Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

786, approach

Gu Qianxue was very acquainted. Although she wanted to know the content of the conversation between the two, she obediently left the room and followed the dumb to the ground, her cell.

Obviously, the dumb man was very happy and kept using signs-can you really cure the master's disease? you are fantastic! Master said it would be great not to kill you, we can be together every day in the future! What do you want, I'll go find you outside! Do you like beautiful clothes? Do you like rouge? I'll buy it for you.

Qian Xue smiled, "Ya, don't worry, I really need you to help me find things, but it's not clothes and rouge. Don't disturb me, let me think about it."

The dumb man knew that Gu Qianxue had to think about how to dispense the medicine for his son, so he obediently went out.

Gu Qianxue took the paper and pen and started planning.

Two hours later, the closed door opened.

Gong Lingan entered, and was almost startled when he saw Gu Qianxue.

I saw Gu Qianxue lying on the ground, which was covered with paper.

Some of the paper was torn and some was crumpled, but when you looked closely, you could see that the first batch of paper was torn and the latter batch was torn. At the end, Gu Qianxue didn’t even tear or knead. Xianxin, threw it aside.

"What are you doing?" I couldn't help asking.

"Go out, don't bother me!" Without looking up, Gu Qianxue shouted back, his voice full of irritability.

Gong Lingan pulled a corner of her mouth and couldn't move forward, stepping on the foot with Gu Qianxue's writing hand, "Do you want to die?"

Gu Qianxue just remembered that she was a prisoner.

At two hours, she mobilized almost all the knowledge reserves of modern times. She wanted to use the simplest method to make zinc sulfate or zinc gluconate, but she found that it was difficult.

No matter how complicated the purification and production methods are, the first thing is to find the element zinc.

Zinc mainly exists in the form of sulfide in nature. The most important ores of zinc are sphalerite ZnS, Rhodochrosite ZnCO3 and red zinc ore ZnO. Zinc ores often coexist with lead, copper, cadmium, etc., becoming polymetallic ores, the most common Is lead-zinc mine.

Not to mention how to refine it, only to say, where to find these ores? Geological exploration, she... really not!

This is to kill her, she will not!

If you can't find zinc ore, you can't extract zinc, you can't make zinc sulfate or zinc gluconate, do you need tonic?

Although food supplements are effective, but the effect is... cough, very little.

When the trace elements in the body are lost to a certain extent, it is difficult to achieve the effect by simple food supplement or the effect is very slow.

Gong Lingan saw Gu Qianxue fall into contemplation again, and a nameless fire burst into his heart. He took the shoes from her hands and prepared to pick them up.

Once Gu Qianxue's hands were free, he wrote again on the paper:




Then he sighed again and shook his head, looking very frustrated.

Gong Lingan was about to grab her collar and paused. Then she looked at it and squatted down. She reached for a few pieces of paper and covered it with such strange symbols. "What did you write?"

"Chemical reaction formula." Qian Xue resigned.

"Chemical reaction formula?" Gong Lingan couldn't understand, "Tell me."

Gu Qianxue, who has become a Frankenstein, has the intention to teach people from junior high school chemistry? Very impatiently, "Don't really quarrel me, don't interrupt my thinking."

Gong Ling got angry, "Gu Qianxue, do you know who you are talking to?"

Gu Qianxue also got angry, "Shut up if you want to live."


Qianxue raised his head and sneered, "Do you know the consequences of the body's zinc deficiency? Let's not talk about the problem of baldness in the future, your X function may also be affected. Of course, you don't plan to become a parent, but if you continue this way, your The liver and kidneys continue to deteriorate and they will die."


In a word, someone really shut up.

It’s just not because of fear.

Gong Lingan simply sat on the ground, leaning her back on a chair, resting one hand on her lap, and the other hand on the ground, looking at her with messy hair in front of her, with her face written like a stranger. Woman.

"No... or no... No matter what method is used to extract it... and zinc is very likely to be fused with lead, don't end up supplementing zinc to cause lead poisoning. Sure enough... Just knowing the principle is not good, if I learn Chemistry or student medicine, there may be a way." Gu Qianxue threw the pen and covered his face with his hands. "Is there really no way?"

By now, Gong Lingan finally knew what Gu Qianxue was embarrassed.

He chuckled aloud, because he didn't know when he was going to die, and he didn't know whether he was downplaying everything, or whether someone was so worried about his life that he was comforted.

"Gu Qianxue." He called softly.

Gu Qianxue was still ignorant, and his brain was flying.

"Hello." He leaned forward and reached out and pushed her gently.

"What?" She finally responded.

Gong Lingan lightly concealed her lips and a pair of bright eyes with a smile, "Don't embarrass yourself so much, life and death have life and prosperity."

Gu Qianxue, who has gradually broken away from the chemical formula, has also calmed down. "If everyone is your kind of thinking, medicine does not need to move forward, and society does not have to continue to move forward."

"..." Gong Lingan was speechless, his comfort was still wrong? "Well, whatever you want, I don't want to kill you, you want to kill yourself."

Qian Xue smiled, "It's just a little more embarrassing, that's why it's the limit, it's not terrible... wait!"

Qian Xue's voice stopped abruptly, because a new inspiration appeared in his mind.

After all, this world is different from modern China. There are many things that cannot be explained by modern knowledge, such as martial arts, such as various poisons.

Well, pathology pharmacology is solved with modern medicine, but in terms of treatment, can we combine the characteristics of this era.

The biggest difference between medicine and modern times in this era is medicine...

"Should I return?" Gu Qianxue narrowed his eyes and smiled slowly on the beautiful little face.

And Gong Lingan was stunned, "Should I return? Why?"

Qianxue laughed, "What do you want to eat for dinner?"

"..." Gong Lingan stared at her, but didn't answer, because he knew she was asking, not a recipe.

"In food, lean meat, pork liver, seafood, etc. are rich in zinc, and if it is simply tonic, the effect is too small, but if the urging agent is used, will it be better? Must be returned..." Qian Xue moved his nose. "It seems to have a mint flavor. It should be good for frying pork liver."

"..." Gong Lingan thought it was strange when he had to return when he was eating vegetables. "It's wrong... right?"

Qian Xue shrugged, "You can't taste it anyway, eat it."

"..." Gong Lingan.

Gu Qianxue added a sentence, "Tell you the unfortunate news, starting today, you can no longer eat chili."

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