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997, poison oath


Thousands of people discussed the whole lobby. The lobby was very noisy for a time, and even the roof had to be overturned.

Although Dongfang Jun'er is twenty-two years old, he is still a big girl with a yellow flower. Besides, in a feudal society with closed information and conservative folk customs, he doesn't understand what "touch" means.

But Dongfang Jun'er doesn't understand, it doesn't mean that others don't understand, especially most of the halls are men.

Dongfang Junhua was angry, "This Li Wang is really not a thing. If you don't like it, just refuse it. Why should you stay alive?"

Gu Qianxue lowered his head and stared at the table fiercely.

She was very confused, she didn't understand. Why did Li Wang say these words, did he confess? Did you tell her anything? Is it true... or false?

Finally, the second child, Dongfangjunzhi, took the case and said, "Oh, I said, Your Highness, King Li, this is not your Nanyue Kingdom. These people are not all Nanyue people. It’s not that everyone believes what you say. It’s better to weigh it a few times. Don’t flash your tongue in the wind.”

Many people laughed, but the Nanyue people looked ugly, almost fighting against the people who laughed at Li Wang.

This time is not Li Wang's own business, but about the country.

Gu Qianxue was immediately nervous, not afraid that King Li would not come to Taiwan, but that he would be angry.

Secretly pray in your heart-don't fight, this occasion is really not suitable for fighting. If the relationship between Nanyue State and Mingjian Mountain Village is stiff, it will not be conducive to the balance between the three countries.

King Li smiled lightly, then slowly stood up, facing the direction of Dongfang Junzhi. "Braught? Huh. Since you don't believe it, listen well." He said, raising three fingers, "The emperor is on the ground, thick soil As a proof. Today in the famous Jianshanzhuang, Mr. Dongshen, the ancestor of Kaishan, will testify. My palace Lingfeng takes a poison vow here. In this life and this world, I only love Gu Qianxue and only touch Gu Qianxue. If it violates, heaven Thunder and thunder, fall into hell, and eternal life must not be superborn."

The huge crowd of heroes is silent!

The ancients are not as modern as the ancients, even though they did not believe in gods, they believed in ghosts, especially the kings and hells.

The ancients never swear poison, but once swear, they will always obey.

Li Wang took the poison vow and shocked thousands of people on the court.

Gu Qianxue was also shocked. She looked in the direction of Li Wang stunnedly, her expression full of disbelief.

What should she do?

Dongfang Junhua was also frightened and muttered, "It seems that King Li really loves Princess Li."

Gu Qianxue's eyes flickered, "Maybe it's nonsense?"

Dongfang Junhua explained patiently, "It might be nonsense to change places, but in our name Jian Shanzhuang, no one dared to use our Eastern ancestors to take a vow, very...spiritual."

Qian Xue was startled.

Dongfang Junhua whispered to herself, "Compared with the heart, the most difficult thing to do is the man's body. After all, the color is in the heart, you can touch it if you don't like it, as long as the woman is beautiful, this Li Wang is really ruthless. , Just locked the second son for a lifetime, tweeting."

Dongfang Junhua whispered so naturally that she didn't want the girl beside her to hear it. After all, the words were slightly vulgar, but Gu Qianxue had mother gold in her ears.

Qian Xue studied medicine and deeply understood the physiological differences between men and women. In contrast, it is men who are more likely to be ecstatic.

Dongfang Junhua saw Gu Qianxue moving, thinking she was moved, and raised three fingers, "Miss Zhao, I can swear for you too."

Qian Xue was startled, and grabbed his three fingers with one hand, "Are you crazy? People get married and swear, you make a fart, let's not say whether the woman you like will agree with you, if she doesn't before marriage Watch out for death, what should you do? Stay alive for a lifetime... No, live bachelor?"

Dongfang Junhua was clear and grinned, revealing a neat white teeth, "It's still Miss Zhao's cleverness, OK, then I won't swear first. When we get married, I must swear in front of all the guests!"

"..." Gu Qianxue couldn't help crying and shook his head helplessly, "This day will never come, you believe me."

"No, I will marry you!" Dongfang Junhua is anxious.

On the other side, Li Wang's poisonous oath really calmed everyone down. Dongfang Juner's face was ashamed, and even Dongfangjun who had violently ridden the king was stunned on the spot.

For a long while, Dongfangjun passed away and took the lead to clap his hands.

Immediately afterwards, the whole lobby was applauded.

Dongfang Junzhi laughed excitedly, "Our famous sword villa is not only famous for its swords, but also one-handed for infatuation. Who doesn't say that our people in the Oriental family are all a muscle in emotions, but with His Royal Highness In comparison, we are also willing to worship!" After all, no one dared to make such a vow.

King Li only smiled faintly, "The determination is not to speak, the king just speaks out, but everyone in the Oriental family is doing it by himself, and the king should respect you." Then, he picked up the wine on the table, yes Holding the position where the Oriental family was sitting, he bowed his head and then drank up and drank.

The people of the Oriental family did not dare to neglect, and took the wine and drank it.

It can be said that the tense situation that had just been triggered was immediately subsided.

But only, Dongfang Jun'er is dead, but nothing but bitter smile.

Junan and Chuyan still did not return, but they did not know what the two were talking about.

Dongjun Junhua still haunted Gu Qianxue, Qianxue was helpless and said that the air in the lobby was cloudy and got up.

Dongfang Junhua followed, "Miss Zhao, you wait, Miss Zhao." Because he explained his whereabouts to other people, Dongfang Junhua slowed down a step and caught up with Gu Qianxue easily. "Are you angry, Zhao girl? "

Gu Qianxue was caught up and sighed, "No, it's just helpless, how many times have I said, I and you will never get results, my's really complicated and special!"

"It doesn't matter, I can wait for you!" Dongfang Junhua said anxiously.

Gu Qianxue really wants to knock on the brains of these people with the surname of the East. Why are they so stubborn?

But at this time, a pale red figure from far and near.

Seeing the man, Dongfang Junhua reacted with the gentleness before him, angry, "I said crazy, you are so embarrassed? You and the King Li don't care about me, even pull the girl Zhao, believe it or not I beat you?"

Although they are brothers and sisters, the two are born on the same month and the same day, and the character of Dongfang Jun'er is the same as that of men. The two often fight each other.

Gu Qianxue turned and saw Dongfang Jun'er.

But I saw Dongfang Jun'er's eyes are red, but his expression is not decadent, "Miss Zhao, I'm here to apologize to you. I was just bad, I admit, because Li Wang's eyes have been on you, I am very jealous, so It involves you, but I did not expect that Li Wang even humiliated you."

Gu Qianxue twitched his lips, but he still didn't speak.

Until now, she still has a feeling in her dream.

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