The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 121 Putting the cart before the horse

Zhang Fan was very happy after hearing Maya's calculation results.

But tell Maya that the existence of that planet must be further confirmed, and the first goal of the alien race is to conquer that planet.

After Maya left, Zhang Fan once again fell into thinking. Leviathan can only be used as a large ship and does not have the ability to fight in space.

How to do it? Then you have to build rockets.

How do aliens make rockets? From a biological perspective, of course.

Zhang Fan extracted a large amount of crude oil for refining, and finally obtained oil with high precision. This oil burns a lot of energy, and it is unknown whether it can propel Leviathan.

Then, Zhang Fan ordered Gaia and Adam to comprehensively develop a new type of Leviathan. No matter what method is used, it must have the ability to advance.

This damn order has been issued, what can we do, just do it.

However, the two idiots' eyesight dimmed and they didn't know where to start.

Gaia said to Adam: "What to do?"

Adam glanced sideways at Gaia and said, "Ask Adam, who will Adam ask?"

Gaia was not angry and continued: "How about we start from the basics."

Adam said, "You mean basic mechanics?"

Gaia nodded and said, "Yes, let's start with basic mechanics."

Adam was hesitant. He knew that academic things are never-ending. Now to switch from biology to physics, he would undoubtedly start from scratch: "Okay, it will take as long as it takes, Gaia, what are you going to do?" Where to start?”

Gaia had a small plan in mind, very rough, and then it talked about the basic research direction: "Let's start with the study of universal gravitation, and first calculate the gravitational acceleration that Dad talked about."

Adam nodded and did not refute what it said: "Okay, I'll listen to you. You will do the research this time to find out."

Next, Gaia and Adam are caught in a never-ending calculation.

Maya knew about this and joined the research team. The vast ocean of knowledge was enough for them to study for a period of time.

However, the more the three-brained bugs studied, the more confused they became. There were too many things blocking them.

The field of aviation does not involve floating like a host, nor does it float up like a floating fungus blanket when inflated.

This involves all aspects of methods, and the most important issue is propulsion.

When it comes to propulsion, we have to consider the issues of action and reaction, and then return to gravity.

At this time, Adam couldn't hold on any longer and said, "You guys think about it first, Adam goes out to relax."

After speaking, Adam walked towards the outside of the scorpion's lair. He hadn't been back to the evolution chamber for a long time, and he missed it, so Adam couldn't help but walk towards the evolution chamber.

It was still the same, still the same formula. Adam entered a chamber and started doing its job.

While doing this, Adam discovered that the direction of his research seemed to have reached a dead end.

After so many years, except for Maya's discovery of the laws of the starry sky, he and Gaia had achieved nothing new over the years. Adam was terrified when he thought about it, and cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.

The Zerg race has developed over the years to the point where they have conquered the world and changed their names to alien races. Why? For the great starry sky.

But, have you forgotten everything? From ancient times to the present, alien races have developed to this point based on biology, more specifically genetics.

If you study science, physics or aerodynamics as Zhang Fan said, you are putting the cart before the horse.

Adam quickly left the evolution chamber, came to the scorpion's lair, and expressed his thoughts.

After Maya stopped, her eyes widened in disbelief, while Gaia became thoughtful.

At this time, Gaia Tai started to say: "Adam is right, we did take some detours."

Maya said at this time: "But, I think it's good. These subjects have helped us a lot."

Adam looked at Maya at this time and said: "Maya, some things cannot be seen and felt, but must be found with rules and general trends."

Adam continued: "Adam remembers that the master once told us that a civilization can only go one way. Gaia doesn't know if you still remember it."

Gaia nodded and said: "Yes, we can only learn from these sciences and cannot blindly pursue them. The only option we have to go is biology."

After listening to Gaia's words, Adam continued: "Maya, you have to remember that the more advanced the civilization, the narrower the direction of their research. In the end, they can pierce all disciplines through one point."

Maya shivered after hearing this and said, "How did you know? I didn't see it at all."

Adam and Gaia looked at each other and then Adam said to Maya: "This is the general trend and it is difficult to explain."

Maya accepted Adam's teachings ignorantly, and then Gaia and Adam left the scorpion nest and continued their best work.

The research these days has not been fruitless at all. At least they know what shortcomings the foreign race still has that need to be supplemented.

The most critical thing is the problem of aliens. Rapid evolution, short lifespan, and overdraft of potential must be solved.

Zhang Fan paid close attention to the research of the brainworms throughout the process. It did not interfere and allowed them to develop best on their own.

He also has concerns. The alien race is not the human race and does not need to rely on technology like the human race.

What is the most important thing about aliens? That is unlimited troops and unlimited evolution.

If you can't create it yourself, then seize it. If you can't seize it, then destroy it and then seize it.

Biology is the foundation. Zhang Fan actually wanted to take some shortcuts before, but he later discovered that there are no shortcuts on the road to civilization and progress. There is only constant exploration, and some things can only be learned from.

For example, if ordinary humans are asked to study cultivation, they will not be able to study it no matter how long it takes, because their world does not allow them to do so.

This kind of thing is a memory buried in the bones and a way of survival from ancient times.

In the earliest days, Zhang Fan created the current alien race through continuous evolution and plunder, and he will continue to use this method in the future.

Although biology has been determined as the basis, the question of how to advance Leviathan has once again troubled the entire alien high-level.

Maya found that what the two brothers said was too profound, and she said she didn't understand it at all. It was the physics knowledge that attracted her more.

It's not that Maya isn't interested in biology, but that she prefers physics and astronomy. No, after a period of research, Maya compiled a calendar and handed it to Zhang Fan.

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