Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

919, has returned

Gu Qianxue was surprised, how could Lu Weilou ask this question?

"Is this related to the landlord Lu?" Unconsciously, he said it.

Lu Weilou was also angry, "Su Lingxiao has nothing to do with this seat."

"..." Gu Qianxue thought that Lu Weilou had repeatedly harassed her when she was in Guandong City. She knew that she had the capital that wrecked the country and the people. The man was instinctive, saying that the man did not respond at all when he saw the beautiful woman. She did not believe it. She also wanted to Rebellion, but in the first place, it is desperate to beg for people and martial arts.

But Lu Weilou suddenly asked what man did she care about?

Tired of playing, decided to play with heart?

Lu Weilou did not urge, but waited quietly, Gu Qianxue did not immediately answer, pondering.

"If I said, I don't care about anyone, do you believe it?" Qian Xue said cautiously.

The night was quiet, the evening breeze was cool, and I heard a sneering sneer under Lu Weilou's mask.

Gu Qianxue lowered his eyes, "Forget it, Su Lingxiao doesn't need you to find it. I'll find a way myself. From now on, I won't be bothered with the water of the landlord Lu, and there will be no more troubles. The landlord Lu will take care." Into the ear.

Lu Weilou was shocked and immediately grabbed her hand. "Pull out the mother gold, and your ear is useless."

Gu Qianxue used his internal force and wanted to draw his hand out, but the opponent's big hand was like iron tongs, and he could not resist at all.

"No matter who the original landlord was entrusted to, Gu Qianxue owed it to the original landlord. This ear should be returned to the original landlord. From now on, the rivers and lakes will disappear."

Lu Weilou was furious, and with a snap, Gu Qianxue's slender hand bones were unloaded.

When everything happened, Lu Weilou was also shocked. How can he hurt her by half a point now? Just momentarily angry.

Owe him a love? Oh, how much love is this?

At the beginning, he rushed into the poison forest with the determination of death, and rushed out of her with a huge risk. Is it just a love?

His life was not his own long ago, and he belonged to those tens of thousands of lives that carried hatred and follow him, but even so, for her, he can still give up everything, not just everything he has, followers, And his own life.

The moment he rushed in, he clearly told himself that Gu Qianxue was dead and he didn't want to live.

When she rushed out of her tortoise carrying her to face many poisonous poisonous snakes, she was full of happiness, but thought that even if she died at this moment, she was also happy, because he and her buried the poison forest together.

His reaction surprised him but he couldn't control it.

In the end, did I get a "owe a love"?

Looking at her looking for Su Lingxiao, he is in pain, this pain is even more painful than Wan Yi's heart erosion and Wan Jian's heart penetration!

Su Lingxiao is not only gracious to her, but also to him. He would rather bear the pain. As long as the two of them are happy and well-off, he has repeatedly told himself that the sacrifice is worthwhile, but he does not know when he began, and selfishness gradually invaded his heart.

He regretted that he didn't want Gu Qianxue and Su Lingxiao to be together, but what could he do?

At first, the concubine fell to the ground, was murdered by various pursuits, and was excluded by the father and emperor. He was helpless and wandering, but at this moment, he was really helpless and helpless. How can I save everything, how can I get her back to him.

If a heart can let her know him, then he does not hesitate to cut his chest and let her see his heart!

The pain in the wrist seemed to open someone's sluice of thought.

Gu Qianxue paled and looked at his twisted wrist with wide eyes.

It hurts, she clenched her teeth tightly, but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry..." Lu Weilou rarely apologized to people. The words "I'm sorry" were awkward and embarrassing. "Just now I missed it, and I'll settle for you now."

But Gu Qianxue snapped it away.

"Since the landlord Lu doesn't want my ears, then this hand will give you," he said, squeezed out of his teeth, and the pale smile on the pale face was pitiful. "Relax, I won't pick it up secretly. If I don’t take over my bones for a month, this hand will be useless. As a daughter of a country’s governor and heavy minister, I should be worth the price with one hand. Use this hand to pay back the grace of Lu Weilou."

Lu Weilou angered from the heart, dragged it to his body, and without a word he had to pick up his wrist.

Gu Qianxue struggled, but in the end he struggled, but there was another crunch and his bones were connected.

"This seat has apologized to you, what else do you want?" Lu Weilou was anxious and yelled.

Gu Qianxue's eyes flickered, and he finally said nothing.

He embraced her in his arms, Gu Qianxue struggled violently.

In the distance, Chu Yan saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to rush to the rescue, but many blood moon floor killers blocked, even if the wheel battle with one person and one move, Chu Yan could not escape.

Gu Qianxue is still struggling, even if her martial arts are not high, but she has the internal strength and the moves taught by Chu Yan and Marshal Zhao, and it is not a toss. "Let go! You are a disciple, you are a rogue!"

"This seat doesn't need your ears, nor your hands, as long as you quietly hold you for a while?" Lu Weilou imprisoned her hands with one hand, and pressed her against herself with the other hand, "Only one Yes... you think of yourself as wood, just let me hug for a while, and I will help you find someone."

Gu Qianxue froze, but in fact, she really had no choice.

Because the struggle was too fierce before, and I didn't control the internal force for a while, now the internal force is all used up, and the physical strength is general.

"Really?" She still bluffed.

"Really." He has sharp eyes, how can't he see? It's just not broken.

In the end, on a tree-lined night, the two embraced.

Chu Yan saw that Gu Qianxue was no longer struggling. Although he had doubts, he stopped the offensive and watched its changes.

The time passes by one minute and one second, very long, but very short.

I don't know how long it took, he finally let her go slowly, "You go back, wait for a clue, this seat will send someone to tell you."

"Wait!" Gu Qianxue was confused. "Lu Weilou, what kind of medicine do you sell in the gourd? When we first met, it was clear that we met in a narrow road, and you hurt my secret guard; afterwards, we met again. Take care of my safety; this time you just ask for a hug... I really can’t figure it out, the landlord is good at doing things, can you solve my doubts?"

Under the mask, Lu Weilou smiled sadly, "Resolve your doubts?" He shook his head slowly. "This seat is protecting you. The more you know, the greater the danger. Do you not know this truth?"


Before Qian Xue finished his speech, Lu Weilou's voice had regained his usual killing coldness. "This seat will do it, you can rest assured." Said, the figure flashed, but people seemed to turn into black Smoke away.

Lu Weilou's figure disappeared, and Qianxue felt a slight shock in the auricle, which was the way of the dark whistle contact. Immediately afterwards, the killer surrounded by Chu Yan also used light power to leave.

Early smoke rushed over, "Sister, are you okay?"

When the first smoke came, Qianxue relaxed and collapsed to the ground.

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