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938, the couple

The next day.

He thought he would suffer from insomnia. However, Gu Qianxue fell asleep until dawn, and the quality of sleep was so high that he had no dreams.

Almost at the same time Qian Xue opened his eyes, Chu Yan brought the maidservants into the room. "The master, please get up and use the breakfast to enter the palace."

Today is the second day of the big marriage, to serve tea to my father and mother-in-law. Her father and mother-in-law are naturally the emperor and concubine.

Gu Qianxue got up without saying anything, freshened up, put on a fiery red wedding dress embroidered with gold thread, and looked alive.

There was a slight quarrel at the door, which happened to be seen by Gu Qianxue, who was preparing to exclude breakfast. Chu Yan raised his voice, "What is the noise in front of the lord?" She still called Gu Qianxue the lord.

The two mothers quarreled, one was Gu Qianxue's dowry mother, and the other was the mother in the palace.

The grandma said in the palace, "The slave-servant has seen the princess, and the slave-servant took the hipa according to the rules."

There are many kinds of Hipa points, and they come early in the morning to get the red under the mat on the wedding night.

Chu Yan frowned slightly, and Li Wang didn't spend the night in the new house.

"Oh, that one?" Qian Xue's voice was faint, and he didn't care. "Is there Princess Hipa there?"

The grandma in the palace was surprised for a while, "That... the slave maid didn't know."

"I don't know? I'll ask if you don't know. The princess took out Xipa and asked you to be with Ben Fei," Gu Qianxue was too lazy to explain why she didn't spend the night with Li Li. "Why, there are doubts? You can bear the responsibility of serving tea in the palace?"

The grandma was taken aback, quickly let it in, and hurried to the palace.

And the dowry grandmother who had quarreled with the grandmother in the palace before was trembling, or everyone was afraid.

Their protector is not good!

No one wants Xipa to run in front of the princess, can only say that people are incompetent.

Gu Qianxue smiled and said, "How much you feel inferior when you first enter the royal palace. It's so easy for sparrows to fly on branches to become phoenixes. You must be careful to serve the people in the palace and the royal palace. Is this county lord right?"

Everyone bowed their heads and said nothing.

Qianxue sneered, "You remember, the lord of the county wasn't a sparrow that turned into a phoenix. It was they who tied the lord of the county to marry. No one needs to be afraid. What about the people in the palace? If you can't beat it, you will find the first smoker to learn Kung Fu. If you don't dare to beat Kung Fu after learning Kung Fu, you will leave it to you! No waste!

Everyone shook.

Yulian and Yucui looked similar, and chuckled, "Yes! You lord, just look at it."

With the leader, the people also have confidence, and for a time they boiled, vowing to make the waist stick hard.

Seeing this scene, Qianxue looked better. "Besides, you must learn the copper coins in your hands. The inside and the outside are round. You have your own guidelines and bottom line in your heart. The appearance must be smooth before you can develop."

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, some understand it thoughtfully, some do not understand.

Gu Qianxue didn't have time to teach them classes, so he hurried to breakfast.

Breakfast was in the lobby, when Gu Qianxue arrived, he saw Ying Weiyi was already there.

Seeing Gu Qianxue, Ying Weiyi stood calmly, "The concubine has seen the princess."

Gu Qianxue saw the thick bruises under her eyes, guessing that Ya must have not slept all night, he nodded and pointed his finger at the table, "Hurry up and eat, you will be troubled if you enter the palace later."

Ying Weiyi's eyes flashed with disdain, "Should we not wait for the prince?"

Gu Qianxue sat down and said, "Love waits for you." Then he began to eat.

Ying Weiyi really stood well and waited, but no longer looked at Gu Qianxue. In other words, she never looked down upon the master of Qianxue County. Now she is committed to the side concubine and is also a family cause. She is a hero of Yingjia.

At this time, King Li came and did not wear a robe. He was replaced with a pure dark brocade robe, and his clothes were snug on his body, and his figure was tall and slender. Jun Rong was shrouded in frost, and his whole body was smashed. Yesterday The joyous red, the sky-breaking tenderness and shyness, but like a dream, no trace.

"The concubine had met the prince." Ying Weiyi immediately bowed her knees and asked for peace, the voice was gentle, and the beautiful posture was like an elegant swan.

And Gu Qianxue didn't even lift his eyes, still eating.

Seeing this situation, Li Wang didn't even move his eyebrows. "Let's eat." It was corresponding to Wei Yi.

"Yes, Lord." Ying Weiyi was secretly happy, because of this scene, as long as the Lord is not blind, he will know the advantages and disadvantages.

When King Li sat down to prepare a meal, Gu Qianxue put chopsticks, "I eat well, you eat slowly."

King Li was angry, "Gu Qianxue."

Qianxue tilted his head and looked at him, "What should I do? Gong Lingyun."

"..." Ying Weiyi stared dumbfounded at the scene, and even the people around him were terrified, wondering if they would kneel down.

"Dare you call this King's name?" Li Wang said coldly.

Qian Xue smiled, "Look at what you said, don't you just call this princess's name? Shouldn't the princess and his wife have a rank?"

When I heard the words "Couple", the anger that gradually appeared in my heart was extinguished inexplicably. "Get ready for life and go to the palace soon." After dropping such a sentence, Li Wang began to eat breakfast.

"Oh." Gu Qianxue agreed at random, and turned away.

Everyone was dumbfounded, this... is it over?

Not to mention the face of King Li, the head of an ordinary large family, such collisions are also punished.

Ying Weiyi was also surprised. She used to be at home, but no one dared to challenge her husband, even a wife.

Ying Weiyi's eyes flashed and she wanted to take the opportunity to say a few words, but she thought that her daughter-in-law had to do the kind of pickling that her aunt did behind her back. She was very toothless and shut her mouth and bowed her head to eat.

Say it is a meal. In fact, the rice grains eaten can be counted, and the energy is all on Li Wang. She also thought of the most clever answer to Li Wang's upcoming question.

Such as whether you sleep well or not, such as whether you live in the palace or not.

According to the truth, Li Wang always asks questions, but she has to make Li Wang hear her goodness, her talents and cultivation in limited answers.

However, what Ying Weiyi didn't expect was that Li Wang didn't ask anything. He just bowed his head to eat and got up and left after eating. Every move was exactly the same as Gu Qianxue.

Ying Weiyi prepared a belly and didn't say it, secretly hating.

The majesty stepped forward, "Princess, the time is tight, please go back and change your clothes."

Ying Weiyi told herself that she was born in a famous family, and she couldn't get the general knowledge of Gu Qianxue's little family. She let the fire pressure down and returned to the palace to change clothes.

In another part of the Wang Mansion, a courtyard called Si Yu Pavilion, one person was very happy.

This person is no one else but Wan Yunfei.

"Fight it, huh, let Gu Qianxue and Ying Weiyi fight. We are looking for a chance to get close to the prince. Are you right?" asked Xiang Shu aside.

Jing Shu's eyes flickered and perfunctory, "Yeah, Miss is so good."

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