Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

968, Li Wang, he ran away?

For a time, Gu Qianxue suspected his ears. "it is good?"

"Is there anything else?" Obviously, Li Wang didn't want to get involved in this matter.

"Just borrowed Jun'an from me like that?" Qian Xue surprised.

Li Wang frowned, "Grandpa Shao, give away." The voice increased a little.

Grandpa Shao, who has been taking care of King Li for decades, knows that Grandpa is really moving this time, but he has no choice but to step forward. "The Grandpa's official business is busy. Please forgive me, please."

Although he was puzzled, since the goal was achieved, Gu Qianxue didn’t want to stay with Li Wang and stared down at the donkey. "Well, don’t forget to drink tonic soup, it’s really my own. Boil it!" After the advice, he and Chu Yan and others left.

Li Wangwei continued working for the first time, only quietly looking at the doorway, where she left.

Seeing that the beautiful shadow was moving farther and farther, and finally disappeared, she took back her sight, and at the same time, it was endless sorrow.

Grandpa Shao returned and looked at Li Wang's desolation in his eyes.

He sighed three times in a row, and finally couldn't help saying, "Your lord, Tang Liang, don't waste the princess's pains." I tried to persuade, but I didn't know where to start.

King Li knew it, nodded, looked down at the thick soup, and then picked it up and drank it.


Grandpa Shao was startled, and quickly looked at Li Wang, but he saw him spray a whole table. "Your lord, are you okay? Is there something wrong with Tang?!" Grandpa Shao's face changed, and he was afraid of being poisonous.

Angrily, Li Wang threw the soup bowl on the table, snorted, and strode out of the study.

Grandpa Shao hurried over and smelled a beef soup, then picked up the soup bowl and tasted it in a small bit, "Well, isn’t this the bullwhip Shiquan impotence soup? The bullwhip still has so much left, no wonder one Strange smell of zizi, as well as antler, ginseng, aconite, dried ginger, wolfberry, cistanche, epimedium, Morinda officinalis... The princess is all under the potion, if the prince really drinks it, it is estimated that it will not last for two days. ."

Thinking, sighing again, "Hey, when can the prince and the princess be reconciled?"

the other side.

Gu Qianxue got Li Wang's consent and immediately ran to Chuan with Chu Yan.

The Junan Fengchen servant just came in from outside the palace, and when he came in, he saw Gu Qianxue and others approaching him. He was overjoyed and greeted him, "How did you come to me, Miss Cigarette?"

Chu Yan didn't even move his eyebrows up or down, but ignored him, only when there was no one in front of him.

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes, "I said Brother Jun, you have followed your prince for so long, and no one has learned to be blind except for the eyes, right?"

If it was usual, Jun An had to argue a few words, but in front of the first smoke girl, he would leave an image of being humble and studious, "Yes, yes, the princess taught that the villain was wrong and the villain was blind."

"..." Gu Qianxue was so troubled that he could not speak for a while.

The plot should not be like this, according to the truth, Brother Jun should be very arrogant.

Later, I saw Jun An looking at Chu Yan diligently like a pug. Gu Qianxue suddenly realized, but pretended not to see, "That's it, I just came out of Li Wang's yard. I borrowed you from him. Now."

Jun An was stunned, "borrowed? Is there anything the princess needs to do small?"

"Yes, I want to go to Mingjian Shanzhuang," Qian Xue gathered his voice, "Although you have vowed not to ask for help at home, but I can use my own way to make Mingjian Shanzhuang answer my request, you only need to accompany me to Mingjian Villas plus referrals are enough."

In terms of referrals, Junan is willing to help, "Sorry Princess, I am afraid not. From Beijing to Mingjian Mountain Villa, the fastest speed of the carriage will take five days. One back and forth and staying in Mingjian Mountain Villa for a few days is half a month. I will follow the lord."

Gu Qianxue raised her eyebrows, “But you haven’t thought about it. In the past half month, you can travel with Nanyan and Nanyue together with Chuyan. You can also take Chuyan to see your hometown, your family and your growth. Places, including your room." The voice is more and more provocative.

"..." Chu Yan.

Peach blossoms have appeared in the eyes of pure Junan, and he is constantly imagining the beautiful scene.

"Okay, okay, my subordinates will go on vacation with the prince!"

"..." Chu Yan's eyes twitched, said good faithful?

Gu Qianxue narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Ruzi can be taught too."

"Then when do we set off?" Jun An said urgently, his eager tone as if he could not start immediately. His eyes could not help but flutter to Chu Yan.

"Two days, after Li Wang received his concubine." Qian Xue said.

Jun An was stunned, and he still couldn't hold back, "I said Princess, some of the subordinates are not easy to say, but the prince is really obsessed with you, don't you stare at him and torture him?"

Qian Xue looked at Junan funny, feeling that love really changed people. If it was Junan in the past, he disdain to say these words, perhaps because of the incomprehensible style of the first smoke, Junan felt empathy with Li Wang, "You go Take a leave with him." To Chu Yan and others, "let's go."

"Yes." Yulian Yucui replied.

Gu Qianxue and others left, Junan looked at his back in a daze, murmured, "The first smoke girl didn't look at me from beginning to end, it really hurts, it's sour, hey... I want to come Lord Ye also hurts so much, it’s hard to be a man.” Mumbled, and went to the main courtyard listlessly.

In a flash, two days later.

This is a very important day and a day that changes the fate of many people, at least seven people.

Early in the morning, Ying Weiyi got up and opened Zhang Luokai. Similarly, both the Siyu Pavilion and the Lilac Courtyard were full of trouble, and the entire palace was immersed in a joyful atmosphere.

Only in Princess Li's cold courtyard was deserted.

Gu Qianxue was still sleeping, Yulian and Yucui moved a small bench to embroider at the door, but the others sighed.

Someone said, "What can I do? Although the governor is a concubine, the king's power is held by the side concubine, and he has received so many concubines within a few days of the big marriage. What can the governor do in the future."

Another humane, "Yeah, is this destiny? This was not the case in Shangshufu before? The power is in the hands of Aunt Pei, and the backyard concubine has been more and more every year. I thought it was because my wife was stupid, but now I know that the original The governor is also stupid, hey."

This is stupid.

Suddenly, Chu Yan hurried back from outside the courtyard, followed by Junan, who was fascinated behind him. "Is the governor getting up?" he asked anxiously.

Yulian and Yucui hurriedly stopped their work.

"The master hasn't gotten up yet. Sister Yanyan, what happened?" Yulian said.

Chu Yan looked bad, "Li Wang, he ran away!"

Jun An hurried to correct it later, "No, the prince did not run away. The prince suddenly received an urgent order to leave Beijing." Although it was a refutation, the voice seemed soft to complain.

At the beginning, Yan Li didn't pay attention to Jun An, and hurried into it.

Then, a loud roar came from Gu Qianxue's room, "What? Run? Gong Lingyun, who dared to run? Mom, the master of this county spent 70,000 or two silver!"

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