The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 12 Brain Worm

Brainworms are not that easy to make. The brain is the most advanced part of the nervous system. It is the organ of thinking. It dominates all activities in the body and regulates the balance between the body and the surrounding environment. It is also the center of consciousness, spirit, language, learning, memory and intelligence. The material basis of higher-level neural activities, such as neuron, is mainly composed of neurons.

Neurons, also known as nerve cells, are the basic units that constitute the structure and function of the nervous system. Neurons are cells with long processes, which are composed of cell bodies and cell processes.

The long axon is covered with a sheath to form a nerve fiber, and the small branches at its end are called nerve endings.

Each neuron can have one or more dendrites, which can receive stimulation and transmit excitement to the cell body.

It can be said that having neurons can make a brain. Neurons have appeared since the birth of multicellular organisms.

The process of making a brain is more complicated than making a worker bee. Zhang Fan tried to combine neurons in the simplest way.

Endless neurons can be produced by modifying cell mutations.

But the connected neurons failed to work properly and were completely unable to construct thought patterns.

Moreover, even the most basic instinctive reaction cannot be realized, and the direction must be wrong.

"Why is there no reason for this?" Zhang Fan dug into the neurons and observed carefully, and discovered the most important problem.

That is a short circuit. The neuron generates a small amount of current, and then returns to the original place through the neuron circuit, and the signal is not accurately transmitted.

Zhang Fan is neither a doctor nor a scientist. He has never studied artificial brains and really knows nothing about this kind of thing.

He has endless opportunities, opportunities to try again and again.

Although it is said that the geese pass by without leaving a trace and the years are silent, the time that passes by in vain flows without trace in every gap of life.

Zhang Fan felt like he was going crazy. The brain he finally created survived for an hour and then died.

Brain death is very normal. The movement of the brain must consume a lot of energy.

The success of this experiment also laid a solid foundation for Zhang Fan, and soon the second brain took shape.

He was observing the operation of information in his head. Not long after, this head also died.

It should be considered a success, at least Zhang Fan knows that his brain will not be short-circuited now.

Next is the design of external organs and supply organs.

Breathing is a unified mechanism, skin breathing.

By the way, here Zhang Fan noticed that the oxygen content in the air became richer.

It was a long time ago. Zhang Fan estimated that it must be because other biospheres began to flourish and the vegetation increased.

The higher the oxygen content in the air, the greater the chance of life coming ashore.

The brain of a brain worm can account for 80% of the body's weight, so the skin on the head area needs to be designed to be large, and an exoskeleton is used to cover it for protection. A thin layer is enough.

The digestive organs must also be large, otherwise the brain will die if energy is not supplied to the brain.

Cerebrates must also have a certain ability to move. Cerebrates lacking muscle cells can only crawl through tiny jointed limbs.

So Zhang Fan planted tens of thousands of legs at the bottom of the brain worm. If you didn't look carefully, you would think that the brain worm crawled on its muscles.

The brainworm is the largest creature in the entire Zhang Fan biota, reaching one meter in height and one and a half meters in length.

Zhang Fan's consciousness entered the inside of the brain worm, which was completely empty and white.

But there is a green plant sprouting and growing.

Zhang Fan tried to communicate with it but got no response. The embryo needed a period of time to grow.

In the completed hive, an embryonic chamber has been opened for the brain worm, surrounded by many nutrients and rich in oxygen.

The brainworm under such luxurious conditions quickly woke up.

Now the brainworm also needs eyes, which are light-sensing organs composed of two cells.

One photoreceptor cell receives light stimulation and converts it into an electrochemical signal, while the other pigment cell blocks the light from the other side, allowing organisms to sense the direction of the light source.

The completed eyes were installed on the brainworm's head, and then the brainworm slowly opened its eyes.

He looked at the surrounding environment curiously, and the tentacles in his mouth kept devouring the surrounding nutrients.

The brainworm's eyes are small compared to the entire body, but this does not affect its observation.

Zhang Fan began to establish contact with the brain worm. The first command of "respect" was issued. Then Zhang Fan used his own thinking to influence the brain worm's thinking. In an instant, the brain worm accepted the concept of respect.

The big round eyes of the brain worm began to narrow slightly, and then it looked towards the ground, its whole head lowered like a bow.

Then Zhang Fan gave the order to let the brain worms go out. He did not intervene, but gave guidance, just like a parent teaching his children, letting the brain worms learn step by step.

After several days of continuous teaching, the brainworm has initially mastered the survival instinct and understood its position in this group of creatures.

You can bask in the sun quietly on the moss. When you are hungry, worker bees will naturally bring you food. When you are tired, you will hide in the hive to rest, and live your life freely.

Apart from Zhang Fan, it is the supreme ruler.

A brand new embryo is created inside the hive. Once the brainworm dies, all the information will enter the embryo, and the modified cells will start creating new brainworms on their own.

As a result, Zhang Fan fell silent again, leaving everything to the brainworm to take care of, and his thoughts drifted into the distance along with the spores.

The western part of the continent is a desert. In winter, it is difficult for the sea breeze to blow onto the land, and in spring and summer, the southeast wind blows, so this place is desolate.

But life once again explains to us what tenacity is.

A plant called coniferous grass was born here. Its rhizome structure is extremely developed, and its short needles on the surface absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.

In addition to conifers, there are many drought-tolerant plants that are hard to find and hide in the thick sand.

There is a magical creature in this desert area. Its whole body is wrapped in an exoskeleton. It has no internal muscle structure. The exoskeleton is connected by nerves. It feeds on the juice of plants and can survive for several months on a single meal.

This kind of creature has broken away from the category of arthropods and is better called a neurological exoskeleton creature.

I don’t know how nature could have given birth to such a magical creature.

There are not many of them, they reproduce sexually, and their egg-laying sites are usually among the roots of plants.

Whenever this creature begins to break its shell, it will cause the death of drought-tolerant plants. Zhang Fan calls them springtails.

Thanks to Linrui Xiao Feng for the recommendation vote, thank you to San Xiaoshan Bao for the recommendation vote, and thank you to Fan Bufan for the recommendation vote.

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