Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

808, airbag for two

After taking the medicine and putting on protective clothing, Gu Qianxue began his escape career.

Although it has an air bag, it will accelerate blood circulation and increase the frequency of breathing when using light power. Without a modern oxygen bottle, the small air bag will inhale about 50 times at most, that is, if Gu Qianxue really uses it The three-legged cat kung fu jumped and absorbed the airbag before reaching the summit.

As a result, Gu Qianxue was put on the back by Lu Weilou like a sack and tied with a rope.

Lu Weilou's light skills are extremely superb, and the cornices are walking on the ground, looking for footholds on the walls and the mountain, and jumped to the top of the mountain in less than two minutes.

But this is only the beginning of danger.

Below the cliff and within the tortoise forest, there is almost no danger. As long as you walk on the path, don't deliberately step into the poisonous grass yard.

But the mountains are different.

This mountain was originally a mountain where poisons converged. It has been in operation for hundreds of years. In order to protect the tortoiseshell forest, it was cultivated by the meditation and many poisons were put into it.

If Gu Qianxue, who was tied to Lu Weilou's back two minutes ago, still had some shyness and tweaks, at this time two minutes later, except for the pupil doubled, he was terrified.

The melancholy permeated, if smoke, it had nothing to do with fairyland.

The trees in the woods withered, but the poisonous vines were entangled in the tree like parasites, visible to the naked eye, the poisonous vines stretched the branches and leaves slightly, but not because of the wind, or that there was no wind in the entire forest, but the branches were real Move yourself.

They are tempting flying birds and small animals, as long as they encounter any of these foods, they will suddenly wrap them with a lot of branches, and at the same time release toxins and digestive juice.

These are what Gu Qianxue saw in the book.

Poison vines are extremely toxic, and meditation people use its juice to make poison.

Lu Weilou pointed at the point of his foot, looking for a foothold, and cleverly avoided the poisonous vines on the book.

Gu Qianxue suddenly had a hunch that he must have suffered from poisonous vines.

Looking down, it's okay if I don't look, I almost spit out my heart from my mouth after seeing it.

I saw that on the ground, in addition to all kinds of poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers, there are also nauseating viper centipedes and unspeakable poisons.

Because of the lack of food in the mountains, various poisons swallow each other.

If it is said that raising poison is the elimination of poisons and eventually forming the most poisonous substance, then this poisonous mountain is a natural breeding ground. For hundreds of years, various poisons have been swallowed up and eliminated each other, and then Breeding, its toxicity has long been tens or hundreds of times more toxic than the outside poison.

Lu Weilou's toxicity was not completely solved, and now he is burdened by a large living person and is very strenuous.

Gu Qianxue could feel his back undulating continuously. Although he tried his best to delay breathing, the frequency of using air bags was also increasing.

Full of heart moved.

At this moment, Gu Qianxue had forgotten that the man who was carrying him had killed the dark guard sent to him by Su Lingxiao, and also forgot that she was the killer leader of the evil ambition, only remembering that she was her own life-saving benefactor.

Regardless of whether she is employed or paid for by money, she must keep this in mind.

Gu Qianxue sucked in the airbag, then stretched his hand in the direction of the nose of his mask, attached it to his ear, and said gently, "Suck my airbag, I don't have the amount of activity, I can't use so much." Breathing is a good method Things, now she has learned to use, she can control her breathing.

Lu Weilou was stunned. He only felt the warm, warm gas next to his ears. Although he didn't smell much with the mask, he felt an inexplicable fragrance.

Suddenly, the blood was rushing, and the gas he was carrying was almost vented.

Gu Qianxue felt a body and the two fell down. "Lord Lord, are you okay?"

But in the next moment, he had regained his balance and lifted his breath, and then took two breaths in the air bag she handed.

......It only needed a mouthful, but the blood was running too fast and needed more air.

It can be said that Gu Qianxue had helped, and Lu Weilou was even more miserable after doing so.

Lu Weilou's head was thinly sweaty, because he felt that his back was soft and two balls.

"..." Lu Weilou.

Gu Qianxue was unconscious, "Lord Lord, otherwise you put me down, I think you have reached the limit, I..."

"Shut up!" Finally, Lu Weilou could not bear it.

"...Oh." Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes, kindly regarded as donkey liver and lungs, the man really can't get used to it.

In this way, Lu Weilou was forced to inhale two more airbags, completely to suppress his animal desire.

At this point, it was already near the center of the mountain.

There are only two and a half bags left in the airbag.

Gu Qianxue took a small bite and tried to get rid of misunderstandings.

In modern times, a kind of equipment-free mountaineering activity is very popular in the mountaineering industry. It is extremely dangerous. For example, not carrying an oxygen bottle to climb Everest, it is a challenge to the limit of the human body.

One of the most commonly used methods for mountaineering without equipment is to empty the brain.

Scientific experiments have shown that when people think about problems, they need to consume more oxygen. Similarly, reducing thinking can also reduce oxygen demand.

Gu Qianxue slowly closed his eyes and vented his brain.

Sure enough, the thirst for breathing was less intense.

She wants to save more oxygen for Lu Weilou.

At this time, the two were near the foot of the mountain.

The sky is getting brighter, not only because of the light, but also because the forest is getting thinner, Gu Qianxue slowly opened his eyes.

It's okay not to watch, almost screaming after seeing it.

"Lord Lord, that can't be stepped on!"

Lu Weilou was shocked and quickly raised his breath.

If you look closely, it is a stone, but a poisonous toad with a big washbasin.

Lu Weilou was frightened by the cold sweat. This big toad was the first time he saw it. His tongue was purple.

But after winning this crisis, he encountered another crisis.

Qinggong is not flying after all. Although it is worthy of jumping, there must be a foothold sooner or later, the ground is blurred, and there are various poisons moving, and I dare not step on the ground. I can only put the foothold on the tree. Fortunately, he is closest to him. There is no poisonous vine on a tree.

Lu Weilou touched the tree with his toes, but the dead tree was already dead but could not bear the weight. After tearing it, he fell down.

The tree fell down, the problem was that the viper that was resting on the branch was shaken.

In this way, a viper landed on Lu Weilou.

Lu Weilou took a breath when he saw the poisonous snake.

The viper was shocked, extremely violent, and bit down on the neck of the dangerous building.

Lu Weilou gritted his teeth and prepared to withstand the toxicity, but did not.

Lu Weilou turned back, only to find that her arm was wrapped around his neck, and the snake bit her like this.

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