The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 945: , Don't care about her as you think

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945, don't care about her as you think

"It's up to you." Finally, Li Wang said fiercely, with an element of anger.

Ying Weiyi lowered her eyes, a respectful look.

"But your responsibility is not allowed to escape." Li Wang said suddenly.

Gu Qianxue was taken aback, what should she do? Can't you round the room? This is absolutely impossible, she should not share a man with other women, too dirty!

"You don't want to control the affairs of the king's house, it's okay to give it to Princess Ying Side, but you want to happily throw it away as the shopkeeper, no way!" Li Wang continued. "You have the responsibility of supervision, you know?"

"Oh, okay." Gu Qianxue agreed happily, as long as he didn't round the room, he could do anything.

Grandfather Shao raised his old eyes and looked at Li Wang and Gu Qianxue again. Youyou sighed sigh-Princess and Princess, you can have a snack! Lord Ye is dedicated to you, how about you? Why did Lord Wang let you supervise, but it's not afraid that Ying Fei would climb on your head and embarrass you. Hey, when can Princess Wang grow up?

Gu Qianxue suddenly remembered that there was something serious, "Oh, oh, you are too much at Gong Lingyun, the girl from Huanghua who married you came to stay alive? The round house is a round house, what do you mean by a round house? You know, Knowing that you are angry, if you don’t know, you think you have a physical defect."

What is so incomplete that it is impossible to round the house? This goes without saying.

Although there were not many people in the room, it was enough to make these people dumbfounded.

Ying Weiyi used to think that Gu Qianxue was an inexperienced shrew, but now he knows that he is a lunatic! How can such words be said, without fear of decapitation?

Relatively speaking, Grand Duke Shao and Jun An were accustomed to the lord of the court for scolding the prince, but this time, after all, it was too much.

Chu Yan was still deserted, with no expression.

Li Wang was also surprised. The frozen cheeks were slightly chapped. "Gu Qianxue, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know," Qianxue nodded. "I don't mean to be thin. After all, I know a little bit about medical skills. From the perspective of a doctor, I treat the disease quickly. If you are so young, you can still recover. After a few years, Hua Tuo's life is enough to choke."

Wang Li stepped forward and pinched Gu Qianxue's neck.

Qianxue was not Gu Qianxue in the past. Now she has martial arts, and her figure flashes backwards.

"Hey, the gentleman doesn't talk about it. Besides, I say I'm a good heart. The good medicine is bitter and loyal. If I change someone else, I'm too lazy to remind." Gu Qianxue still didn't know.

"Master, please be merciful!" Chu Yan couldn't sit still and immediately joined the battle.

Junan and the two of them fought against each other, knowing that Kung Fu's Kung Fu can't beat Li Wang, and quickly joined the battle.

"Don't go on," Qianxue shouted, "He won't use all his strength on me, it's enough to choke on you, you will be beaten!"

Li Wang stunned for a moment, squinting-this little unconscionable person knew he didn't use his full strength.

In the end, King Li withdrew his offensive, "You said that the king did not issue the poison vow. As you said before, obligations and responsibilities are complementary to each other. In this case, you have no power to interfere with the king’s life without fulfilling your obligations to the king. do you think so?"

"..." Qian Xue was stunned for a moment, but he never thought that Li Wang had learned modern concepts and paid her respects back and forth.

For a time, she was speechless.

Yes, she refused to have a round house with him, as if she didn't have the power to control whether he had a round house with others, which sounded reasonable.

"No! Almost got in by you!" Gu Qianxue hurriedly braked. "You can't round the house with others, but don't pull me on your head? You are called moral kidnapping!"

King Li withdrew the offensive and paced, "However, this is a fact, don't you let Ben Wang tell the truth?"

"..." Gu Qianxue was speechless, "Is there no other reason?"

"No." Li Wangdao said.

Gu Qianxue opened his mouth for a long time, he just didn't know what to say, "If I don't share the room with you in my life, don't you ever find a woman in my life?"

"Don't find it." Li Wangdao said.

"..." Somehow, Gu Qianxue was sour.

If all this goes back to how good it was half a year ago, there was no **** marriage at that time, there was no Ying Weiyi, and she did not promise Su Lingxiao, if the two were together when it was not started...Forget it, think so much to do , Covered with water is difficult to close.

"Well, this is your own choice, I have no right to intervene," Gu Qianxue's smirk on the face gradually disappeared, replaced with calm, "First smoke, let's go."

After a moment of stunned smoke, the governor was still angry. Why was it suddenly calm? "Yes." But as her, just follow orders.

Just when Gu Qianxue was leaving, Grandfather Shao refused, "Wait for the master of the county, will this matter of the royal palace be left to the concubine Ying?"

I was so anxious in my heart that I hoped the master could take over these.

"Yes, leave it to her." Qian Xue said.

"But didn't the prince say that the county master is responsible for supervision? Shouldn't it be left over?" Grandpa Shao's voice changed rapidly.

"No, wait until she executes." This time, Gu Qianxue didn't stay any longer and left with a group of people.

Grandfather Shao sighed helplessly, and then looked at the originally solemn courtyard. Now it seems to be a mess.

"Yeye..." Ying Weiyi bit her lip, revealing her grievances.

King Li is still cold and cold, "Do you know where you are wrong?"

Ying Weiyi shook all around and lowered his head, "Got it, the concubine passed."

Responding to Weiyi's outspoken and blunt mistakes, Li Wanggao glanced at it and really said a conscience, "She doesn't have the incompetence you imagined, and this king doesn't care about her as much as you imagine." Without further ado, stride away.

Ying Weiyi froze in place.

What does Wang Ye mean? She can understand the first half of the sentence, saying that the master of Qianxue County is actually a pig and a tiger. What does the second half of the sentence mean? The prince means, prince, there is a master of Qianxue in his heart?

When thinking of this, Ying Weiyi took two steps back.

What is she? Princess Li's position as a concubine should have been hers. Why should you run out of Gu Qianxue?

She is not convinced, and she is not willing!

But what if she was not reconciled, and the prince bluntly guarded Gu Qianxue, what could she do?

Shao Gonggong smiled at the flesh and said not, "Ying Side Princess called our family this evening. Is it our family who accompanies you?" If Ying Side Princess has nothing else to do, our family will go back to rest."

Ying Weiyi was not a woman who had no idea. After biting her teeth, she just squeezed out her smile. "It's not natural to call Grandpa Shao at night to accompany the concubine, but it's still a hard-working grandfather." Mammy took out her silver purse and stuffed it.

Grandpa Shao saw the silver and looked better. "Then the slave continued to accompany the side concubine?"

"Okay." Ying Weiyi reopened the account book, seemingly calm, but the inner waves continued.

She swears that she must make Gu Qianxue look good! Since King Li does not have oil and water here, and there is the concubine Qin, the concubine and the concubine have a close relationship with her, but they should have a good relationship.

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