Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Evil King Concubine: Doctor Hand Covering Sky

850, was fooled?

Gu Qianxue was suddenly dumb.

She knows the poison formula, working principle and detoxification methods of corpse puppetry, but she doesn't know what will happen if she stops the medicine halfway.

This one……

She couldn't make up her mind either.

If there was anger in the past, now it disappears without a trace.

"That is to say, Grandpa is not yours?" Gu Qianxue's voice was hesitant, but he didn't lose the anger.

The prince turned around and Bai Jingjunmei's cheeks were calm, "If you have to hate someone to trust your anger, you can hate this palace."

"..." So far, Gu Qianxue couldn't seem to hate.

Her mind is chaotic. Why did things go like this? Is the crown prince saying true or false? If it is false, he is so determined and calm, and clue evidence can be found in many aspects; if it is true, wouldn't she negate all her previous actions? In the past few months, she seems to have opened the mystery, but in fact it is a headless fly bumping?

"Qianxue," he stepped forward, the magnetic voice light as the evening breeze, with a bewitching taste, "How can this palace hurt you? How can I have the heart to hurt you?" said, holding her gently into his arms.

Gu Qianxue was shocked, "let go!" Struggling.

The prince was helpless and did not succeed.

"You remember, this palace will never hurt you, and this palace will always be there for you, waiting for you." Although he didn't hug him, he was close to her, and his lips were almost touching her ears. She could feel the heat from his breath.

A strong sense of frustration hit my mind, and that feeling seemed to be defeated.

Afterwards, the prince said something else, and Gu Qianxue didn't listen to it. The prince didn't let her until late at night.

The prince and his party left, and Gu Qianxue inexplicably took him to the entrance of Fuya, and kept watching him leave.

Then, the prince was very gentle and full of tenderness towards her.

The Prince's team left in a mighty way, but Gu Qianxue was still standing in front of the gate of the Fuya in a daze.

Her thoughts are still at war-is it really as the prince said? Did she wrong the crown prince? But a voice suddenly sounded in the bottom of my heart. The voice told her that things were not as simple as she thought, nor as big as the Prince said.

The voice at the bottom of my heart, Gu Qianxue could recognize, was King Li.

Not far away, Jun An looked at Gu Qianxue's lost soul, and was so angry that his face was blue and purple. My grandfather’s enemies are in love and love, if they are not in front of everyone, they must be embraced together. Hateful!"

Grandpa Shao hurriedly covered Junan's mouth, "You gentleman, you whisper, the lord will hear you! Furthermore, the lord and the prince really talk, but no one can prove that they are in love and love, and The prince wanted to hug the lord, but was rejected by the lord, so we looked at so many eyes." He said, his voice turned, full of disgust, "This kind of scum also deserves to be the prince? Bah! Give us our prince shoes Not qualified."

"Jun An."

A cold voice rang from behind Jun An.

Jun An was stunned, the disgust on his face disappeared immediately, and peach blossoms were almost flying out of his eyes. Shaving off Grandpa Shao's hand turned around like a pug, "Miss Smoke, what are you doing?"

Chu Yan's face was full of murderous, "Itchy hands, want to learn from you."

"Okay, okay." Junan nodded like garlic.

When the first smoke confronted Grandpa Shao, the voice was a little warmer. "Duke Shao, the county governor will take care of you for a while. When the first smoke goes, he will return."

"Ah? Oh... well, the first smoke girl walked slowly." What can Grandpa Shao say?

Immediately after that, Chu Yan grabbed Junan's collar and flew away with light power, just like pulling a bag of garbage.

Grandpa Shao looked up in the direction where the two disappeared, and muttered in his mouth, "Where is the discussion? Isn't it just to beat Junan? Let's just say, it seems that our family will stop, as if our family can It looks like it can be stopped. But Jun'an too, our lord is kind to the master, he looks down on him, and feels that the master is not good at all; and to Xiangyanyan girl, he has a soft bone... hey, really , Double standards!"

Withdrawing his gaze, Grandpa Shao looked at Gu Qianxue and sighed respectfully. "Master, it's getting late, go back and rest?"

Qianxue withdrew his gaze, and at the same time recovered his messy thoughts, "Okay, I'm tired of working for Father Shao tonight. After returning to Beijing, Qianxue will send a thank you."

Father Gong Shao rarely had money. "Oh, the master is too polite. Close the door. We are all a family. Don't say anything. Don't say anything. The master will go back to rest, or the prince will be distressed."

If it was in the past, Gu Qianxue will refute, but today he just nodded.

Coincidentally, just as Gu Qianxue and Grandpa Shao prepared to go back, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the gate. It turned out that Li Wang had returned.

Because of the emergency when he went out late at night, Li Wang did not take the carriage, and took a few people to ride to the place where the incident occurred.

King Li is still dressed in black. He only outlines some patterns with gold thread on the details such as the clothes and hangs to show the nobility of the royal family.

When he saw Gu Qianxue standing stunned at the door, he was shocked and immediately turned over and dismounted.

But Li Wang wouldn’t think that Gu Qianxue deliberately ran to wait for him to return to his house. The sword brows were tight and the stars narrowed slightly, "Send the prince away?"

"..." Gu Qianxue was a little embarrassed, but didn't know where the embarrassment came from. "...Well." There was a feeling of being caught.

King Li handed the reins to the guard behind him, and strode into the gate of the government office, "Go, go in."

"Oh." Qianxue replied in a hurry, and quickly followed Li Wang's feet into the government office.

Li Wang did not return to his room and went directly to the study. Gu Qianxue also followed somehow.

"Shangcha," Li Wang said impatiently as soon as he entered the study. "This King is thirsty."

Although the climate is cool at night, it is also a lot of sweat to toss this way.

Grandpa Shao hurriedly sent someone to make tea, leaving Li Wang and Qianxue in the study.

Looking at Gu Qianxue's spirit of not keeping his house, Li Wang raised his eyebrows, "Is it persuaded?"

"Ah?" Qian Xue froze, puzzled.

King Li sneered, "Ben Wang is asking you, was he convinced by the prince? Now, not only does the prince not know that he is wrong, he also thinks that the prince is suffering, forced, and also a pitiful person?"

"..." Qianxue choked, and I didn't know how to answer, because my heart was said.

Li Wang suddenly reached out and covered his face, his shoulders shook slightly.

Qian Xue was surprised, "You... what do you mean?"

King Li finally didn't hold back, and he laughed, "This King was right, you stupid woman!"

Gu Qianxue dumbfounded, "You mean... I was fooled by...?"

King Li hasn't laughed so much for a long time, "Hah, how about Wu Baiguan in the court? The prince can fight against Confucianism, not to mention you?"

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