Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

805, the feeling of home

Gu Qianxue once read a report when he was in college. The modern children who learn English are all learning from the words "mother" and "daddy". If in China, the third word is "grandpa".

Although it is related to external stimulation or education, it is actually the development of the vocal cords and oral muscles of young children.

The words "Mom" and "Dad" hardly need the help of the tongue, and from the word "Grandpa", the tongue should cooperate with the mouth; the word "Grandma" has a higher requirement for the tongue to cooperate with the mouth. As for "grandma, grandpa, grandpa, grandma, grandmother, grandfather", it becomes more complicated.

Gu Qianxue had a bold idea-can he train dumb slaves as young children?

She is not an expert in early childhood education, and she has never taken any related courses. Everything is based on anatomical principles for speculation and exploration. She is ready to experiment.

The dumb slave of unknown reason is preparing to arrange the dining table, but was pulled down by Gu Qianxue and sat down.

"Ya, I will let you do whatever you want, will you?"

The dumb nodded.

"Look at my mouth, follow my pronunciation, ah--" Qianxue opened his mouth wide and made the sound of "ah".

This voice is not difficult for dumb slaves.

"Ah -" Dumb is also pronounced.

Qianxue nodded, "Continue to look at my mouth, especially my lips, mua, mua." It is not a direct voice of "?", but a form of popping sound.

The dumb was not very precise at first, and soon could easily make the sound of "mua".

"Now, bua, bua."

The mute also pronounced "bua".

In fact, dumb slaves don’t understand what “mua” and “bua” mean. After all, Chu Yanguo’s name for mother is mother, mother, mother, and father’s name is father, father, father.

"Well, continue to say, you have to be proficient." Gu Qianxue said seriously.

Although the dumb did not understand the reason why Gu Qianxue suddenly asked her to say these pronunciations, she was also a clever girl, guessing that this was part of "treatment", and immediately began to execute meticulously.

So, all the afternoon in the house was spent in the voices of dumb "mua" and "bua".

The dumb men cleaned the room with bowls and brushes, and Gu Qianxue ran to the huge cloakroom and started looking for cloth.

She is also looking for materials similar to modern rain-proof silk to avoid poisoning her skin. It is best to find something that can be used as an air bag and use it as an oxygen cylinder.

Looking around, Gu Qianxue really found such a dress.

I found a sewing kit and was about to modify the clothes, but the dumb slave came in, "Dad" "Mom".

Practice makes perfect. After groping for an afternoon, the dumb girl found a way to express her voice without using a blasting sound. In fact, it was a coincidence.

Not to mention dumb slaves, children who are babbling are all groping for this method.

Gu Qianxue turned around, covering up the panic in her eyes, and replaced it with calmness, and smiled, "Ya said very well. Next, let's try the word grandpa." Then he started to demonstrate and correct it. Pronunciation and oral posture come.

The word "grandpa" can be regarded as a milestone in the linguistics stage. Since the word starts, the tongue is used.

The dumb man couldn't tell. No matter how it was pronounced, it was a "um" voice, sweating with anxiety.

Qian Xue was not in a hurry, "There is a good way."

The dumb eyes lit up.

Gu Qianxue pulled the dumb out of the yard and pointed to the sun that was gradually setting in the sky. "You have to stare at the pronunciation of the sun, it will be much easier."

Suddenly realized, the slave really started practicing against the sunset.

Gu Qianxue turned back to the cloakroom.

So, is there a scientific basis for practicing pronunciation in the sun?

Gu Qianxue said: There is a fart!

This is just a way for her to open the dumb slave. Taking advantage of the time of the dumb slave to practice, she began to split the stitches, modified the good skirt into two trouser legs, and repeatedly stitched many times to ensure that This underwear is breathless and can be used as a balloon.

So busy, it was evening.

Gu Qianxue still cooks and cooks, and continues to be her cook, and the dumb has successfully said "Grandpa".

I thought I was too excited because I could control my voice for the first time, and the dumb can’t stop at all, whether it’s wiping the table or making tea, whether it’s like a little bee who needs to help in the kitchen, or serving food back and forth. "Grandpa, Grandpa" kept calling.

Finally, Gong Lingan, who was going to have dinner, did not think, "Gu Qianxue, why do dumb slaves always call this grandfather?"

Gu Qianxue smiled, "She not only called grandpa, but also mom and dad, but you didn't hear it." As he said, he used chopsticks to grab a vinegar and shredded potato shreds into Gong Lingan's bowl, "Come and try Taste, what is the taste of this dish."

Sweet and bitter, today she deliberately prepared all four flavors.

"Vinegar, sour." Gong Lingan said lightly, calm tone, disguising the waves in his heart. "You mean, can the dumb talk?"

Qian Xue smiled and nodded, "Yes, in fact, she is also stiff limbs, because she was too young when she was poisoned, and I don’t know the reason for the yin and yang. This poison did not spread all over the body, only gathered in the tongue. , So I can't pronounce it," said, looking at the dumb slave who was unable to eat, and ran to the courtyard to practice pronunciation against the setting sun, his voice sinking.

"Gong Lingan, do you know, I have a wish."

Gong Lingan was interested, "Oh? Tell me." No matter what she wants, he will help her find it.

Gu Qianxue's face was cold, looking at the figure of the dumb in the courtyard outside the door, "My wish is to destroy the cult, destroy these poisons! Let all those who use poisons be scorned or even chased by people, just like rats crossing the street. Everyone shouts, I don’t want to see so many innocent people poisoned again."

Gong Lingan raised his brow slightly, "Is it because of Marshal Zhao, or because of Princess Qin, or because of the dumb slave?"

"Because everyone!" Gu Qianxue's voice grew deeper, with a hint of hatred.

Gong Lingan lowered her eyes and lifted her thin lips slightly, "Okay, this seat is down."

Gu Qianxue heard this sentence, but she didn't believe it at all. She didn't believe it. Gong Lingan, who had become a cult leader, could do something good.

She understands human nature too much. There is no absolute justice in people's hearts, and justice in people's hearts is under the condition of not damaging interests.

This is like, people hate corrupt officials, but once they become officials with power in their hands, very few people can achieve a breeze, and they even sniff at anti-corruption actions.

This is human nature.

Human nature is greed.

How did Gu Qianxue think that Gong Lingan really did it one day, but for her, these are just words.

Dinner continued, Gong Lingan and Gu Qianxue were silent.

"Gu Qianxue, do you know why I kept you here, and why should I come here to eat?" Gong Lingan asked suddenly.

"Because of the treatment." Qian Xue answered without thinking.

Gong Lingan smiled, "It's just one part, the other part, here, I can feel at home."

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