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Gu Qianxue didn't expect that the humble middle-aged official in front of him was also a desperate Sanlang. He nodded and reached for the drawing. "Although the project is important, Master Lin still needs to pay attention to his body."

Lin Zixin shook his head. "The lord is at ease. The xiaguan is in good health. It will also bother the lord. If the lord decides, the xiaguan will draw official drawings with several other officials in charge of the road."

"Okay, please, Master Lin, please wait." Qian Xue also took it seriously.

Planning urban roads is by no means just drawing at random. It involves a lot of data and is extremely scientific and precise.

In the drawings, there are streets from east to west and roads from north to south. Several streets divide the whole city clearly.

"No problem, Master Lin's plan is perfect." Gu Qianxue passed the drawing.

Lin Zixin was praised by the "idol" and was very excited. "Xiaguan thanked the master for his praise." Then he hurried away.

In a flash, it was already noon.

I took a lunch back to Qingtengzhai and made up a nap. It was afternoon when I went out.

But when he came to the street, Gu Qianxue was slightly surprised.

I saw that the whole city was desolate and desolate before it seemed to be all busy.

Smashing the wall, smashing the bricks, and paving the road, and some women made some jelly and cold drinks to sell along the street. When the craftsmen and migrant workers were tired, they rested for a while and took out copper plates to buy some drinks to quench their thirst. Summer heat.

Gu Qianxue walked slowly along the busy street, but saw many previously closed shops reopen, such as medicine shops, such as restaurants.

Yao Zhen, who followed Qianxue, couldn't help but say, "Now Kanto City is a waste of life, but there is a kind of prosperity. It is really a blessing due to disaster. Everything is the credit of the master."

A shop on the other side of the street was about to open. Because no artisans could be found, the shopkeeper dressed up with a few guys to decorate by themselves, doing a fierce job.

"This is domestic demand." Qianxue looked at the new shop. "If a city or a country wants to be rich, either increase productivity, export, or expand domestic demand, and Kanto City is the latter."

Yao Zhen and others knew that the master of Qianxue County had to put forward some novel and practical topics, immediately raised his ears, listened carefully, and held an attitude of worship and learning.

But Gu Qianxue's voice didn't speak for a long while, and he sighed for a long time, "Forget it, don't talk about these useless things. In fact, it was Su Gongzi's 5 million two silver coins that solved the actual problem. In other words In other words, these people earned all money from Su Gongzi."

"..." everyone.

Gu Qianxue turned around and looked at the group of people behind him who were all under Su Lingxiao.

"That... am I too bad? Since I was with Su Gongzi, I have been losing his silver all the time?" His face embarrassed.

"..." How can everyone answer? This is actually the case, but everyone is not good at face-to-face?

Hou Yuntian would look at people's faces the most, and immediately said, "The master of the county must not say that, the silver of the master and the master can't be spent. As long as the master of the master is happy, the master will be happy."

Despite being so comforted, Gu Qianxue was still uneasy. " can rest assured that Tao Fuyin said that he will pay off the money in five years."

"..." The people smiled bitterly in their hearts and explained to them what is the use?

Finally, Chu Yan said, "The lord will not feel guilty. When the lord gave the silver ticket to the slave-servant, he said that as long as the lord opened his mouth to the slave-servant, no matter what the reason, he would immediately take out the silver and not return the lord. "

Gu Qianxue nodded sullenly, "Okay, got it." I was moved to cry.

The next few days were extremely busy.

The renovation of the Kanto City was handed over to Lin Zixin and a group of officials. Gu Qianxue was dedicated to the design of the water tower water supply. Although the conditions of the Kanto City could not be used by every household, there were also needs of the wealthy and business households, which could be better for the future. lay the foundation.

In a flash, five days passed.

These five days seem to be fulfilling, but in fact live like years.

She didn't dare to let herself go, because once she was free, she began to worry about Grandpa Zhao.

Li Wang had an appointment with her for three days, but Gu Qianxue had a hunch that the three days could not be completed at all. If it was indeed a fluke, Li Wangding would send someone to come.

In the first three days, even Jun'an didn't secretly ran to see Chu Yan, only to explain that Li Wang was very busy.

As a result, he procrastinated for two days.

When the water tower officially started after five days, Gu Qianxue couldn't bear it anymore.

Kanto Castle House.

Gu Qianxue returned home and did not go directly to the front hall. Fearing that Li Wang was disturbed by the case, he walked in from the back door, but he did not expect that when they had just entered the backyard of the government office, Grandpa Shao welcomed him.

"The minions have seen the master of Qianxue County. It's too coincidental that you came here. The prince just saved the case."

Gu Qianxue was stunned for a moment, and his whole heart was instantly tightened. "The festival is the grandfather's case?" He dare not inquire about the result.

Grandpa Shao saw Gu Qianxue's delicate, pale face and hurriedly explained, "The master of the county is at ease. With our prince, the marshal will naturally be wronged!" When he arrived, he had not forgotten to say good things to the master.

"Really?" Qian Xue's voice trembled slightly.

"Naturally is true. Has our family cheated the master?" Grandpa Shao smiled a flower on his old face.

Qian Xue was finally relieved, and his strength seemed to be drained. "That's good, I want to thank King Li," looked up at the front yard. "How about Grandpa? Where is Grandpa?"

Shao Gonggong said, "The Marshal has not returned, bathed and changed clothes in the government office, waiting for the county master. Our family was just thinking about letting Junan go to find you. I didn't expect you to come back."

Gu Qianxue doesn't want to continue with politeness. She knows that Duke Shao likes it most. If you really want to chat with Duke Shao, then Duke Shao can get into trouble. "Duke Shao takes me quickly."

"Okay, come with our family." Grandpa Shao turned and led the way.

Along the way, people came in and out and were very busy. When they saw Gu Qianxue, they stopped and asked for peace, and then they went busy again.

Qian Xue couldn't understand, "Duke Shao, is there any major event happening in Fuya? Why are the people in a hurry?"

Shao Gonggong said, "Yeah, with our prince here, what could be the big deal? Now that the case is closed, the prince will naturally return to the capital and return to life as soon as possible. This government office will be cleaned up and returned to Tao Fuyin."

Gu Qianxue suddenly realized that he was going... gone?

Laughing at my childishness, Li Wang lived here on the one hand in order to distance himself from the prince, on the other hand, he also drove out the cheap Qianfu Yin. On the other hand, Li was busy flying up, not only to complete the mission of the emperor, but also to deal with himself In terms of land closure, how can there be free time to stay in Kanto City.

Having said that, my heart is still empty and uncomfortable.

Su Lingxiao was behind him, Gu Qianxue tried to cover up his loss, and he could not wear a green hat to Su Gongzi in front of the people under Su Gongzi, right?

She was going to find a topic to divert her attention, "Oh, Grandpa Shao, Prince?"

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