The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 119 Large-scale improvement of strength

Both the Chrysalis Passage and the Scorpion Lair are scientific research buildings. Don't worry about why they are called so. This is Zhang Fan's obsession.

The Chrysalis Passage is a structure similar to an observation tower that houses a telescope.

Don't think that the Zerg can't build a telescope. Zhang Fan discovered that after a material containing silica is subjected to high temperature and pressure, a crystalline substance will appear. This substance is glass.

Through continuous experiments, a convex lens was finally created, and in order to make better use of this glass, a creature called a telescope bug was created at the suggestion of Gaia.

The telescope bug, like scientific bacteria, is a scientific research creature. It looks like a large centipede, standing quietly on the ground. The retina extends from the abdomen to the head, and the lens inside is a fixed convex lens glass.

Zhang Fan had also observed this kind of thing at close range, and found that the distant starry sky could be clearly seen through the layers of glass.

After giving it to Maya, Maya fell into it.

In addition, in the Scorpion Lair, this is another kind of scientific research building. It does not study genes like the evolution chamber. Its function is to do some physical experiments.

The current scientific research level of the Zerg has entered a bottleneck. They must use other methods to improve. Since there is no way to improve biology, then adjust their focus to physics.

It's easier said than done. Neither Adam nor Gaia is interested in physics, and they don't know how to do it, so this job can only fall on Maya's head.

Just the most basic knowledge of gravity, Zhang Fan explained to Maya for a long time, but Maya later had more and more questions, and Zhang Fan didn't know what to say.

In the end, Zhang Fan could only say that he would solve the problem by himself and left, leaving Maya in the scorpion's lair to think hard.

The research report on Leviathan's work has come out. The one-hundred-meter-long Leviathan can adapt to the requirements of various sea areas and can also live on land.

However, the current Leviathan was unable to fly, so Zhang Fan found Adam and asked about the situation.

Adam said: "Master, Leviathan is too heavy now and cannot fly at all, even if the body is filled with hydrogen."

Zhang Fan then asked: "What would happen if Leviathan's weight was reduced?"

Adam shook his head and said: "Master, this won't work. If we really want to enter space, we must have a solid defense. Otherwise, just some fragments in the universe can penetrate the escort. Moreover, hydrogen cannot fly out of this space." Planet.”

After hearing Adam's reasonable words, Zhang Fan said: "Well, that's it. It seems that the thruster plan must be implemented."

Next, after Zhang Fan cleaned up the entire world again and made sure that there were no other troublemaking creatures, he began to lay a large area of ​​germ carpet and added some buildings at regular intervals.

The incubation pool has currently stopped working. The genes in the incubation pool in the ordinary environment have been completely combined. However, the incubation pool still cannot adapt to extreme environments, such as inside magma. It will ignite at the touch of a touch. This is also a helpless matter.

The whole world turned into a purple ocean, and the planet was also called the Bug Star.

On the insect planet, Adam had already completed the creation of the engineer. After Zhang Fan entered the body, he found that it was a little uncomfortable and did not have the freedom of the Zerg.

Zhang Fan asked in confusion: "Adam, it seems that this kind of engineer is a defective product."

Adam replied: "Master, our Zerg warriors are all perfect genetic combinations, and this engineer is just a synthetic body. Its main function is to store and dominate your thoughts. The general body function is not particularly perfect. "

Zhang Fan said: "Is there any direction for improvement?"

Adam shook his head and said: "Master, Adam believes that this situation is enough. If they improve their abilities further, they will develop an independent thinking, which is not worth the gain."

Zhang Fan nodded, he understood what Adam meant.

Zhang Fan felt that the engineer's body also had intelligence and could dream, but this kind of thinking ability was too small to pose a threat to Zhang Fan.

Moreover, Adam also injected a subconscious mind into these engineers, a subconscious mind that serves the master wholeheartedly.

To the society of engineers, Zhang Fan is their god, and they believe in the Lord Cult.

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Fan would not interfere in their lives casually, but would only act as a container. Zhang Fan would only appear under two circumstances.

The first situation is that when the engineer is highly pious, Zhang Fan will communicate with him. Once his loyalty is determined, he will be given the right to evolve and the decision to enter the scientific research building to assist the brain worms.

The second is when the engineer has doubts about Zhang Fan. At this time, Zhang Fan has no soft-hearted intentions and kills him directly. He cannot let them grow stronger like this.

So the Engineers became the second type of creature considered by the Zerg Killers.

They have strong hands-on skills, building their own homes, finding food, and making gadgets.

However, these engineers also reproduce asexually and hatch from the mother nest, but the incubation cycle is slightly longer than that of other Zerg races.

In addition to being an engineer, Zhang Fan is also researching a brand-new virus, saying that neither viruses nor bacteria are suitable. They are more like a very, very tiny animal.

The production of this kind of creature is no less than the production of brain worms, and the energy and materials spent are unimaginable.

Zhang Fan calls this kind of thing a perfect organism.

A perfect organism has the ability to evolve infinitely. As long as it can swallow the opponent's genes, it can become similar to the opponent, and it will also be given a little wisdom.

Zhang Fan was worried at first that he would resist himself after gaining wisdom, but Zhang Fan worried too much. He found that this tribe was very sincere, cruel to the enemy, and gentle to its own people, just like brainworms. Although they were intelligent, they were... He also devotes himself wholeheartedly to the Lord.

It seems that this perfect organism is much better than an engineer, at least in terms of loyalty.

Zhang Fan also conducted an experiment in which a perfect organism parasitized an engineer. After the engineer was parasitized, he didn't feel anything at all at first.

Zhang Fan entered his body for observation and found that the perfect organism was multiplying rapidly, and finally formed a complete organism in his abdomen.

The perfect creature broke through the engineer's body and spread blood all over the floor. Zhang Fan discovered that the creature stood on two legs, had two feet, and had sharp teeth and a long tail.

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