The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 924: , Silly disease is still inherited

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924, stupid disease is still inherited

Marshal Zhao suddenly realized, "Qianxue is right, why did I forget Qianyi? Although we are not popular with early marriage in Nanyue, we do not prohibit early marriage. When Qianyi is 15 years old, he will get married and return with a mistress!"

Gu Qianxue began to have his brain wide open, "That's right! If the aunt is really too much, or accidentally died within a few years, there is a way."

"Oh? What's the solution?" Marshal Zhao wondered.

"Tong Yanghui!" Gu Qianxue clapped, "The poor people have no labor, so we married a girl early and came back to be a bull, and our family can do the same, but treat their girls well and let her eat spicy and spicy. "

The more she said, the more reasonable she felt, and Qianxue nodded again and again, "Yes, that's it. I'll go back and look for them, to see if there is a miserable young lady in the family, who is three-wise, knowledgeable, and settled early."

"..." Marshal Zhao was speechless and kindly reminded, "Thousand intentions are less than one year old."

Gu Qianxue said, "Take a rainy day, what if the old lady Gu suddenly stopped picking her picks? What's more, youth is not a problem in front of love, we are so beautiful, and the girl's family is ancestral graves. Fresh meat."

At this point, Marshal Zhao became more and more wrong, and then carefully looked at Qian Xue's cheeks.

I saw that although his expression was serious, he couldn't hide the narrow smile.

Field Marshal Zhao also smiled, "Your ghost, your grandfather also teased, it's really lawless."

That's right, at first Gu Qianxue was serious about you coming and going, and then I just joked.

"Grandpa is angry, smiling for ten years, grandpa can live for a hundred years, only to be a mother and my backer forever!" Gu Qianxue coaxed with a smile.

Field Marshal Zhao is also an unsmiling person. He is also a decisive figure in the army, but there is no way in front of his ghostly granddaughter. People will be coquettish and they will coax.

Marshal Zhao is very rare for his granddaughter. If he used to have only baby daughters in the world, now there is one more baby granddaughter.

As for the grandson of Qianyi, for the time being, it doesn't count the dishes. Marshal Zhao never values ​​men over women. Whether Gu Qianyi can make him worthy or not depends on his performance.

The granddaughter is smart, beautiful, and kind-hearted. Field Marshal Zhao loves the more she sees, and she can't even find its shortcomings. The more you think about it, the less you want Gu Qianxue and Su Lingxiao to be together. Such a good girl should be happy for a lifetime, how can she stay widowed?

Marshal Zhao thought about this, but he felt a little cold, but he didn't show it. "Don't make trouble, good boy. Grandpa tells you something serious."

"Oh, Grandpa, you said." Gu Qianxue's right eyelid jumped twice.

Jump right eye jump Choi disaster.

Marshal Zhao sighed, "You are not too old, Mrs. Gu has no right to ask about your marriage. Before the emperor gave the marriage, the second prince disappeared, but you are also sixteen and you should start planning."

Gu Qianxue didn't expect such a thing, and seriously said, "Don't Qianxue tell my grandfather when he was in Kanto Castle? I was in love with Su Lingxiao and Su Gongzi. He was my fiance."

The words "fiance" stung Marshal Zhao's ears and frowned, "The problem is, didn't Su Lingxiao also disappear? My grandfather heard that he sold all of Nanyue's industries, in other words, He has completely left Nanyue Kingdom."

Qian Xue froze for a moment, "Grandpa, what do you say...?"

"Don't you know?" Marshal Zhao conceded in his heart, "These were carried out in the past three days, and they were kept secret from the outside world, and they have not even been sold. The grandfather heard the emperor in the palace."

The royal family has a unique intelligence network that cannot be matched by folk gossip.

"Are you sure it is true?" Gu Qianxue's voice became smaller and smaller, and an intuition told her that it was true.

"Is the Emperor's Word a child's play?" Zhao Yuanshuai said.

Qianxue lowered his head and stared at his clothes with a stunned look, his mind very confused.

If Su Lingxiao does not appear in Nanyue Kingdom again, what should she do? Although Lu Weilou helped to find it, even though Yan Zisong was still there, he found a needle in the haystack. Even if it is found, how to persuade him? I have decided to determine a search deadline before. What is this deadline?

Marshal Zhao saw Gu Qianxue look down, although distressed, but also ecstatic.

Long pain is worse than short pain! Marshal Zhao said, "The emperor is also very attentive to you. Regarding the second prince, the emperor has always felt ashamed of you, so he wants to give you a new marriage."

Qian Xue was stunned and raised his head, "I disagree!"

"You don't want to know who that person is?" Zhao Yuanshuai asked.

"No matter who I am, I'm not interested." Qian Xue said bluntly, "I didn't want to give the last marriage, and I agreed for the time being to investigate the poisoning incident of Princess Ceylon. I won't agree with anything this time." , Shaking his head straight.

Field Marshal Zhao tentatively said, "Even if it is King Li, do you disagree?"

Qian Xue's actions stopped abruptly... he?

But in the next moment, Gu Qianxue hooked her lower lip helplessly, "disagree."

Marshal Zhao was anxious. "Ma'am, Xue Xue, your grandfather knows that you have His Royal Highness in your heart. Since you have this opportunity, why don't you agree?"

Gu Qianxue raised his head, "Yeah, I did like him before, but I don't like it now."

"Grandpa doesn't believe it."

"believe it or not."

"But King Li likes you."

"Who does he like about me?"

"Since you like him and he likes you, why can't you get married?"

"Grandpa, do you have any signs of Alzheimer's? I just said, I don't like him anymore. What I like now is Su Lingxiao and Su Gongzi!"

"The question is, Su Lingxiao has left and everyone else is gone. Where are you going to find someone?"

"Look slowly, I'm not in a hurry anyway."

"Women's youth is most afraid of ruining, aren't you afraid of missing a good time?"

"Then twist your hair as a nun, or live your own life without a man?"

The grandson and grandson quarreled with each other, and the voice was getting louder and louder, which caused people to panic outside the house and talked in a panic. Some people even found the first smoke.

The two heard the panic outside and hurriedly closed their voices.

Marshal Zhao took a deep breath and suddenly opened her eyes, as if making a big decision, "Smelly girl, come here."

Gu Qianxue's eyebrows, it seems that Field Marshal Zhao is going to tell her the secrets of heaven? Hurrying together, the secret is related to Su Gongzi because of the insecurity.

It is indeed a big secret, but it has nothing to do with Su Lingxiao.

"I'll tell you the smelly girl, the emperor said today," Marshal Zhao's voice is lower, "the future throne will be passed to King Li."

Qian Xue was taken aback, thought for a while, and nodded in agreement, "I also think that Li Wang is more suitable than the prince to be emperor. Although the prince is capable, but the three views are wrong, Nanyue is afraid to go far." The scene of entering the plague zone alone in danger is a little trance.

Marshal Zhao saw a play, "Silly girl, if His Royal Highness will become Emperor in the future, aren't you Queen?"

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes, "What's the matter with him as emperor, what is the queen, who loves and who is, I'm not."

Marshal Zhao was shocked in his mind-not good, in the end, the silly disease is still inherited. How can you not want to be a queen if you are not stupid?

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