The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 124 After the meeting

Maya looked up and thought for a while, then lowered her head and said, "There's nothing else to say. Engineers, do you understand?"

The engineers began to chatter, expressing their allegiance and obedience.

Adam said at this time: "Well, the speeches made by the two brainworms just now were very good. Let Adam summarize them here."

Then, Adam began a long speech, from how the Zerg race originated to the establishment of the alien race now.

Moving on to the crises that the Zerg have suffered, there are also some dangerous battles.

Hearing that Zhang Fan was drowsy, Maya was already asleep and snoring.

Zhang Fan said to Adam through his thinking: "Adam, pick out the key points."

Adam looked stunned for a moment and then replied: "Master, okay, Adam was too excited just now."

After replying to Zhang Fan, Adam continued: "I am mainly responsible for some knowledge of biology and chemistry. This kind of work is mainly done by aliens, assisted by Zerg, that's it."

The alien was extremely excited when he found out that he was going to hang out with Boss Adam, and even glanced at the engineers with disdain.

Then Adam continued: "Okay, it's getting late. Let's adjourn the meeting first and replenish our strength. We will discuss the rest in the afternoon and adjourn the meeting."

After Adam finished speaking, none of the aliens moved, and they all looked at Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan felt that this feeling was quite good, so he controlled the engineer's body to stand up, and entered the training room under the respectful eyes of all the aliens.

Feeling that the master was gone, the aliens came out of the den one after another.

It's most convenient for the lords, just go out from the top.

The engineer was afraid of the powerful aliens and gave way to let them go first.

Maya saw all this and said nothing. It thought in its heart that it wanted a group of smart guys, not stupid idiots. It seemed that the performance of these engineers was pretty good.

The brainworms don't have to leave. They eat directly in the den, and dedicated worker bees will deliver the delicious food to the brainworms.

The brainworms were chatting and eating while Zhang Fan was observing the situation of other groups outside.

The lord only needs to return to the Air Force Tower, while the aliens just dig a hole in the ground and start eating.

On the other hand, the engineers stared pitifully at the aliens eating.

Zhang Fan saw that they were pitiful, so he asked the worker bees to bring them food. At this time, Zhang Fan felt that his thinking ability had reached a new level.

After dinner and the meeting, Zhang Fan gave some last words of encouragement. The meeting officially ended and everyone went home to find their respective mothers.

In the following days, just follow the schedule of this conference step by step.

Zhang Fan found that the full list of tasks made his scalp numb, but these tasks all pointed to one goal, which was the sea of ​​stars.

Leviathan is the creature closest to the starry aircraft carrier at present. I don’t even know which version it is.

Anyway, it is getting bigger and bigger, longer and stronger.

Zhang Fan once conducted an experiment, which was to use refined oil to push Leviathan forward.

The effect is good at sea level, but once it encounters the problem of lifting into the air, it is too troublesome. Every time it flies into the air, it falls.

It seems that oil cannot satisfy the energy required for spacecraft to fly into space.

How to do it? At this time, Zhang Fan thought of controllable nuclear fusion.

Controlled nuclear fusion, as the name suggests, is controllable nuclear energy fusion technology, which requires strong computing power.

This kind of computing power must also rely on high industrial levels.

In addition, Zhang Fan also set his sights on the sun, which is the birthplace of nuclear fusion technology.

Zhang Fan told Maya about this, and Maya was shocked after hearing it. She didn't understand how powerful this energy was, and she had never thought that the sun's light relied on fusion technology.

But this did not hinder Maya's calculations. Before that, Zhang Fan also told it about the characteristics of fission technology.

Zhang Fan didn't know how to calculate fission, but it was more than enough to come up with a concept.

Maya once again fell into infinite calculations.

The aliens had entered a stage of flourishing development, and Zhang Fan began to feel a little bored.

When he was bored, he suddenly wanted to hold a martial arts tournament. After he expressed this idea, Gaia raised his own question: "Dad, this seems unfair. If we fight like this, the big man will bully the small man. "

Zhang Fan explained: "It's fun when the big guy bullies the little guy, and then we do some tricks behind the scenes to make the little guy win, so that's something to watch."

Gaia said helplessly: "You are the master, and everyone listens to you. So, Dad, who do you plan to let win?"

Zhang Fan thought for a moment and said, "Just the engineer, I'll do it myself."

Gaia nodded and said, "Okay, dad, I'm going to build the competition venue."

It didn't take long for the venue to be constructed, and then the first unequal combat competition of the Domination Cup officially began.

In order to increase the fun, Zhang Fan also invited various races to come and watch, but it was a pity that the competition in the ocean and air could not be held this time.

The narrator is still handled by a three-brained bug.

The first game is Zerglings versus Engineers.

The rest of the engineers were very worried. They didn't know that this was the master himself, and thought it was a warrior from the tribe.

Gaia: "Okay, the game is about to start. Let's see who will win in this game. Maya, how about you make a prediction?"

Maya said shyly: "I think the engineer can win."

Gaia said doubtfully: "Oh? Maya, can you give a reason for the engineer's victory?"

Maya said: "Because of the Lord"

Gaia heard what Maya said and quickly interrupted it: "Oh, okay, let's not chat, let's watch this wonderful game."

Zhang Fan stood in the middle of the arena. In order to enhance the experience, he focused all his thoughts on the engineer and abandoned all external influences.

The three brainworms knew that this was a program written, directed and entertained by Zhang Fan. Of course, they had to fully cooperate with him.

The engineer was seen wearing an exoskeleton armor, holding a shield in his left hand and a bone spur in his right hand, looking excitedly at the springtails rushing out of the cage.

The springtail kept banging its head like a bull, and the muscles on its body were clearly visible.

Adam said at this time: "Well, this springtail looks very powerful. Adam is very worried that this engineer player will fall into a disadvantage."

Gaia asked in confusion: "Oh? Adam, why don't we make a bet? I bet the engineer can win."

Adam rolled his eyes at Gaia and looked at Gaia with an idiotic expression. It was embarrassing to put something that he knew so well on the table and put it on the table.

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