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836, who depends on whose bed

After sending off the first smoke, Gu Qianxue undressed and went to bed, lying down comfortably.

I thought it would turn the insomnia on the opposite side, and anyone who knew the head was on the pillow immediately fell asleep.

Facts have proved that the so-called insomnia caused by heart trouble is still because the body is not tired enough, and find a place to run dozens of kilometers, it is good!

When I woke up the next day, it was almost noon.

Opening my eyes, I saw that Chu Yan was standing in front of her bed with vigour and energy. "Jiu Yan, why don't you call me?" It was really embarrassing and humiliating. Everyone in the royal palace knew she was a lazy sleeper. The master of Qianxue County is gone.

Perhaps sleep lazyness is synonymous with "personality" in modern times, but in Nanyue Kingdom it is laziness.

Gu Qianxue is also a good-looking person. He is not afraid of being embarrassed at home, but he is still depressed when he is embarrassed.

"Back to the county master, the slave-servant saw you sleeping soundly and couldn't bear to wake you up." Chu Yan answered truthfully.

Gu Qianxue did it and sighed helplessly, "I... forget it, what about King Li?"

"I don't know the slave-in-law, I should be in the study." When Chu Yan saw Gu Qianxue got up, he took the clothes.

At this moment, the maidservants who had been staying outside the door for a whole morning opened up, some went to fetch water, some took towels, etc., they could vaguely hear the whispers of the maidservants outside the door, "Master Qianxue County can get up Now, the sun is in the ass."

Gu Qianxue did not deliberately overhear other people's whispers, it was because Lu Weilou was implanted into the mother gold, and his hearing was very sensitive.

"Sister, do you want to bathe?" Chu Yan asked.

"No." Qianxue got dressed and put on shoes to open the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I was hitting the girls.

The ladies asked for peace, brought hot water, and waited for the grooming without mentioning it. Gu Qianxue refused the meals with no breakfast and no lunch, and quickly walked to Li Wang's study with the first smoke.

When arriving, there were not many officials guarding the door, only three or two.

This means that the official business in the morning has been finished by Li Wang.

——This guy, did you sleep?

Qianxue looked inward cautiously.

"Come in."

Before she could see the situation in the study, she heard the voice of Li Wang.

The voice is slightly hoarse, but overall it is much better than yesterday.

When Gu Qianxue entered the study, he saw five officials besides Li Wang.

The official saw the situation and hurriedly got up to ask him for peace, but before Gu Qianxue politely asked the officials to be courteous, someone said lazily after hearing the case, "It's really early to get up."

Gu Qianxue knew that Li Li was deliberately mocking her, "Li Wang is really old, and he has reached the forgetful age. The master of this county has always been up late, have you forgotten?" Then he deliberately increased the volume to let people outside the house She can hear her sarcasm. "People can't do it all the time, but His Royal Highness Don't be afraid, eating more nuts and other nut foods can delay aging."

The five officials are in misery-Honorable Qianxue County Master, you want to mock the King Li, wait until we all go out, do you mock? This is easy to implicate innocent!

The five people peeped to look at Li Wang, fearing that the lord was really angry, and the five of them would not benefit.

But I saw that Li Wang was not angry, but raised his eyebrows slightly, with a playful corner of his lips.

"In this way, Ben Wang really remembered, you really don't have the habit of getting up early," the smile on the corner of the lips is deeper, and there is a trace of evil spirits, "Ben Wang remembers coming back early many times, you are still asleep, Dominate the king's bed."


The five of them took a deep breath and immediately raised their ears, as if they had captured some incredible secret.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Qian Xue suddenly turned red, looking nervously at the people around her.

King Li came to show his interest, "Ben Wang bullshit? Otherwise, call Gong Gonggong to stand up, are you going to get up on three poles in the sun, and Ben Wang returned to the palace early in the morning to see that you are still lazy in bed."

Yes, this is true!

The matter goes back to the time when she was forced to stay in Li Wang's courtyard.

This time, everyone outside the house heard, whispering outside the house, although the officials inside the house were not embarrassed to start a discussion immediately, but then it was necessary to find a place to talk to a few brothers.

It turned out that the relationship between the prince and Qianxue County Master was such that it is no wonder that the lord was as rude to the lord yesterday, and the lord was not angry.

Gu Qianxue had the feeling of stealing chickens and not killing rice, "Can you shut up!" she angered.

King Li shrugged. "If the king shut up, how would he handle official business?"

Gu Qianxue glared at him fiercely, turned around and left, "First smoke, let's go."

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, "Master, are you out of the study?"

Qianxue only wished to bite someone alive, "If you are gone, you will be ashamed of death, walk around!"

"Yes, County Master." Chu Yan immediately followed Gu Qianxue.

Junan, whose face has been swollen a lot, has regained her beautiful face, but she is not attentive, and her eyes have left with the first smoke.

In the study, Li Wang saw Gu Qianxue leave, and he was relieved.

He looked pale and stretched his hands to gently touch his throat. Why is he suddenly embarrassed to care about Qianxue? There is a reason!

"Come here."

Instead of continuing to deal with the official duties of the officials, they called the next person.

"The minions are here." Grandpa Shao hurried in and ran in. "What did the prince tell?"

Li Wang covered his throat, "Let the doctor find a recipe, he must heal the king's throat immediately without mistakes."

"Yes, Lord." Grandpa Shao immediately turned to find the doctor.

When Grandpa Shao left, Li Wang still looked deep, but fortunately, Gu Qianxue didn't pay attention to his voice because of his anger, otherwise it would be difficult to hear the clues.

Fortunately, she left.

In the room, Gu Qianxue frowned, "First smoke, just now... did you hear?" asked cautiously.

"Back to the county master, the slave-maid heard." Chu Yan answered truthfully.

"..." Gu Qianxue only felt dark in front of his eyes, "You... what did you hear? How much did you hear?" The voice trembled.

The tone of the smoke at the beginning was still calm, "Go back to the master and hear King Li say that he didn't get up until he came back early, depending on his bed."

Gu Qianxue covered her face, "What about other people? Did anyone hear you besides you?"

"Back to the county master, the entire yard should have heard it."

Gu Qianxue has a desire to be dizzy, "I... I... I go to bed for a while, and you take a break for the first smoke."

Chu Yan asked anxiously, "Isn't the master going around in the city?"

Gu Qianxue almost shouted, "Don't turn! My face is completely lost. Who knows if it will be accidentally thrown to the whole city? I found that the guy's fiefs didn't match my character, I don't go anywhere today , Just staying in the room, I will leave tomorrow! Never come back in this life!"

Chu Yan nodded, "Okay."

Gu Qianxue said that she did not leave the room for a whole day.

Chu Yan also accompanied him in the room, how could they think that Jun An ran many times and lingered outside the door for a long time.

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