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941, you’re in charge

Gu Qianxue put down the tea bowl, "Yeah, just let you control it?"

"Why?" Ying Weiyi was even more surprised.

"There is no reason, this is the order of the master of the county." The real reason, Gu Qianxue naturally did not want to say.

As she said to Princess Fei just now, the less she feels, the less she loses her heart when she leaves in the future.

For the management of the Wang Mansion, Ying Weiyi is willing, even if Gu Qianxue does not let her control, she will also want power in the future. This has long been told by her mother, and sent a few grandmothers with the intention to follow.

"Since the order of the princess, the concubine had to obey." Ying Weiyi said.

Gu Qianxue almost squirted out the tea-Mommy, when the **** stands the arch is not as thick-skinned as you! Obviously happy to die, but said no.

Qianxue raised her eyebrows, "Oh? The master of the county originally thought Miss Ying was willing to be a housekeeper, but after a long time, she was unwilling. I am a person who is not a good person, but it will not be difficult for a strong man. Well, let me do it."

Ying Weiyi was in a hurry, "The concubine didn't say no!"

Qianxue smiled, "Don't say no? What does that mean "have to follow"? The master of this county is not very knowledgeable, but it seems that "have to follow" is a very reluctant language? Forget it, or don't force you ."

Ying Weiyi was so angry that she wanted to scold, think for a while, got up and stood up, knelt on the ground, "Concubine is guilty, concubine should not talk blindly."

Qian Xue was stunned and hurriedly lost the tea bowl, picking it up like a chick. "I'm kidding you, how can you kneel as soon as you say it? Get up, don't tease you, the king's palace is for you, Don't ask why."

Ying Weiyi's surface was supple, but her heart sneered.

In the eyes of Ying Weiyi, Gu Qianxue doesn't care about the Wang Mansion.

These are like episodes, and soon accompanied by Shen Ma, Shen Qin returns.

The returned Qin Fei changed her clothes, which could also explain why she had not returned, and she found herself a step below.

The next step is to chat with the two, nothing more than getting used to it in the Wang Mansion and what to do in the future.

It was still early, and Qin Fei proposed to play chess.

It stands to reason that playing chess with the mother-in-law is the business of the daughter-in-law, but Gu Qianxue has little interest and strength in chess, so in order not to dissipate the interest of Qin Fei, Ying Weiyi was accompanied.

The two game, admiring each other.

Qin Fei was a talented girl, and she had great chess skills. Ying Weiyi was also a talented girl, and she was superb.

After a while, the two were in full swing.

Gu Qianxue waited aside for boredom to die, quietly got up and left the house.

When he left the room, Gu Qianxue was relieved and didn't need to fill up.

——Yes, she cares! Care a lot!

But what about caring? The big marriage is also done, and Li Wang also married the little wife, what else can she do, she is also desperate.

But when I thought about it, she was originally a passer-by of Li Wang and Li Wangfu. One day, sooner or later, she was going to leave. With such a thought, she depressed the distress in her heart a little.

Gu Qianxue didn't come out on her own, and Grandma Shen followed.

Qin Fei ignored Gu Qianxue, but Grandma Shen couldn't ignore it.

In fact, Mammy Shen's affection for Gu Qianxue is much deeper than Qin Fei's affection for Gu Qianxue. After all, the two have been together for the longest time.

Grandma Shen still remembers that when the concubine Qin was in a coma, Qian Xuejun tried and tried again and again, including after every massage, Qian Xuejun was tired.

Finally, Grandma Shen couldn't help but came forward and said, "The lord, the old slave knows not to talk, but..."

Before Grandma Shen had finished speaking, Gu Qianxue saw a probe head from the gate of Yongxian Palace, "Hey, that little girl, you come in!"

The person who probed the brain, Gu Qianxue knew, was a maiden named Cai Xia, a servant who was waiting in the palace, and is now under the hand of Zhang Jieyu, who is now named Tingfei.

When Cai Xia was found, she hurried in and bowed her knees to ask for peace. "The slave-servant has seen Princess Li.

"You're free, you're free, you're very busy." Gu Qianxue smiled and turned to Grandma Shen. "Grandma, I'll leave Ying Fei to accompany Qin Fei's wife? I'll go and see Ting Fei."

Grandma Shen didn't want her to leave, because she wanted to say if she had a belly, but how could Princess Li not be her slave.

Finally, Grandma Shen sighed, "Yes, if the prince returns, the slave will let people tell the princess."

Gu Qianxue nodded happily and said to Caixia, "Let's go."

"Yes." Caixia immediately led the way.

When he walked out of the area of ​​Yongxian Palace, Gu Qianxue was relieved. "Oh, Caixia, you are really here. If it is later, the lord of the county will be crushed again. Don't look at Shen Ma's eyes. It’s life-threatening if you break your mind."

"……"pink clouds.

Soon, arrived at the palace.

Ting Fei was promoted to the concubine position. It should be reasonable to move to a larger and more expansive palace, but Ting Fei refused, and told the emperor that there were too many rooms in the palace, which was enough for her. To rebuild the palace, it is necessary to buy a lot of homes. Nowadays, there are many floods in the south, but still the limited financial resources are used on the people.

The emperor was greatly moved and said that although the reconstruction after the flood in the south required silver, it was not that bad.

Ting Fei said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and the frugal donation comes from bits and pieces. Even if there is little money, the contribution is also a heart.

The emperor was even more moved and liked Ting Fei more.

Although the palace was not moved, the palace was renovated.

Gu Qianxue was invited in by Caixia, and Yingying Yanyan from the first house came to congratulate Gu Qianxue.

Qianxue looked at the splendid palace of Jinbi and smiled, "Yo, it's a good mix."

Ting Fei heard that she directly pinched her waist and looked like she was going to quarrel. "What kind of tone are you talking to? Who did you talk to yesterday? You were not big or small today, how can you say that this palace is also your mother?" what."

Then the two laughed.

I was just afraid that the two ladies would quarrel, and then I saw the two laughing together, so I was relieved.

The relationship between Gu Qianxue and Ting Fei is good. I don’t know if it’s because of their similar age, or they had experienced life and death together.

Gu Qianxue went into the palace with the concubine, "Huh, you are so kind to say respect tea? Yesterday, there were so many concubines at tea, and your gift is the most shabby, a broken hairpin, who wants to send a meal?"

Ting Fei rolled her eyes in anger, she did have something, but after all, she had just been promoted to a concubine, and she sold it to people who are frugal for the country. How can she be so generous? "You **** girl, you know that you can't look down on it. This is not to let Caixia call you, but to give you a gift."

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