The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 10 Underground World

The magma kept spewing out like a fountain, and was extinguished by the cold lake water in an instant, and the fine sand produced rose to become lake sand.

Near the magma, Zhang Fan found a brand-new algae with a bright red appearance that could absorb various minerals. He named it red algae.

These red algae are the producers of the entire underground world.

After observation, it was found that the creatures in this underground world are all anaerobic creatures. It can be seen from this that the tardigrades should have crawled out from here.

Anaerobism is also a very important factor for Zhang Fan, allowing him to survive for more time in harsh conditions.

However, anaerobic organisms are very afraid of oxygen. If exposed to oxygen, they will be oxidized and die quickly.

So that's why the monster never surfaced.

The area of ​​the underground world is not large, only a few hundred square kilometers, which is too small compared to the hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of Yaohu.

In the end, Zhang Fan found the monster that was more than thirty meters long.

It is also an invertebrate with a long and slender body, bare skin without scales, and extends back to the end of the tail and surrounds the tail to form a tail fin. There are four fin-like tentacles on both sides of the body.

It is a creature of the class Cylostomata. It has a funnel-shaped mouth with a circle of teeth inside, which is a round sucker. There are many soft milky protrusions on the peripheral wrinkled skin.

It looked very much like an eel, but Zhang Fan knew that this guy was definitely not an eel, but more like a giant worm.

This time Zhang Fan guessed correctly. It was indeed a worm. A worm that kept growing without natural enemies. If the food underground could not meet its needs, it would not have appeared in Yao Lake.

Zhang Fan calls it the Emperor Creeper, the king of the entire Yaohu world. Zhang Fan's small arms and legs are really difficult to deal with it now.

I don’t know if it can resist viruses or toxins.

Zhang Fan decided to give it a try. The water bladder slowly approached the emperor's crawler. The emperor's crawler seemed to sense it and swallowed the bladder in one gulp.

After putting his mind on the cells, he found that the entire water bladder was crushed into powder by sharp teeth and then devoured.

The viruses and toxins that reached Zhang Fan's stomach began to attack, but only then did he realize that the toxins had no effect on the emperor's worm.

Its body itself contains toxins, and these toxins are the same type as those of snails.

Moreover, the gastric mucosa of the emperor's worm is very powerful, and the virus is completely eliminated in an instant, and all substances are turned into nutrients for the emperor's worm.

This is how to do? Even the most powerful weapons could not harm the Emperor Creeper, and now Zhang Fan was worried again.

There is currently no progress in internal attacks, and external attacks are impossible to win just by looking at the size of the opponent.

Zhang Fan fell into deep thought. If one day the emperor adapted to the aerobic environment, it would be a disaster.

No, the danger must be nipped in the bud. Looking around, Zhang Fan found that the only place where the Emperor Creeper could be eliminated was the magma mouth.

But how to lure the emperor there, we must think carefully.

As a condition for biological survival, the most critical thing is food. Without food supplement, it will die after a period of time.

Zhang Fan was prepared for a long-term struggle and started destroying red algae first.

The water bladder came near the red algae and implanted the virus into it, and the virus spread in an instant.

The cell walls of these plants, which live under water for many years, are extremely thin and do not require decomposing enzymes. The virus can penetrate by itself.

After a period of time, the surrounding red algae had been completely eliminated. To be on the safe side, Zhang Fan searched the surrounding red algae and left after confirming that the elimination was complete.

The next thing to do was to wait. Sure enough, after seeing that the food was reduced, the emperor worm couldn't wait any longer and climbed to the lake bed unsteadily.

There was no trace of water bladders on the lake bed anymore, they had all been cleaned up by Zhang Fan.

The emperor worm seemed a little impatient, shook its tail fin a few times, and then headed upstream to the lake.


The Emperor Creeper broke through the germ carpet, half of its body exposed to the air.

It felt very uncomfortable, and after quickly solving the food problem, it went back underground again.

Zhang Fan was keeping an eye on the emperor squirrel the whole time, and he could tell that it was now short of food, so the second step could be implemented.

The water bladder was released again and quietly entered the underground world. Part of it was hiding in the cracks of the rocks, which was a place that the emperor worm could not enter, and part of it was gradually approaching the magma.

After estimating the eruption time of the magma, Zhang Fan took action.

The predators of the emperor worm began to become more frequent, and the shortage of food made it feel a little scared.

A lot of water bladders have been swallowed up by it, and the taste of the emperor's worms is changing towards what Zhang Fan imagined.

Zhang Fan also thought about starving the emperor to death, but this was impossible unless he threw away all the fruits of his labor. The cost would be too high.

And I have seen before that the emperor worm can turn out of the water to eat, but it does not mean that anaerobic organisms cannot survive in an aerobic environment for a short period of time.

Therefore, it must be done quickly and not allow the imperial worm to adapt to the aerobic environment.

There are a large number of water bladders hiding in the rock layer above the magma mouth. It is really hot inside, and some of the water bladders have been boiled.

Then arrange some of the water bladders in a row, just like luring a bird into a cage to tempt the emperor.

This method was used by Zhang Fan when he was catching birds in the snow when he was a child, and the trapping effect was pretty good.

I really miss the taste of bird meat, the feeling of being sprinkled with cumin and grilled over charcoal fire. It's so good that my mouth almost watered when I smelled the aroma of the meat.

Off topic, although this time it is also a barbecue, but this time it will be cooked with lava.

Zhang Fan transformed into a chef. Who said chefs can't hunt? Does catching an old hen in a cage count as hunting?

The ingredients for the main course have been prepared, which is the king worm. The meat is tender, delicious and juicy. It is the best ingredient.

The side dishes are somewhat lacking, but don't worry, Zhang Fan has already thought of a countermeasure, which is to cultivate his own red algae.

These red algae are only made to attract surrounding creatures and can die at any time under Zhang Fan's command.

As for cooking, the most critical factor is the seasoning. The seasoning is already prepared, a pure natural water bile sauce. This water bile contains a large number of viruses and concentrated toxins.

Zhang Fan doesn't need to kill the imperial worm completely, he just needs to make a hole in its body, and then he can put the sauce jar in and seep it from the inside out, so that the meat that comes out will be fat but not greasy.

The last process is slicing, but now that Zhang Fan doesn't have a knife, this process is eliminated.

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