Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

954, people are not their own

"Yes, concubine." Ying Weiyi sat down and her eyes flashed. "The prince specially told the concubine to go to the palace to accompany the concubine more often. The prince's business is too busy to hold Huan's knees. The concubine is willing to do the work."

Qin Fei nodded, but the smile on her face was far-fetched.

Ying Weiyi's eyes narrowed, and she gave a look to the girl next to her. The girl hurried forward and handed over the scroll in her hand. A word will be brought, and I would like to ask the concubine for advice."

Qin Fei sighed, "Dare not say his attainments, this palace just likes it, let's take a look."

Ying Weiyi unfolded the word, and after seeing it, Qin Fei was amazed. "How to teach!" Ying Weiyi's skill is clearly above Qin Fei.

Teacher Ying Weiyi is a famous teacher, not to mention among the women, the character of the champion is probably not as good as her.

"Let the concubine smile, the concubine liked it since childhood, so I usually write more about it."

Ying Weiyi speaks very well. If her calligraphy and painting skills are low, it is okay to say something humble; however, her level is obvious to all. If she says something more humble, it will be false. It is better to say that she loves more, and she can do what she likes.

Concubine Qin liked painting and calligraphy very much, and had a discussion with Ying Weiyi.

The two chatted for more than half an hour in one breath, after all, they shared similar interests.

Originally, the concubine Qin was somewhat resistant to Wei Yi's heart, but with the pleasant exchange today, the resistance was much smaller and more kind.

Qin Fei sighed, "Since you entered the royal palace, you will be a member of the royal family in the future. You must first understand whether you are a member of the palace family or a family member. Don't make mistakes in some people's principles." Some people , Referring to the queen.

Ying Weiyi was very clever, and soon came to understand, "Thank you mother concubine for teaching, concubine to remember."

Qin Fei nodded, "If you can distance yourself from your family in the future, you will pull it away. In some cases, this palace can only click here."

Ying Weiyi immediately got up and knelt down obediently, "The concubine's gratitude to the concubine's reconstruction, the concubine remembers forever."

Qin Fei is very fond of this set. She likes this kind of talented girl best, advancing and retreating, calm and not afraid, although her origin is a bit sensitive.

Concubine Qin handed Ying Weiyi up, "How is the Wang Mansion over there."

Speaking of this, Ying Weiyi shook her head again, red eyes.

Qin Fei said, "With regard to the matter of men and women, it is forgivable for the children to open their minds, but the backyard is also deserted. This palace has a way."

"Mother, please." Ying Weiyi said quickly.

"In order to accept a few concubine rooms, he always likes Huanfei Yanshou."

Ying Weiyi suddenly ate like a fly. Although she was a side concubine, in other words, a concubine, she was unhappy to think of the large number of concubines in her husband’s backyard.

Concubine Qin saw Ying Weiyi's resistance and said, "Don't learn from Qianxue. Since ancient times, men have three wives and four concubines. What's more, the folk is still the royal family? The human prosperity is the root of the family's prosperity. What is the determination of decay? Besides, the concubine just let Feng'er know how to deal with her. When she knows how good the woman is, she is not worried about your love? As long as you look at them and feed the Zizi soup in time, it is good to be special, but nothing More reliable than Ziji."

Ying Weiyi's body softened, and his eyes flashed unwillingly.

But what can I do if I am unwilling? This world is already unfair to women and can only be tolerated.

"Concubines and concubines listen to the concubine, but what if the prince does not want to do it?" Ying Weiyi tentatively tentatively said that there was a silver lining in her heart.

"You go back and say that this is the meaning of the palace, Paoer is willing." Qin Fei said.

Ying Weiyi lowered her eyes, her eyes flashing with hatred, "Yes, concubine."

The two chatted a little bit more, and the general topics were around Li Wang.

Such as asking Li Wang's diet, Li Wang's work and rest, and instructing Ying Weiyi how to serve Yunyun.

He was not allowed to leave until noon.

Ying Weiyi faced with a smile on his face until he was at the gate of the palace and got on his carriage. Then he resented, "I went to the palace to accompany her and honor her. I thought she could speak to let King Li... well, even Let me give Li Wang a concubine, isn't it a pleasure to find yourself?"

Following the old eyes of Ying Weiyi's grandmother, she flashed a vicious look, "Miss can't be confused, this concubine can't be blind, you must find obedient."

Ying Weiyi sighed, "Now it's difficult to ride a tiger, but it's not enough not to be concubine." Turning to think, "Gu Qianxue is blamed, if not her... why?"

Grandma hurried to comfort, "Miss is angry, this is not right? The prince and Gu Qianxue are getting more and more important, and then they can be more and more intimate with the maiden. When the maiden has the heir of the prince in the future, that is independence. Qin Fei is not like this. Higher?"

Ying Weiyi thought for a while, that's how it happened, and I was relieved.

At the same time, another location.

Pei Xiangfu.

Since the night before the fight, Pei has taken three bowls of medicine.

"Miss Princess Li, how is Yurui doing?" Mrs. Pei was supported by her grandmother, and immediately greeted Gu Qianxue when she walked out of the room.

Poor parents in the world, from yesterday to today, Mrs. Pei did not close his eyes.

Gu Qianxue said, "Don't worry, the old lady will have an effect if you take the antidote, but in order to speed up the medicine, I will massage Pei's acupuncture points in the afternoon, and the massage is very painful. Please ask the old lady not to watch."

"Pain?" Mrs. Pei shivered. "Isn't there... other ways?" There was more pleading.

Qianxue said, "It doesn't need to be massaged. It's just that the recovery is slow. I don't know when I can wake up. In addition, the drug is divided into three poisons. Now that Pei's body is weak and his organs are weak, long-term medication may increase the burden on the kidneys."

Mrs. Pei busy said, "Don't, don't, just the old one is not, the old body shouldn't put his beak, it's the old person's fault," said, taking a stack of silver tickets from the grandmother's hand and handing them to Gu Qianxue, "old body I know that the princess and the princess are not bad at this amount of money, but how much they are willing."

Gu Qianxue glanced at the number of the top silver ticket, which was actually one thousand two, and the thick one said 30 less, which means thirty thousand two!

Qianxue worked very hard to control herself, and could not show her greedy money. You know, she was very poor, and she wanted to make a lot of money in her dreams.

Although Guo Sefang is still very profitable to outsiders, but tens of thousands of silver at a time is basically a stubborn salary. She not only wants to raise children in the nursery, but also to find Su Lingxiao.

People in the rivers and lakes recognize money but not people. This is understandable. After all, it is the job of the people of the rivers and lakes to use people’s money to eliminate disasters, so there is no money!

Gu Qianxue didn't know what kind of wind Lu Weilou was trying to get her money, but the more she was afraid of her heart, she didn't believe that there were good people in this world who did not ask for rewards. He doesn't need money and will surely pay her a heavy price.

Sometimes the problems that can be solved with money are not problems. When they cannot be solved with money, they are the worst.

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