Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

833, with CP?

It is bound to be inefficient to receive only one official at a time, but how many if at the same time? If some of the questions asked overlap, and several people enter the study room together, will the office hours be shortened?

Of course, the best way is to gather all the officials like the emperor's "early dynasty" and solve them together.

But in this ancient place where rules and regulations are everywhere, violation of the system is a big thing. After all, the behavior of pretending to be X like the early dynasty can only be enjoyed by the emperor throughout the country.

No one dared to imitate the emperor, after all, it was called rebellion.

At the same time, there are many more decisions, and it is not convenient for other officials except the officials concerned to listen.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Qianxue recorded the serial numbers and problems of some subsequent officials, and used 121 officials. Each person had between 2 and 6 or 7 questions. For small problems, Gu Qianxue directly Dismissed back.

When the No. 5 official came out of Li Wang's study with satisfaction, and the guard was about to continue to "call the number", Gu Qianxue stopped it, and then he entered the study holding the record book in the eyes of everyone.

Before putting aside, the two looked at each other through the window (glare). This was the first time in a few months that the two had actually faced each other, but Gu Qianxue had no sense of strangeness.

This feeling is as if the two had just met a few days ago.

Whether it is Qianxue or Li Wang.

Li Qian saw Gu Qianxue coming into the study, Jian Mei raised a little, "This King can't remember, you are a land official."

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes, "I am looking for you to be serious," said, and stepped forward to place the booklet on Li Wang's table. "Look, here, here, the questions asked by these officials overlap, and some others There are also overlaps, see here and here." One by one pointed out.

Wang Li looked down and nodded. "So, do you want to call the people who have the same problem together to deal with it?"

Gu Qianxue nodded.

"What if some replies are not convenient for another person to listen to?" Li Wang deliberately made things difficult.

Gu Qianxue glanced again, "Write it down! They wouldn't peek out of their necks?"

When Li Wang heard it, it was also a way, "Okay, just do what you said."

"Okay, just have your sentence. Just take a break, and I'll punch the list again." Gu Qianxue held the booklet and went out.

However, Li Wang’s handsome face has a little more cramp, "Can this king be understood as, you care about this king?"

Gu Qianxue didn't return her head, she just shrugged her shoulders. "As you think, I just think that if the officials are waiting for the approval of the great His Royal Highness, but you have urgency, it's not good."


Before someone gets angry, Gu Qianxue has slipped.

Nonsense, don't slip, waiting to be beaten?

Li Wang beat her up, and the scene was still vivid.

Gu Qianxue worked at speed, sorted out the problems that overlapped and overlapped, and rearranged them.

And Li Wang took the opportunity to stand up from the table case, reached out and rubbed his sore neck, moved his stiff joints, and drank a cup of warm tea.

If she didn't come, his life was really hard.

After Yixiang's time, the new order has been sorted out.

Gu Qianxue summoned all the officials to the front, and then released a timetable. This time officials with overlapping priority issues will be followed by the serial number.

Although the officials were anxious, they also knew that there was only one King Li, and it would be bad if they were used badly.

Soon, with the exception of some officials who were about to be summoned, other officials were brought into the guest room to rest, not to speak.

The courtyard of the study was brightly lit.

After arranging all the serial numbers, Gu Qianxue laid back and walked around in the courtyard. He would look at the statue-like first smoke for a while, and then look at the Junan who peeped at the first smoke from time to time. Years of calm feeling.

It was late at night, and with Li Wang's extremely high work efficiency, more and more officials finished their official duties and were escorted away by the Wangfu people in a carriage.

The moon in the sky is very large and very clear. From time to time there are insects and birds singing around, which is very quiet.

For the matter of Kanto City, there is no more concern, that feeling is like seeing the dawn of victory. Maybe because "he" is out, she is no longer worried.

Suddenly, a cough came from the study.

It's Li Wang.

Throughout the day's uninterrupted work, Li Wang's voice was very hoarse.

Shao Gongzheng wanted to tell the girls to make tea, but Gu Qianxue stopped it, "I'm coming."

Grandpa Shao hurriedly said, "How can I make the county take the initiative with only one tea?" But he thought, if this tea is made by the county master, the prince must like to drink it.

When Chu Yan saw that Gu Qianxue was leaving, he immediately followed. Jun'an also sent a ghost to the past, but was stopped by Duke Shao.

"Where is this gentleman, Master?" Grandpa Shao asked curiously, without finding him tired.

Junan immediately shook his head like a thief, "No, no, nowhere, I... take a walk."

On the other side, under the guidance of the maidservant, Gu Qianxue went to the kitchen.

The cook on duty in the kitchen was drowsy. When he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful fairy girl, and quickly rubbed his eyes. "Oh, didn't I see the fairy?"

I saw a girl wearing a moon-white long skirt, a silk inner skirt, and a tulle outer skirt on the outside. The moonlight almost shone on her body, and her facial features were exquisite to the extreme, especially her eyes, which were blinded at first glance A layer of mist, but when you look at it, it is clear and water-like, and looks like a soul.

The maid hurriedly said, "No, this is the Qian Xuejun who was sealed by the emperor."

Only then did everyone realize it, and they asked to kneel together.

"You don't have to be cautious in the middle of the night. If it's convenient, lend me the kitchen," Qianxue sighed and mumbled, "The master is fake, the cook is real."

Everyone quickly gave up their positions, but they couldn't help but marvel at their hearts, but they were so approachable and unassuming in the high position. see. The country of Qianxue County is beautiful, and Li Wangwentao’s military strategy, will there be any sparks?

Gu Qianxue, who is looking at the ingredients, naturally did not know that she had been secretly equipped with CP by a group of kings, and she was looking for something that was good for her throat.

Suddenly, Luo Han Guo was discovered.

In order to determine whether it is Luo Han Guo, she opened it and tasted it, and even asked the maid, after confirming, she started to make it.

Luo Han Guo tastes sweet and cool, and it can return to the lungs and the large intestine meridian. It has the effects of moistening lungs and relieving cough.

Boil the grosvenor grosvenori, add white fungus, lotus seeds and red dates at the same time, boil it into a soup, and then add ice cubes.

Gu Qianxue scooped out some into the small bowl and tasted it, "It's not bad." Then, he filled another bowl for Chu Yan, "You also taste it."

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