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947, Eastern Junan

Yan Zisong changed his face quickly, "Don't say goodbye, I'm comfortable! I'm comfortable again."

Chu Yan gave him a cold stare, then Gu Qianxue turned back to his position and sat down.

Yan Zisong said, "I know that the master of the county has been looking for martial arts that are spread all over the world. In fact, the master of the county is really looking for distance. It is beside the master of the county. There is such a family. ."

"Beside me?" Gu Qianxue was stunned. "Are you saying Li Wang?"

Yan Zisong shook his head, "It's not His Royal Highness, but the follower beside him, Junan."

"Jun An?" Not to mention Gu Qianxue this time, even the first smoke was surprised.

Junan’s arrogant three-legged cat Kung Fu, what is worth the world to ask for him.

Yan Zisong opened the folding fan, "The county master should not look down on Junan. Although Junan looks like an unknown soldier, but he is the five young masters of the famous Jianshanzhuang, his original name was Oriental Junan."

"Famous Sword Villa? Dongfang Junan?" Gu Qianxue was surprised.

Gu Qianxue is no stranger to the famous sword mountain villa. In modern martial arts novels or martial arts films, there are five famous sword mountain villas out of ten novels.

As the name suggests, the famous Jianshanzhuang is the place to build excellent weapons. In the cold weapon era, there is nothing more important than a good weapon, but I can’t think of it. Junan still has such an identity.

But when I recall it, Jun An is loyal, but his character is simple and stubborn. Based on her understanding of Li Wang, such a person, Li Wang is insignificant. The reason why he is allowed to follow is also because of Junan's background.

In addition, Jun An is clearly a servant, but his character is more arrogant than the prince. I am afraid it is because of his noble identity.

"Eastern Junan? Not bad, not bad." Qian Xue smiled and nodded, his eyes like a fox.

Chu Yan frowned, but suddenly had a bad hunch.

Li Wang Mansion.

Cold hospital.

Gu Qianxue had already done Chuyan's ideological work for more than an hour, and he was dry-mouthed and talked about all the good and bad things. He nearly hanged himself before Chuyan.

Finally, Chu Yan agreed.

Agree-beauty plan!

The night was darkening, and Ying Weiyi who had entered the palace did not return, nor did Li Wang and others return. Chu Yan coldly looked at the warm soup on the stage, and his hands tickled to beat people.

But there is no way, promised the county master will do it, not to mention to find the master.

Thinking, Chu Yan sighed quietly.

The Israeli waiter, she wasn’t the one to do it. When she was an assassin, she had to pay more as a female assassin in order to achieve the assassination goal.

She used to be a walking dead and a murder tool. It was the Master who gave her a second life, and the Master of Qianxue County gave her a third life.

Today, she is a flesh and blood person, no longer willing to sacrifice hue, she has her own preferences and pursuits.

Fortunately, she didn't dislike Junan very much.

At the same time, another location.

Gu Qianxue dived out of the palace and jumped to the top floor where fireworks were often set off, expertly took out fireworks and flint from his arms, polished the flint to ignite the sparks on the firework's lead, followed by a slamming noise, fireworks Go up.

The fireworks are not big, and if not close, few people find them.

Everyone thought that the fireworks connected to the Blood Moon Building were sent out by sight, and only the real insiders knew that it was not visual, but auditory.

When the fireworks exploded in the sky, Gu Qianxue's ears shook a few times.

Fireworks have a much wider radiation range than the dark whistle. It is because of the power that they have to rush to the sky to work. Otherwise, if they explode around and burns, the deafness is still very likely.

Next, wait patiently.

It stands to reason that she should wander on the street or find a stone in the nearby woods to sit down. However, today she just wants to sit on the rooftop and watch the night view of the capital.

Today there is no moon, the sky is full of stars, and the ground is dark.

Nanyueguo is not like modern China. It is said to be a night view. In fact, only night has no view, and there is a night ban in Beijing. Unless it is a grand festival such as the New Year and the Emperor’s birthday, the people cannot come out in a hurry.

Gu Qianxue was sitting on the roof, holding his knees, resting his chin on his knees, and his head was confused.

Even she herself did not know whether the decision was right or wrong at this time.

I do not know when to find Su Lingxiao is not a task that must be achieved, it has become an inertia.

Just sitting in a blank brain, until someone who had changed was walking, it was discovered that an hour had passed unconsciously.

Gu Qianxue got up and looked on the ground without any figure.

She is puzzled. According to the truth, no matter where she is hiding, she can be found by the people in the Blood Moon Tower, not to mention she stands on the roof of the tallest building in Beijing.

Not reconciled, waiting for the incense stick time, still no one answered.

Gu Qianxue pulled out another firework without saying anything and set it off.

Then continue to wait.

There was no news for half an hour, and then fireworks.

Five of them were set in one breath, and it was even dawning.

Finally, the one-eyed courier arrived and silently jumped onto the roof, "Master Qianxue."

Gu Qianxue also stood up, "Yeah, brother, are you here? Is there a traffic jam on the road?"

"..." To answer the question, "First explain to Qianxue County Lord, when you send the first signal, you will receive it at the next time, but the Lord has the order. In the future, the County Lord will send a signal without coming down. The host personally received it, so please go back first."

Qian Xue was stunned, and then nodded, "I know, I'll go back and wait."

If another person puts it so mysteriously, Gu Qianxue does not believe it, but the other party is Xueyuelou, but Gu Qianxue has to believe it.

Li Wang Mansion.

After Junan accompanied Li Wang and Ying Side Princess back, they were worth it.

When I went back to the courtyard where I lived, I felt a strange feeling.

No one was waiting in Junan's yard. It was just a fixed hour in the day, and a maid came in to clean it.

Junan narrowed his momentum, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly pulled the sword from his waist suddenly, "Who, come out!"

If you can't find out if you are hidden in a familiar room, he doesn't have to learn martial arts for years.

A hissing sound was the sound of the fire fold, followed by the flames igniting the lamp on the table.

The light spreads slowly until it spreads throughout the room.

A slim woman stood quietly at the table, shook it, and extinguished the fire in her hand. "It's me." Although the voice was quiet, there was no unspeakable charm.

Upon seeing the man, Junan's eyes lit up sharply, "The first smoke girl? It's so late, how come you came to me? This... there is no tea in the room, you wait, I'll give you tea." said Then, when you turn around, you need to find good tea.

"No, I'm here to bring you ginseng soup." Chu Yan calmly said.

Junan just turned around and paused, ginseng? Ginseng soup?

He turned around quietly, with a surprised expression on Junxiu's face, "Miss Smoke Girl, will you... poison me?"

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