Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

897, eloquence is not as good as others

In this way, in the eyes of people under surprise, Gu Qianxue and Li Wang really began to "tangle".

Gu Qianxue said seriously, "I am still the example. I am a tenant and you are the landlord. At the beginning, I lived in your house to pay the rent. This rent is like I consulted the Qin Fei empress. Afterwards, various things happened. Although I did not return, I haven’t officially moved, and my things are only temporarily placed with you. As a landlord, you have no right to swallow my belongings! Otherwise, I can go to Yamen to sue you!"

Wang Li raised his eyebrows, "Go to the Yamen? This king wants to see, which Yamen will accept this case, dare to accept this case."

"Where did the emperor always dare?" Qian Xue said.

Li Wang snorted, "Okay, even so, but you leave, you don't pay the rent, but leave things behind. How can the landlord rent the house to other tenants? You have delayed someone else's business, and others will destroy or throw away your things. , What's wrong."

Gu Qianxue blinked, "I just said that I haven't rented a house, but I still have a clear door to the business of renting a house."

"..." The people secretly said-Don't the protagonist provoke the lord? Did you forget when the prince hit you? Do you still want to be beaten?

Li Wang said coldly, "Did you just say Lenovo? As the master of the four cities, if this king does not even know how to lease, how can he govern the city?"

Qian Xue spread his hands, "Okay, then go back to the original topic, even if I left something wrong, if you throw or ruin these things before, I won’t hold you accountable, the problem is that you don’t lose or ruin , You will be destroyed after I find it, but you are suspected of damaging private property."

Li Wangdao, "Even if it is suspected of damage, how do you take this king?"

Gu Qianxue was anxious, "Gong Lingyun, can you make a point? Do you know that you are so unreasonable and really boring?"

Everyone was shocked.

Let’s not talk about calling the prince’s name a big disrespect, just say... Isn’t Qianxue County afraid of being beaten?

Hula, a group of people kneeled down.

The narrow corridor and stairs were full of people kneeling. There were only three people standing besides Li Wang and Gu Qianxue.

Why do everyone kneel? But it was not to plead for Qianxue County Lord, but to fear that Li Wang was unhappy and angered them. This kind of thing did not happen.

Li Wang leaned down slightly, making his sight level with Gu Qianxue's, "Boring? Is this Wang boring?"

"Nonsense! It's very tiring to interact with you. Do you know that every time it seems to be reasonable with others, but it's just that others start to play rogue, what's not boring?" In fact, Gu Qianxue knew that the real reason is that Yourself.

The two of them were clear, but she ran to the house of others without asking her to use her own things and scolded others unreasonably.

But at this time, unreasonable should also make a three-pointer!

The laboratory is to be used! These crystal vessels with scales are too expensive, she can't afford them, how rich they were at first, and how poor they are now.

Li Wang suddenly smiled, not a sneer, but a kind of amusing smile.

Especially his dark eyes, sharp as a knife, as if looking directly at Gu Qianxue's eyes, seeing through the unlucky three-point fluke.

Qianxue was somewhat emboldened.

"Ben King gives you a chance to admit your mistakes." He whispered, only two of them could hear.

"..." Gu Qianxue.

When Li Wang saw Gu Qianxue kept silent, he raised his eyebrows, straightened his body, and looked cold, "Well, since he didn't admit his mistakes, then this king will reason with you. Because your things are in Yushengju, they won't move away. , So that Yushengju can’t be used, according to the house of the same size in this area, at least two thousand and two silver will be used in half a year, after all, the location is dangerous. Plus so many people carefully clean the yard and take care of your items regularly, The people of this king can’t borrow you for free, or borrow the original monthly salary. So many people can be counted as one thousand two in half a year, and the others are not counted. Give these three thousand two to this king first."

Gu Qianxue took a breath and said, "You are asking for prices."

Li Wang said seriously, "The yard of the king’s palace and the servants of the king’s palace only cost three thousand and two silver for half a year. Do you really think that the price is high? You can ask someone at will to ask if the king is a conscience price."

In fact, King Li really didn't have "many asking prices". These three thousand twos were taken into consideration, neither too little nor too much. It happened to be half of Gu Qianxue's property. After giving her a reward.

As for where this number comes from, it is naturally eavesdropping.

"..." Gu Qianxue knew that three thousand two silvers was not much. If it was put a few months ago, she took out the silver ticket and fell on his face.

It's a pity that a penny knocks down the hero.

She... couldn't get it out.

Even if it was taken out, she was not willing. The last eight thousand two silvers, but the money for the children of the nursery school!

"I... do I owe it first?" Gu Qianxue finally lowered his voice, using a tone that only two people could hear.

Li Wang leaned down again, still in the same position as before. "What did the king just say?" The voice was quiet.

Qianxue knew the meaning of the hateful man in front of him, "I...apologize."

"If you just apologized, it won't work now." Li Wangdao said.

Gu Qianxue saw the handsome face of the man in front of him close, and really wanted to hit it with a fist, "So what do you want?"

Li Wang's mouth made a "you", but quickly covered up, "It's almost noon, you will make lunch."

"..." treat her as a cook again?

Gu Qianxue dared not to speak, and squeezed out a smile, "Okay, this is no problem. But, I have something to discuss with the prince." A sweet voice was deliberately squeezed out.

Li Wang straightened up, "Talk about it."

Qianxue reached for a finger in the laboratory, including tray balances, test tubes, beakers, flasks, distillation flasks, Erlenmeyer flasks, funnels, jars, flasks, burning spoons, evaporating dishes, alcohol lamps, Bunsen burners, measuring cylinders, sets Gas cylinders, droppers, dropper bottles, curved flasks, watch glass, asbestos nets, iron stands, burettes, mud triangles, as well as Kaipu generators, alcohol blowtorches, Brinell funnels, crucible tongs, Soxhlet extractors, Brinell Flasks, sand core funnels, three-beam balances, condensers, wash bottles, K-flasks, weighing bottles, dryers, salt bridges, etc.

"Can I take them away?" Although these things were created by Wangfu craftsmen and collected from Li Wang's silver, they were all her hard work! Besides, the price of these things adds up to two thousand silver. She is so poor that she can't open the pot. How can you have a set of such experimental equipment?

Wang Li said, "No."

"Why?" Gu Qianxue was anxious.

Li Wang raised his eyebrows, "Who owns these things, do you really think you're hiding from the sky?"

"..." Gu Qianxue.

King Li continued, "Not to mention anything else, only to say that the engraved crystal cup is a gift from the emperor, and there are records in and out of the warehouse. Do you know what is a gift from the emperor? These things cannot be sold. It can’t be damaged either. If the emperor knew that the crystal cup had been drawn by you like that, would you guess that he would get angry?"

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