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982, Oriental Junhua

the other side.


Ever since Chu Yan came back, he hasn't stayed at home.

Gu Qianxue knew that Chu Yan was excited.

Women are different from men. Men prefer to stick to their own opinions and only pursue what they like. Even if a woman who doesn’t like is moved with sincerity, it may not necessarily succeed. Even if it succeeds, but once likes that person, as long as the mouth is relaxed, the man will go immediately Pursue true love.

But women are not, women are sensuous animals, and they often take a lifetime for the moment.

Chu Yan didn't like Jun'an originally, but Jun'an was sincere. After a long period of time, the stone also became hot, not to mention the Chu Yan who longed for warmth.

Yulian and Yucui were sent out, and Gu Qianxue took Chuyan's hand just to comfort him, but Chuyan shook his head, "Sovereign, don't need to say anything, let it all end, the whole thing blames me, I I should have seen the facts for a long time, and am ridiculously naive."

"No, Chu Yan, listen to me..."

"The governor rested earlier, and the slave was tired, and wanted to lie down for a while." He said, shaking Gu Qianxue's hand away.

Qian Xue was helpless, she knew that Chu Yan's inner inferiority and sensitivity, indifference was just her illusion.

"Yes, then you lie down for a while, and Yulian and Yucui go out for a walk." Qian Xue knew that Chu Yan needed time to calm down, and I wondered if she would cry, even if she cried, she would not let them see.

So, Gu Qianxue took Yulian and Yucui out.

Although it was approaching the evening, the famous Sword Mountain Villa was very lively, and more and more people who participated in the sword-making convention entered the mountain villa.

The children in the rivers and lakes are not limited to small sections. Although the male and female areas are slightly separated, they are only different from the yard, which is different from the official male and female defenses.

Gu Qianxue was shocked to see these people who participated in the conference with great interest.

Can she really win the championship? It is also good to enter the top ten.

Yu Cui worried, "Miss, is Sister Yanyan really okay? This is the first time I have seen Sister Yanyan lying in bed and sleep. It is usually night, and I can't see it."

Qianxue shook his head, "I don't know."

Yulian said, "Otherwise, I'll go back to accompany Chu Yanyan?"

"Don't go," Qianxue hurriedly stopped. "Chuyan didn't want to show the weakest side of her heart to others. All we can do is stay by her side, accompany her, support her, and protect her."

"Good!" Yulian and Yucui spoke in unison.

Yu Cui said, "Huh, isn't that the big family of martial arts? What's so great about it, we despised us as maidservants!"

Gu Qianxue couldn't help crying, thinking, Yu Cui, you are a fool, people don't look down on the identity of the maidservant, but... Hey, it's hard to say.

At this moment, a young man in a dark green robe came from a distance. He was tall and sturdy, with a smooth figure and excellent temperament. He was confident all over his body, and at first glance was a person from a large family .

"Excuse me, who is Zhao Xiaohan, Zhao girl?" The man stopped in front of the three men, but he was polite.

The three men looked and found that the young man was somewhat similar to Jun An.

Closer, the man was astonished by the girl in front of him. He had never seen such a beautiful woman, and it was even better to see that the woman has the blood of Chu Yanguo, so the outline is clear, but she does not want to be as strong as the woman of Chu Yanguo. The sturdiness and rigidity perfectly combine the characteristics of Chu Yanguo and the mainland, but they are soft and charming.

Gu Qianxue returned, "I am Zhao Xiaohan, I don't know if the son is?"

The man heard that Zhao Xiaohan, who was in front of the pretty girl who had signed up with her fifth brother, was taken aback, "So you are Zhao Xiaohan who signed up for the Sword Making Convention in a special way? You really don't want Xumei, will you really make a sword?" Then I found that I was too excited, and I was afraid that the girl was abrupt, "Sorry, I was so excited just now. My name is Dongfang Junhua, the fourth brother of Dongfang Junan, and I came to confirm the registration list."

Gu Qianxue knew this. It turned out to be a brother. It’s no wonder that looks are so similar. “It turns out that’s true. I’m Zhao Xiaohan who signed up with the old lady specially. In fact, I don’t know how to cast a sword. Ann competes together, but I want to win the game."

Dongfang Junhua stunned, "Why does Miss Zhao have to win the competition? The sword-making convention is the highest glory of the sword-casting masters in the whole world. If the girl is not in the sword-making industry, what attracts the girl to participate?"

Qianxue shook her head and glanced apologetically, "Sorry, I can't say for the time being."

In the eyes of Xiao Xiao, Dongfang Junhua seemed to be electrocuted. The person who had never been calm suddenly jumped into a strange heart. "Since this is the case, I won't ask too much in the next, but the fifth brother has never cast a sword. If you have any questions or need help, send someone to come to me. I live in the tin courtyard in the east of Dongshanzhuang. Tin is tin ore tin. Does the girl remember?"

Qian Xue chuckled, this sword villa is really funny, what is not good for naming the yard, even if it is using various famous swords, it is like naming it with ore? "I see, I would like to thank Mr. Dongfang."

Dongfang Junhua shook her head, "The girl is polite, since you are a friend of Junan, that is also my Junhua's friend, just..." The long face of the handsome man flashed a little gossip and lowered his voice, "I don't know who is the first smoke girl?"

Yulian and Yucui looked ugly, Qian Xue sighed, "The first smoke is slightly uncomfortable, and is resting. Today, the Oriental Master is afraid to see it."

Dongfang Junhua wanted to see what kind of girl his elder brother's fifth brother would like. The fifth brother was the fifth brother. The young lady with this national fragrance did not like it. But that's fine, isn't it convenient for him?

"What, the first smoke girl is sick? Do you want to go down to find a doctor?"

Qian Xue refused, "Thank you Mr. Dongfang for your care. If you don't use it, I will heal the doctor. The first smoke is just tired, just rest and rest."

"Okay," Dongfang Junhua really wants to stay if he is not busy, but he still has a lot of lists to confirm. "Then I will be busy first. If there is any need, Miss Zhao must be polite and send someone to find me."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Dongfang." Gu Qianxue bowed to Yingying.

Yulian and Yucui also hurriedly followed the salute.

In this way, Dongfang Junhua left reluctantly, and the fame of Zhao Xiaohan, the only woman who participated in the sword-making conference, spread throughout the entire sword-making conference and even the famous sword villa, not only because of the rareness of things, but also because of its beauty. .

The courtyard where Gu Qianxue lived became a zoo. From time to time, men of various colors "passed by". Just to see Fang Rong, Gu Qianxue was embarrassed to go out and could only be bored in the room.

But this is good, but there is a lot of time to think about countermeasures.

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