that is to say, the possibility of secret drug poisoning is eliminated, and it is all blatant poisoning. For example, those days ago, those gangsters forced their grandfather to take drugs."

Qian Xue explained to everyone.

Everyone was a little relieved. I would like to ask, if Chu Yanguo's poison is really overbearing and unpredictable, will Chu Yanguo dominate the world sooner or later?

"So, Grandpa must answer my questions seriously," Qian Xue said seriously. "Have you ever taken medicine before the incident? Medicinal diet is also considered, as long as it is medicine, you must tell me!"

Zhao Yuanshuo's complexion has long changed, but he kept silent.

"Grandpa, this is about your innocence. The Zhao family has been loyal for generations. Don't discredit the reputation of the Zhao family because of your temporary kindness!" Qian Xue said anxiously.

Finally, Field Marshal Zhao nodded slowly, "Before the incident, I was taking medicine, because the root cause of the disease when I was young, and the leg hurts very much when I changed seasons. A veteran medical doctor Chai Xianan who followed me for decades It prescribed me a prescription for pain relief."

"Chai Xian'an?" Qian Xue narrowed his eyes and remembered the name in his heart. "Will there be other symptoms during the medication?"

Marshal Zhao thought back carefully, and then said, "There are no symptoms, but once, the eyes are dark, there is a kind of dizziness... Isn't it...?"

"Yes, it should be the medicine." Gu Qianxue suddenly thanked Princess Ceylon for poisoning her. If it were not for that time, how would she know that there is such a weird poison in this world? How could you know all the signs of poisoning.

"Are you going to find Chai Xian'an?" Zhao Yuanshuai asked, "Chai military doctor has followed me for more than thirty years, it was your mother who grew up watching him, it would never be him!"

Gu Qianxue said calmly, "Grandpa, don't worry, I won't blame a good person, but I won't let go of any bad guys." The idea was in my mind, "Grandpa, take good care of your body, it's still like that. Just be confused."

Tonight, it is destined to be an unstable night.

A group of people went out of Kanto City prison and returned to Qingtengzhai.

Gu Qianxue had to admire Lu Weilou. I really don’t know what method he used to make the guarded prison and his party almost flat. But now is not the time to care about such unimportant things.

He took out a pile of letters and handed them to Lu Weilou, "Thank you, Lord Lu, no matter who you are entrusted by, I have written down this situation, and if you have the opportunity, you will be fine."

Lu Weilou received the letter, glanced at it, unanswered, and had no politeness.

After confirming that the letter was correct, it was handed over to the side of the dead, "Look for someone to send it back."

Too grateful to grind his teeth, only to feel that the master of Qianxue County played them like a fool!

They are **** towers that are frightening!

But the Lord was supreme, and he never dared to make trouble. He picked two martial artists who knew the route well and distributed the mission. Soon, two shadow-like killers disappeared in the courtyard.

"Lord Lord, I still have something to ask for." Qian Xue said.

Lu Weilou nodded, "Looking for Chai Xian'an?"

"Exactly." Gu Qianxue replied.

"Just from this seat has been ordered," said Lu Weilou, looking at the courtyard. "After a while, these people should be able to bring them in."

these people? Isn’t there only one person?

Just when Gu Qianxue was puzzled, he looked at the door violently, and then respectfully respected Lu Weilou, "Lord, let's answer."

"Go." Lu Weilou also got up and slowly walked to the window.

Gu Qianxue, Chu Yan and Wu Fei looked at each other, they all have a feeling-everything is in the hands of Xueyuelou, is it really just as simple as a killer organization?

In other words, this is the strength of the world's first killer organization.

A tea time, everyone came back.

Not only the killer of Blood Moon Tower, but also three people, one young and two young.

The three were thrown into the house, their hands and feet were tied, and they knelt on the ground. The cloth tucked in their mouths was pulled out, but their eyes were still blindfolded.

Gu Qianxue knows that human vision is the way to get the most sense of security. If the vision is restricted, it will make people uneasy and easily surrender.

A person with a smell of medicine on his body, who seemed to be in charge of the pharmacy's shopkeeper, just shouted when he was free.

But in an instant, he was strangled by his neck. "You are shouting in the wilderness here, and no one can hear you, but when you shout, I will cut a piece of meat on you. See if you shout too much, or You have a lot of flesh." He said, letting go.

The man dressed up in the pharmacy's shopkeeper coughed for a long while before he was relieved. He was almost scared and incontinent.

Kill chickens and monkeys.

With the first surrender, the latter two are naturally obedient.

Lu Weilou said slowly, "These three are Chai Xian'an, a military doctor who follows Marshal Zhao. One is Chai Xian'an's apprentice, and the other is the pharmacy shopkeeper who specializes in providing drugs for Marshal Zhao. Everyone is here. ."

After that, he walked to a chair next to him, slender and graceful in every move, like a killer demon.

Qianxue nodded, looking at the trembling three people, "Come, Chai Xian'an stays, the other two, one in the kitchen and one in the fire room."

Wu Fei stepped forward, grabbed one of them and walked towards the kitchen.

Chu Yan didn't worry about leaving Gu Qianxue alone beside Lu Weilou, so he didn't move, so he lacked a helper.

Lu Weilou looked at Jue, and he felt hatred in his heart, so he summoned a killer and went to tell Qian Xue.

Soon, only Chai Xianan was in the room.

Qian Xue didn't speak quickly, but closed her eyes for a long moment.

Lu Weilou also sat quietly, as if watching a play.

Qian Xue opened her eyes slowly, and she had figured out the way of interrogation.

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