“Beast? Are you sure you’re not mistaken? ”

In the room, Li Shi’s exclamation sounded, and his tone seemed a little unbelievable.

After the two who felt close to each other thought for a long time, the answer that Yeyue came to was this?

“I think there is no other reason than this, we have never met, nor are we related by blood, then, apart from that beastly aura, there is nothing else in common!”

“So I guess when you were a child, you struggled like a beast to survive!” That’s why we have a lingering bestiality, which is also the root of our closeness to each other! ”

It is precisely because of the closeness that Yeyue, who has always been indifferent and silent, would say so many things to a woman who met for the first time, if Red Bird and Ghost Ice saw it, they would have to be stunned!

At this time, Yeyue was talking, his mouth was analyzing the head, his eyes flashed with wisdom, and with his handsome appearance, he was simply the national god in the mouth of mankind, exuding unparalleled charm!

The original night moon does not understand any feelings, and the intelligence has been maintained at the age of two or three, but after the induction of the red plover, the night moon five years later is no longer the same, and the lack of words on weekdays is just because of the cold personality, and the IQ of the night moon is indeed beyond the age!

And as Yeyue’s point of view suggests, Yeyue struggled to survive alone when she was a child, if it weren’t for the super talent given by the system, how could there be today’s famous evil ghosts?

Although Night Moon has faded his bestial nature and truly has human nature, his nature is still like a beast, pursuing the law of the jungle, speaking these rules based on strength, and treating enemies and prey even more brutal and bloodthirsty, without mercy!

This is the similarity between Night Moon and Leworld! Li Shi’s life history is also quite mysterious, when she became famous, she already had the title of Daijiao, and the only thing that could trace the information was that Li Shi was chased and killed by the Jiao species in the eleventh district, but killed all the pursuers.

But from Li Shi’s style of acting, it can be seen that her childhood experience must be very similar to that of Night Moon, and she must have struggled to survive like a beast to develop such a brutal character.

Sure enough, with the analysis of the night moon, Li Shi’s eyes also opened up little by little, and his eyes were full of surprise!

“Hehe~~ It’s really interesting! In other words, do you have the same past as me? ”

Li Shi covered his mouth and chuckled, his tone was relaxed but it was difficult to hide the pain, I think that Li Shi’s past must have some unbearable experience.

Night Moon did not answer, just quietly looked at Li Shi’s beautiful cheeks, the blood stains on her face added a bit of enchanting hue to her, and an inexplicable longing surged in her heart, that was an unknown emotion, an emotion that Ye Yue had never touched.

“What a horrible look! Little brother, are you trying to ‘eat’ me? ”

God Daili patted his chest and shouted in fear, still eating the accentuated tone of the word, the meaning of which was unclear.

Night Moon frowned slightly when he heard this, although Night Moon had long been accustomed to sharing words, but he instinctively resisted eating Li Shi.

He hadn’t heard what Lees meant differently than he understood.

“Are you going to be in District 20 lately?”

Night Moon asked a very abrupt question, the meaning was unclear.

“That’s right~ I just came here, and today I found a very delicious prey, and tomorrow I may have to eat him!”

Although he didn’t know what Night Moon wanted to do, Li Shi didn’t mind telling Night Moon what he planned next, just as Night Moon unconsciously wanted to get close to Li Shi, Li Shi also did not resist Night Moon.

Although this is somewhat incredible for both of them.

“I know, then, see you tomorrow~”

Night Moon nodded, dropped such an inexplicable sentence and disappeared into the room, leaving Li Shi with a surprised face, unable to understand what Night Moon wanted to do.

“Hehe~ What an interesting boy, it seems that the future will not be boring!”

After a long time, Shen Daili smiled softly, smiling happily.


The black shadow flashed, and the night moon returned home directly from the window, and at this time, Ghost Ice and Red Plover had already returned, sitting on the sofa watching the news with the human-invented TV, and the news was playing the invasion of the Xuan species that had just occurred in the commercial summer.

“Brother, have you found anything interesting again?”

Seeing the night moon return, Hongluan asked with a little helplessness in his smile.

“Well, I found a woman who resembles me, and I think she will join us soon.”

Yeyue nodded, not hiding what happened tonight.

“A woman who looks a lot like you? Join us? ”

Ghost Ice and Red Plover asked in unison, only the difference was that Ghost Bing’s attention was very similar to that of Night Moon, while Red Plover noticed that the other party was female and would join them.

Instinctively, Red Bird felt threatened, although she didn’t know what the reason for this sense of threat was.


Yeyue was surprised that the two would have such a big reaction, and asked with some doubts.

“No, no~”

Red Bird and Ghost Ice shook their heads again and replied, but the two looked at each other very tacitly, and both saw the incredulity in each other’s eyes.

Is this really the Night Moon? That evil ghost with a somewhat withdrawn and cold personality, who is not good at interacting with people? It took less than an hour to meet a female Kaoru, and they wanted her to join their team, which is too fast!

However, no matter what, Night Moon did not explain much, and neither Red Plover nor Ghost Ice asked more, and the time soon came to the afternoon of the next day, and the sky was still sunny and cloudless.

Since tasting the antique coffee yesterday, Red Plover and Ghost Ice obviously have plans to become regular visitors here, and Night Moon can only follow them and come here early in the morning to sit.

After a morning of getting along, Red Plover and Ghost Ice quickly became acquainted with them, and learned a lot of basic information about District 20 from the pleasant conversation, but Nishio Nishiki still kept his distance from them, while Yeyue had an expression of not being close to anyone.

Until the afternoon, Yeyue had been looking out the window in a daze, and he didn’t know what was going on in his head.

“Nani? On your first date, you chose to go to the library, where nerds only go? Kaneki, isn’t your brain funny! ”

A high exclamation broke the calm of the coffee shop, Yeyue frowned slightly, turned his head, two human teenagers came into view, the person who spoke had yellow hair and looked very sunny and handsome, while the teenager sitting opposite him had short black hair and looked very handsome.

“Jingle bells ~~”

When the wind chimed, a figure with long purple hair appeared at the door, attracting everyone’s attention.

(The day after tomorrow, the evil ghost attack is about to be on the shelves, and Xiaofei will try to break out!) Favorite, support, subscription!! )

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