The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 105 Devouring Beast

In order to edit this fleet, Zhang Fan made some preparations.

With the Devouring Beast as the main body, it has two heads, attacking in two directions.

There is an air guard on each side of the Devouring Beast, which is prepared to protect the Devouring Beast.

In fact, there is no need. Except for marine life on this planet, the Devouring Beast in the sky is the absolute overlord. No creature can hurt it, except for the soldiers of the Zerg itself.

The positions of the air guards are fixed, just like the two wingmen. They will not pursue the enemy when encountering unexpected situations. Their current role is only to guard.

If conditions permit in the future, Zhang Fan may design it as an offensive and defensive unit to meet the needs of future wars.

In addition to the two new strategic arms, Zhang Fan mobilized twenty flying dragons.

They also serve as guards, but the flying dragons are more mobile and more suitable for doing some reconnaissance work.

The two fleets, piloted by Zhang Fan, flew towards the remaining islands.

Behind them are several hosts. The role of the hosts is very simple, they are just responsible for spreading the carpet seeds.

Facing such a powerful air fleet, those insects that were still trying to fight back fled.

At this time, the air guard has to show his presence.


A mouthful of yellow phlegm was thrown at the swarms of insects. The swarms of escaping insects were hit before they could dodge.

The slimy feeling on my body was uncomfortable. The weight of the insects increased and their flying speed began to slow down.

At this time, the power of microorganisms is revealed.

They burrow into the bugs' bodies through breathing or through gaps in their bodies, and then multiply rapidly.

It didn't take long for Zhang Fan to see the insects' bodies stiffen, and then they fell head-over-head to the sea as if they had been immobilized.

Then it was swallowed up by the insect shark that had been waiting for a long time in the sea.

After seeing the insect shark, I haven’t talked about the ocean for a long time.

In addition to insect sharks, worker shrimps, stinging jellyfish and electric eels, a large marine creature called the Sky-Swallowing Beast was also developed.

The origin of this sky-swallowing beast is also a coincidence.

The insect sharks were doing their daily patrol that day, and suddenly they felt the frequency of water waves getting higher and higher.

Then he saw huge waves, which made the insect shark feel strange and decided to go and have a look.

Then they discovered that it was a huge fish. Well, it would be better to call it a whale shark, but it didn't look like a shark. Zhang Fan couldn't name it anyway.

The whale shark was fighting several huge molluscs, including octopus, squid and cuttlefish, all of which seemed to be from Zero's side.

The insect sharks watched their monstrous battle from a distance, and all the small fish and shrimps around them went to the underworld.

After about an hour, the battle stopped. The octopuses won. They blocked the whale shark's gills and suffocated it alive.

At this time, the insect shark swam over. When the octopuses first saw these little things coming, they showed their teeth and claws, as if they were going to attack them.

Then Zero appeared and calmed the big guys.

When Zhang Fan asked for the whale shark's body, the octopuses once again showed angry expressions.

Why should we give you the food we finally got?

Ling also felt that this was a bit inappropriate, but under Zhang Fan's sharp tongue, Ling finally compromised.

The insect sharks led the whale shark's body away. At this time, the octopuses became extremely angry and kept attacking the surrounding creatures.

Some solid rocks were also destroyed by them, and Zero couldn't stop no matter how much he tried to persuade him.

It is difficult for Zero to act as a middleman now. He doesn't know what the consequences will be if the conflict between Zhang Fan and the molluscs intensifies.

Zhang Fan, who picked up the whale shark, discovered that it was not actually dead and could still feel its slight heartbeat.

Zhang Fan wanted this result, so he took it to a deep-sea base as quickly as possible, and used modified cells to transform it. The transformation was finally completed before he died.

Finally, with the help of two worms, Zhang Fan obtained the Sky-Swallowing Beast.

For this reason, Adam also focused his research on Leviathan on the sky-devouring beast, which Gaia was very dissatisfied with.

Having said that, let’s take a look at where the Devouring Beasts have arrived so far.

These two fleets are outstanding in terms of size, defense, and attack power, but they are a little slow in movement.

The most important thing for the Devouring Beast to fly in the air is to maintain the balance of the body. Unlike other flying units, it can perform various difficult movements.

Once the Devouring Beast overturns, it will fall upside down from the air. If you are lucky, you can still survive. If you are not lucky, it will be smashed into a pulp.

We finally arrived near the remaining islands. According to the news from Feilong, the enemy seemed to have not prepared for defense yet.

It makes sense when you think about it. Except for special circumstances, these low-level intelligent creatures don't consider anything else.

Arriving above the island, the insects below felt that the sky was getting cloudy. Looking up, they saw that the huge swallowing beast had blocked the sun. The feeling of blocking the sky made them feel scared.

Some insects with sensitive nature wanted to escape from this place, but they were killed by the flying dragons who came to protect them.

The counterattacks of those social creatures were all defeated by the air guards.

The Devouring Beast began to inhale, and a large amount of surrounding air began to move towards the Devouring Beast's nasal cavity.

It was visible to the naked eye that the size of the Devouring Beast began to expand, and a large number of chemical reactions began to occur in the body, and various substances were gathered.

Then, a special membrane covered those substances.

After Zhang Fan gave the order to fire, the Devouring Beast began to squeeze the air in its chest, and then sprayed the cannonball toward the ground through the air squeeze.

The sound of breaking through the sky came again. This sound had not been heard for a long time. At that time, Emperor Jing was still fighting mosquitoes.

The insects below had no idea what the Devourer was doing, and by the time they knew it, it was already too late.

The huge cannonball hit the island, shaking the entire island, which further aroused the insects' desire to survive.

However, before they could react, the shell exploded.

Light blue flames instantly filled the dense forest, and the insects that were closer were knocked out of their minds just by being hit by the shock wave.

The Devouring Beast began to gather the second cannonball. After the cannonball landed, less than half of the island was filled with a sea of ​​fire.

Those insects are shouting at the sky and the earth, but the Devouring Beast is still gathering cannonballs, and its mission is to wipe out all the creatures on the island.

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