Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

858, school

Lin Zixin was surprised, "One person teaches hundreds of people at the same time?"

Gu Qianxue nodded, "Master Lin is a scholar, and naturally knows what is stupid," he said, and sighed, "It's like two days ago, the good people were incited to run into trouble, and finally nearly punished by Li Wang It’s impossible to avoid people’s fools, but the bottom line is that they have no knowledge, people don’t learn and don’t know what they are.”

Lin Zixin suddenly realized that his face was calm, "The master of the county was right, but how can one hand over hundreds of people to learn at the same time?"

Gu Qianxue paused for a long while, and then said, "It's very simple. First of all, we have to determine the purpose of the school's existence. One: literacy, simple texts for the people, no more, but practical.

Second, the lecture notes, rather than arranging straightforward and hard-to-understand road principles, it is better to use some meaningful stories to explain the reason for doing things for others.

3. To provide a chance for more children who can't afford books to counterattack fate.

I believe that if the school can really be established, there must be a lot of people come to study. After all, in the private sector, reading is a luxury. How many people and children want to study, but they have no money to study, and how to get rid of it without reading The destiny of poverty? "

This is true, not only in Nanyue Kingdom, but also in ancient China.

First, the cost of education.

Not to mention the tuition and teachers, only the pen, ink, paper, and books are extremely expensive in an era of backward productivity!

These appliances have virtually screened candidates with knowledge and access to study opportunities.

Second, teachers and tuition.

The investment of training a student is huge. According to the cost, the income of the student must exceed its investment in growth. It is destined to be expensive, let alone provide a relationship. These all determine that it takes a lot of money to hire a gentleman and a private school.

Lin Zixin said, "The master of the county is right. It is difficult for the people to get rid of the fate of poverty. The main reason is that they have no money to study, but how can the problem of being a cadre really teach a few hundred?"

Gu Qianxue said, "Master Lin, don't worry, listen to me to continue."

"Okay, Master," Lin Zixin said.

"Because the task of the "school" is determined, it also determines that its professors do not need to be too deep and specialized, and the purpose is to eliminate illiteracy, so the curriculum does not need to be too rigorous, let alone so-called flexible and diverse, as long as a few modules are fixed It is good to have several courses. The depth and difficulty of the courses are parallel and parallel, so people who come to study do not need to study continuously, and they will listen to which courses they meet. In this way, neither is required. The professor’s knowledge does not require students’ time."

With that in mind, Gu Qianxue reached out and pointed to the front of the main hall of the temple. "As long as a teacher stands on it and mechanically tells what he needs to teach at this time, the people who come at any time can hear it."

Gu Qianxue trot forward and reach the center of the spacious main hall. "Here we have to put tables and chairs. For durability, the tables and chairs can be composed of iron and wood. They are directly nailed to the ground and arranged well. This hall can have at least a few hundred people. No. So, did you realize a couple of hundreds?"

Lin Zixin was pleasantly surprised and full of praise. "The master of the county is wise, and the master of the city deserves to be a talented woman in Beijing. He is so smart and intelligent, yeah! In this way, he can use less materials to provide more people with learning. opportunity?"

Gu Qianxue did not dare to answer the question, because what did she think of these ideas? Anyone who knows how to drag a modern person knows that if he meets an education major, it must be better than her plan.

She also used modern civilization to flicker these unseen Nanyue people.

Lin Zixin is a hard worker. His praise is not simply flattery, and he will soon take all factors into account.

"I'm sorry for the lord, ignorant officials, there are still some questions to ask."

Qianxue nodded, "Master Lin is humble. If you have any questions, just ask."

Lin Zixin is also polite, "Although it can accommodate hundreds of people here, what if more people want to attend classes?"

Gu Qianxue said, “It’s very simple. Although a variety of courses are set up in advance, they are opened in stages. For example, the first course will be opened first, half an hour, five sessions a day, and temporarily one month. Half an hour. You can recite it after listening up to three times. Since you recite it, there is no need to listen to it repeatedly. Naturally, you will give up your place to the newcomer. If the venue is full, add a few more teachers. Intermittent lectures can even use the clearing system. After the end of a course, this group of people will be cleared out, and the second batch of people waiting in line will repeat it. The enthusiasm for the lesson is suddenly reduced. , You can add the second course, and the course setting is mostly the second, and the first is less. Slowly, add the third and fourth courses, until all courses are opened, and then list a curriculum , For people who come to attend classes freely. But there is only one school, and there are thousands of people, so the plan can't rush to increase classes and steadily come."

Gu Qianxue said a large paragraph in one breath, slightly tired, took a deep breath to rest, and then continued.

"In general, people are alive, rules are alive, and they constantly change their strategies according to the actual situation, and as long as the master masters the rules, they can make good time and schedule arrangements. I have talked too much, I don’t know if Master Lin understands, if you don’t understand anything, just ask."

Lin Zixin was secretly surprised again. He had many doubts, and he felt that this was a huge difficulty that could not be implemented at all, but he was almost solved by the few words of the master of Qianxue County.

None of the officials eat rice either, Lin Zixin made a one-off, and immediately planned to set aside officers and soldiers to maintain order, set a number of teachers, if the teachers can’t afford it, you can first use the storyteller to make up the number, how to propagate to the people, etc. Wait.

But there is still a question, "Sovereign, if some people come and play in the cold, what should they do?"

Gu Qianxue chuckled, "Did I say it's free?"

"Ah?" Lin Zixin froze.

Gu Qianxue said, “Although I can persuade Fu Yin to approve the funds, once everything is completely free, the effect will only be counterproductive, and the order will inevitably be difficult to maintain,” a slender finger extended. "

A copper plate is actually just meaning, but don't underestimate this copper plate, the product is less!

Was it a case of entering the city fee at the beginning?

Lin Zixin shot the case and said, "The lord said what he said, he would do what the lord said!"

Afterwards, his expression suddenly changed, slightly moved, "Sovereign, Xiaguan has something to say, not to say."

Qianxue almost blurted out, "I don't want to say that."

Because this is a terrier, modern people are familiar with it, and cough a few times to make themselves serious. "Master Lin, please."

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