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852, how to be responsible?

"Kill chickens and monkeys?" Gu Qianxue surprised.

Seeing that Gu Qianxue was interested, Wang Li, who was about to collect the pen, explained it, "Most of the prisoners in the big prison are wicked people. This group of people is willing to become free thugs as long as they get hints and add some benefits. It has nothing to do with this king."

Seeing Gu Qianxue listen carefully, King Li raised his eyebrows and continued, "The three hundred people who were detained were very hot, and the others outside the cell were terrified. After the three hundred people were released, they continued to be tied to the prison. In addition, three hundred people were arrested. The last three hundred people were still subject to atrocities in prison, while the earlier three hundred people continued to spread the situation and encounters in the prison under the question of curious people," the voice paused. In fact, there has been more constriction, "more rumors are more exaggerated, and you can rest assured that rumors will scare these four thousand people."

Gu Qianxue nodded, "I believe." This is psychological tactics, but also the smallest punishment for casualties.

"Zhu Ren first punishes the heart." Li Wang thin lips slightly opened, gently spit out such a sentence.

Gu Qianxue admired, "In any case, you don't kill them, I thank you."

King Li raised his eyebrows, "No need to thank, this king has always been a promise keeper. If you call Xiang Gong, this king will not kill."

"..." Gu Qianxue smiled bitterly, "Well, then you should call me."

Subsequently, the two had no more conversation.

There is another booklet next to Li Wang's table, which looks brand new. He reads the new book with ink on it and the old book, and instructs him with Zhubi from time to time.

Qianxue couldn't hold back again, and asked, "How many corrupt officials...?"

"Not many," Li Wang answered.

Gu Qianxue was relieved and relieved. "As for officials who have not greedy the law but have turned to the prince, what are you going to do about it?"

"Return to your original place and engage in your original job." Li Wang replied.

In other words, do not pursue their responsibilities.

"Thank you." Gu Qianxue sincerely.

"They are not grateful for this king, but you." Li Wang is still busy, but he chats with Gu Qianxue half-heartedly.

It was midnight and the evening breeze blew into the study, the atmosphere was quiet.

Li Wang is at work, Gu Qianxue is by his side, but like a red sleeve.

King Li raised his head and rubbed his stiff neck with his hand. "Bringing people out of prison is not as simple as you think. It requires layers of approval and confirmation, and it will take a while to bring it back. You go back to the room first have a rest."

"I'm not tired," Qianxue said, "What about you? When are you going to rest."

"Ben Wang waits for Marshal Zhao." He said, turning the next few pages, "and the one on hand is almost finished."

"I will accompany you." Qianxue said softly.

Li Wang was stunned, and looked at her. If the corner of the lips carved by the knife, he ticked, "Okay."

The study room was quiet again, Li Wang put into work, and Qianxue took a look at the files that Li Wang had approved before.

I thought, his words are really beautiful.

When ugly, with a burst of noise, Field Marshal Zhao, who was a serious prisoner, was finally taken from the prison to the government office.

Gu Qianxue put down the file, "Is Grandpa brought?" Very excited.

King Li just finished writing the last word, closed the booklet and stood up, "It should be, let's go out and see."

As the footsteps of the team got closer and closer, I heard the sound of the chain.

When Gu Qianxue arrived, he saw Marshal Zhao dragging an iron chain on his foot, carrying a shackle on his body, and walking slowly under the guard of the bodyguard.

Needless to say, shackles, the iron chain under the feet also weighs a few tens of kilograms, which is thicker than the women's wrists. Because of this chain, the pale-haired Marshal Zhao is struggling every step of the way, and Qianxue is very distressed.

Qian Xue had just rushed up, but was pulled by Li Wang. "The play should be done. The marshal is not as weak as you think. This burden is nothing to the marshal."

After listening, Gu Qianxue looked carefully at Marshal Zhao's face again. Sure enough, his face was still rosy, and he let go of it, blaming himself for being too impetuous.

"Don't blame yourself, care is chaotic." Beside the ear, reproduce the gentle voice of the man.

Qian Xue was shocked that Li Wang was so gentle and easy-going today, making her very unaccustomed.

The subconscious pulled away, two steps away from him.

Marshal Zhao kept his head down and said nothing, because he was a lunatic at this time. When he walked in front of Li Wang, he suddenly raised his head and stared straight at Li Wang. Although his face was old, his eyes were sharp. If the look is like a knife, this look is enough to seriously injure Li Wang.

Zhao Yuanzheng is a battle marshal who commanded thousands of troops and thousands of horses. His feet are covered with bones. If he deliberately releases his murderous spirit, his momentum will be terrifying.

The guards around were startled and took a subconscious step backwards, but Jun An rushed to the front, blocking Marshal Zhao and Li Wang.

Unlike Field Marshal Zhao, King Li has converged his momentum, but stands quietly, not squinting, and accepts Field Marshal Zhao's scrutiny.

For a time, the atmosphere in the courtyard was depressed and strange.

"Grandpa...?" Gu Qianxue whispered softly.

According to common sense, Field Marshal Zhao should bow down to King Li, but Field Marshal Zhao is now a "crazy man" and no one expected him to bow down, but it should not be such a tit-for-tat picture.

Suddenly, Marshal Zhao, who was supposed to be "crazy", said, "It's you, the furry kid, playing with Marshal's granddaughter to make her honoured, and now she turns upside down and refuses to take responsibility?"

Everyone is in an uproar!

Let’s not say that the crazy Zhao Yuanshuo is normal, nor to investigate Zhao Yuanshuai’s disrespect for King Li, but to say that this is the relationship between the Lord Wang and Qianxue County Master?

If Field Marshal Zhao's words are true, then... everyone looked at Gu Qianxue's eyes with a little pity.

Wang Li said, "Yes, this is the king. But the marshal is right in the first half of the sentence, but wrong in the back. The king has not said that she is not responsible for her. As long as she wants, the king is always responsible."

The people raised their ears and felt a strong gossip.

Gu Qianxue was anxious, "Grandpa, don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with him!"

Marshal Zhao ignored Gu Qianxue, still staring at Li Wang with his eyes, "I can't say anything, can I testify?"

Li Wang frowned, "This king is sincere, but he really can't think of how to prove it right away. After all, the marriage is given by the father emperor," the voice paused. "If the marshal really doesn't believe it, he can come to the church tonight, and the father emperor has all the blame. It’s all up to the king."

Everyone was even more surprised, but at the same time they were excited again. What a joy tonight in this muzzle and atmosphere?

But Gu Qianxue heard the word "give marriage", but it was bitter in her heart. If she remembered correctly, the emperor gave Yingjia Qianjin the marriage to Li Wang, which had nothing to do with her.

"Grandpa," Qianxue's voice was slightly cold, "I respect you as a grandpa, but I hope you respect me, and my life is my own, as well as my marriage. I may have a relationship with Li Wang in the past, but now there is no more, I said so , Do you understand?"

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