The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 107 Giant Sea Scale Insect

After the previous Devouring Beasts completed their work, Zhang Fan already had some plans to remake them, because at that time Adam had already proposed the concept of a new type of Devouring Beast.

The new Devouring Beast's movement speed and attack methods have been improved. The most important thing is its performance in maintaining balance.

Even if it turns over, it won't fall down now, not to mention that under Adam's careful preparation, the Devouring Beast is even more difficult to turn over.

I won’t go into details about the specific situation. Now a new type of Devouring Beast is being fully manufactured on the island.

Zhang Fan hatched, and once the naval force arrived near the island, the air force could almost be completed.

When the time comes, the two forces combined by sea and air will continue to move towards the south. He does not believe that anyone in the world can stop his invincible fleet.

After waiting for a while, the naval fleet finally arrived in the southern hemisphere. The creatures in the ocean were extremely shocked. They didn't know why such huge creatures would go south in groups.

Zero also discovered the figure of this invincible fleet and came to them again.

Zhang Fan could clearly see the fear in the eyes of the big octopus.

At this time Zero said: "Master, you are so powerful, you can control such a powerful creature."

Zhang Fan accepted Ling's compliment and felt complacent in his heart.

Zero then said: "Where are you going? Such a big team should have a goal."

Zhang Fan doesn't keep secrets, and there is no need to keep them secret. Zero will naturally know it after landing in Antarctica, so it doesn't matter if he tells it in advance: "This time I am going to go on an expedition to Antarctica."

When Ling heard Zhang Fan's words, he said with a trembling voice with great fear: "Are you really going to Antarctica? No, it's too scary."

Zhang Fan looked at Zero warily, wondering if Zero was in the Antarctic, and its behavior was to prevent him from finding it.

Zhang Fan said: "No matter what you say, I will go and have a look. I don't know where you are yet. What if I find you."

Zero said: "My surroundings are pitch black, and my body cannot move. Only my mind can be shared with the molluscs. To be honest, I don't know where I am, but I can be sure that I am definitely not in Antarctica. It's not that cold here." .”

The truth? lie? Zhang Fan thought over and over what Ling said, and let's believe what it said for now.

Zhang Fan then continued: "Zero, you have stopped me time and time again from going to Antarctica. What is there there?"

Zero was silent. When Zhang Fan was about to lose his patience, he said: "Don't ask, I don't know why. It seems that I have lost the memory of that period. I just feel that it is very scary there."

Zhang Fan stared at the big octopus and finally said: "This should be the reason why you are afraid of the unknown."

Zero said frustratedly: "Maybe."

Zhang Fan's sky-swallowing beast fleet activated again. Zhang Fan said: "Okay, you can get out of the way now."

Ling heard Zhang Fan's words and wanted Octopus to leave first, but Octopus seemed to have been cast a restraining spell and refused to leave.

Zhang Fan looked at the stupid big octopus strangely and asked, "Zero, what's wrong? Do you want to stop me?"

Ling shook his head and said, "No, this is its own will. If it doesn't want to leave, there's nothing I can do about it."

Zhang Fan thought to himself, he said that he is the same as me, and he can't even control his own subordinates.

Just when Zhang Fan was about to kill the big octopus, the big octopus moved, swung its eight legs and left. Before leaving, Zero continued to say that he should not go to Antarctica and must not go.

"What's going on with that big octopus? I seem to see hatred in its eyes. Is it my imagination?" Zhang Fan didn't listen to Ling's words, but thoughtfully thought about the big octopus's previous performance.

No matter, continue south.

After some time, the naval fleet finally arrived near the island. As Zhang Fan expected, the Devouring Beast was almost finished hatching.

After the Devouring Beast broke out of its shell on the Air Force Tower, an even larger team formed.

After the sky-swallowing beast replenished a little food, the flying sea swimmers in the sky began to swim towards the south in cooperation.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast is not a creature that is good at attacking. It pays more attention to defense and transportation.

This is the first generation of Sky-Swallowing Beast. Gaia and Adam have not yet optimized it. If Leviathan is successfully developed by then, this guy will be replaced.

In order to test the strength of the navy, Zhang Fan went to find some large and aggressive groups.

The most amazing thing about giant sea scale insects is a huge mouth and the teeth exposed when the pharynx is everted.

They live in Antarctica and the surrounding environment. As survivors of extreme environments, giant sea scale insects are willing to accept all food, including debris, carrion, etc.

Zhang Fan used these giant sea scale insects to train his troops this time, and had no intention of truly destroying them.

The giant sea scale insect discovered the traces of the sky-swallowing beast. It would be impossible not to discover it. This creature was seen from a long distance.

Afterwards, the giant sea scale insects compared their sizes with each other, then turned around and twisted away.

Zhang Fan also knows that this is a common characteristic of living creatures. They have no intelligence, only instinct. Only thoughtful people are not afraid of death.

He controlled the Sky-Swallowing Beast and started to pursue it. He saw the huge tail fin swinging in the ocean, and powerful currents passed by the Sky-Swallowing Beast one after another, and then quickly swam towards the giant sea scale insect.

The giant sea scale insect felt the threat behind it, and countless little legs paddled desperately.

There seems to be a reef area ahead. Run quickly to avoid being caught by the big guy behind you.

Zhang Fan also discovered the reef area, and he had to intercept the giant sea scale insects before they entered the reef area.

So we speeded up again. The giant sea scale insects were frightened. Can you go find other food? We are all bones and tasteless.

The reef area was close at hand, and the giant sea scale insect got into the cracks in the reef area without looking back.

Due to the effect of inertia, Zhang Fan could not control the sky-swallowing beast, so the big beast crashed straight into the reef area.

If there are any words to describe it, I really can’t find it.

Imagine the feeling of a plane crashing with your head on the ground.

Of course, the Sky-Swallowing Beast in the sea is not that fragile. It raises its head slightly and slides its entire body on the rocks.

The sharp rocks cannot break its skin.

The entire seabed has become turbid, and it is not known whether the group of giant sea scale insects has been caught.

Zhang Fan planned to wait for the water to become clear before taking another shot.

Several sky-swallowing beasts began to swing their tail fins in one direction quickly in order to quickly blow away the haze.

After the cleaning was completed, Zhang Fan discovered that the reef area had become dilapidated and there were deep holes on the ground that had been smashed by the Sky-Swallowing Beast.

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