Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

895, Jun An Xian Shi Bao


Early the next morning, two rare guests appeared in front of Li Wangfu's gate.

Li Wang, who was just about to go out, heard that Gu Qianxue was coming, and Jian Mei's eyebrows were wrinkled, and he soon cancelled the trip.

"Jun An, you went to the Penal Department in person, and you said that this King was in a hurry and couldn't go. I will talk about things today."

Junan was anxious but had no choice but to mumble in his heart-you have seen the sweetheart, prince, what about him?

There was misery, and in the end he could only go vain.

Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan were taken in by diligently from the Wangfu people. The next person was to welcome Gu Qianxue into Li Wang's study, but Gu Qianxue went to Yushengju with ease.

The servant wanted to invite him, but Qian Xue didn't pay attention, and the servant had no choice but to separate himself and ran to notify the prince.

Walking halfway, I saw an acquaintance.

Gu Qianxue saw a long, straight figure in front of him getting closer and closer, and raised his eyebrows, "First smoke, your admirer is here."

Chu Yan naturally also saw that the person in front was not someone else but Junan, who had intended to pretend to be invisible, and now he was pastime by the master of the county only to feel upset.

Gu Qianxue pinched the orchid finger deliberately and clamped his throat, "You little conscience, people have been beaten by you for a few times, but you turned your face and didn't recognize anyone."

At the beginning of the smoke, his face turned black, "Beating him because he is not as good as others."

The two were talking, Jun An rushed over quickly, "The villain has seen the master of Qianxue County," he spoke quickly, and then stared at Chu Yan diligently, "Miss Yan Ci, after a few days, you How are you doing?"

Chu Yan didn't say he took a look, but his eyelashes didn't move up and down, only when no one had just spoken, only when there was no figure in front of him.

Gu Qianxue secretly took a thumbs-up. The first smoke is good. The biggest blow to people is not to swear, but to see them as nothing.

Seeing that Chu Yan ignored him, Junan felt that a heart was torn in half.

Junan didn't understand this kind of demanding hardship, at least it was on a woman, but now she feels and feels painful.

Gu Qianxue smirked, thumping fast, supporting the seriousness, "Brother Jun, what are you going to do?"

If it was in the past, Jun An would definitely answer coldly, even not at all.

"Back to the lord of the county, this morning the prince was ordered to go to the penal department, but I heard that you came and canceled the itinerary." Junan lost his usual arrogance today, although the answer was not enthusiastic, but neither Perfunctory and slow.

Gu Qianxue shrugged, "Hey, Brother Jun, do you know now? Good is good, good is good, bad is good, it's not that it's not time not to report."

"..." Junan.

Gu Qianxue reached out and slapped it on Junan’s shoulder, “So, the master of the county didn’t know with you before and thought you were a child. Now that you’re in the world, you have to keep a long memory. Don’t be as proud as a **** when you go out. Yes, overflowing with water, remember?"

Junan subconsciously wanted to throw off the hand on his shoulder, but in front of him was the first smoke girl, and finally she endured.

The bright and handsome face was red and white, and he gritted his teeth and endured it. "The villain would like to thank the bishop."

Gu Qianxue accepted it when he saw it, "Okay, go for it." He said to the first flue, "We're going."

"Yes, Sovereign." Chu Yan answered immediately.

Junan’s heart that had been split apart once again didn’t rip a few times, and four and a half had been born from the two halves of his life, and he mourned in his heart-why did the first smoke girl be so cold to him? His martial arts are indeed inferior to him, but he will still work hard, just ask the first smoke girl not to give up on him.

Junan looked at the two people's figure farther and farther, and his heart broke.

But suddenly I thought of the scene of being beaten on the ground by Chu Yan when he was fighting, and the broken heart slowly returned to its original shape, and the mouth was mumbled, "The girl of Chu Yan is really... handsome..."

Gu Qianxue and Chuyan who walked away naturally didn't hear Junan's words, Qianxue turned his head and said, "About this little brother Jun, I must thank you."

Chu Yan really didn't want to mention this boring Junan, but patiently, "Don't say so."

Qianxue said, "No, I'm serious. You don't know how arrogant Junan used to be. The arrogant little looks like it doesn't fall into the eyes of the world's women, thinking that the feelings of men and women are superfluous. Ha, I don’t want to think about how my father and his mother would have him if they were not married."

Chu Yan didn't want to mention the topic of Junan, "Sovereign Lord, since Li Wang temporarily canceled the itinerary, the purpose is probably to meet you. If we ignore him like this and go directly to Yushengju, will it make him uncomfortable."

"It's annoying, he doesn't like it if he doesn't like it. What's the matter with me? We have the ability to drive us out." He said so, Gu Qianxue knew that Li Wang would not drive them away.


Before Chu Yan finished, Qian Xue interrupted, "Let's change the subject."

"...Yes." Chu Yan.

Therefore, the two were very tacit and did not mention a certain master and servant.

All the way smoothly, to Yushengju.

Although Gu Qianxue's appearance has changed, the servants of Li Wangfu, especially those serving near Yushengju, are very familiar with Gu Qianxue, so they recognized it at a glance.

Please come to An Shi to marvel at his face.

Gu Qianxue was also very excited when he saw these servants again, and also expressed his sincere condolences about whether he was beaten by Li Wang recently, and so on.

In her eyes, the people living under Li Wangfu are in dire straits in public, very pitiful.

If she still has money, she really wants to console everyone with practical actions.

It is a pity that she was shy and she could only say a few more words with concern, which was completely different from the master of Qianxue County who had a lot of shots on weekdays.

Soon, to Yushengju.

Someone outside the door beckoned and suddenly rushed two figures out of the courtyard.

"The Lord, you are finally back!"

"The slave master has seen the master, you have not come back for so long, the slave masters want the master!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw two maid-girls in water-green clothes kneeling in front of Gu Qianxue.

Seeing these two maids, Qianxue thought of the past, "Qiao'er, Yue'er, it's rare that you remember me, we haven't seen you for a long time."

Chu Yan guessed that the two were the maidservants who once served as the master of Qianxue County during the time of King Li.

Qiao'er and Yue'er were so excited that they cried.

Gu Qianxue said, "I thought I wouldn't see you again in the future, but I didn't expect to see you again." Yeah, she didn't even want to come over to Li Wang Mansion, if not in a hurry to use the laboratory.

If she can, she really doesn't want to come back, not only not to see someone, but also Yueer, Qiaoer, and the righteous girl she had previously recognized.

She was afraid that Li Wang would threaten her again by grabbing her handle.

"Hurry up, don't hide it. I don't come back to visit again, but I want to use the laboratory. I will leave after use." Gu Qianxue said, "If you miss it in the future, you can go to Gu Shangshufu while you are on duty. Come to me and treat me warmly."

The two were grateful, but the other party, Qian Xuejun, who was above him, said that they should entertain the two girls, if they could follow the leader.

It is a pity that they have mentioned this topic and they were rejected by the master.

Chu Yan stared at a building in the back of the courtyard in surprise, "Master, what is that?"

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