The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 126 Crisis

"Holy Spear? Holy Spear?" Gaia kept murmuring.

At this moment, all the audience worshiped again, and this time the real master appeared.

The engineers were extremely excited. Not long ago, they saw an unparalleled battle.

Engineers said that they are not weak, and their explosive power is as powerful as self-exploding mosquitoes.

The black shadow floated in the air for a while and then disappeared without a trace, as if it had never happened.

Just when Zhang Fan wanted to participate in the next martial arts competition, Maya contacted Zhang Fan with a panic expression.

"Lord! It's not good! It's not good!" Maya expressed incoherently.

Zhang Fan controlled it and said: "Calm down and talk nicely. Isn't it good now?"

Maya swallowed, calmed down and said, "Lord, Maya can't tell, you'd better take a look for yourself."

Maya took Zhang Fan to the chrysalis passage. Maya said: "Master, please take a look."

Zhang Fan adjusted his gaze to the telescope bug, then pointed it at the vast starry sky, and said doubtfully: "I don't see any changes."

Maya said anxiously: "Lord, adjust your gaze to the position between the constellations of Brontosaurus and Swallowing Sky, 30 degrees east of north, between the X axis and the Y axis, an equilateral R-shaped area."

"Wait a minute, just tell me where it is." Zhang Fan found the point through Maya's perspective.

Zhang Fan asked in confusion: "Is there any change there? I didn't see it."

Maya continued nervously: "Master, there used to be a super first-magnitude star there, but just yesterday, I suddenly couldn't find it."

Zhang Fan continued to listen, waiting for Maya to continue: "Just this morning, after a series of parameter calculations, I found that the super-first-magnitude star is only a few hundred light-years away from us, which can be said to be very close."

Zhang Fan wondered what Maya meant and asked, "What does that mean?"

Maya said with some resignation: "Master, what follows is Maya's guess. If it is true, please be prepared."

Zhang Fan listened attentively to what Maya said: "The super-first-magnitude star at that location suddenly disappeared. Maya believed that it had entered the late stage of its lifespan and might have gone to destruction. According to conventional physics, its aftermath might move at a speed close to the speed of light. The form expands outward.”

Zhang Fan understood as he listened, and his expression changed drastically: "Maya! Are you talking about a supernova explosion?! It's very close to us?!"

Maya said desperately: "Yes, Lord, Maya is calculating the exact news."

Zhang Fan said affectionately and solemnly: "I understand. Next, I have to rearrange my work. Maya, your task is to observe all information about the supernova explosion. Resources are tilted towards you. Keep abreast of the explosion trends at any time. Remember, no matter how small it is, Everything must be reported to me."

Maya nodded heavily.

Zhang Fan left and came to the arena. The repairs had been completed and Hydralisks and Phantom Insects were fighting.

He found Gaia and said: "Gaia, stop all ground construction, aim at the ground, and dig as deep as you want for me."

Gaia asked incomprehensively, and Zhang Fan told it about the emergency. Although Gaia didn't understand it very well, it also understood the urgency of the situation and hurriedly disbanded the arena and started construction of the underground project.

Then Zhang Fan came to Adam. Adam's mission was to study the Leviathan launch plan with all his strength and strive to successfully launch it in the shortest possible time.

Adam accepted the order with a serious expression.

Zhang Fan knew that the explosion of a supernova was no joke. It was an explosion caused by an old star.

If our current sun counts as 1, then the mass of a super first-magnitude star is at least 1,000. The power of that kind of explosion is hundreds of light-years away, and can affect a distance of thousands of light-years.

Therefore, Zhang Fan cannot sit still and wait for death. He knows that supernovae can release huge energy, which contains high radiation and gamma rays.

Only a small amount of this ray is needed to destroy all cells in an organism.

He had also seen superhero movies before, in which some people were hit by gamma rays, mutated, and became superheroes to save the world.

Isn’t this nonsense! No creature can escape the word death when swept by powerful gamma rays. Mutation? I'm afraid I'm living in a dream.

Zhang Fan has two plans. One is the construction of Gaia's underground engineering. He hopes to offset part of the radiation through the planet's rock formations. Although he knows that this is a drop in the bucket, he has to do it.

On the other hand, we are stepping up plans to promote Leviathan's space odyssey, but this plan may take some time, as fission technology has not yet been developed.

The entire alien planet was filled with solemnity. Zhang Fan personally entered the incubation pool to observe and develop anti-radiation genes, but it was too difficult.

As the days passed, news from Maya came again: "Lord, I have calculated clearly. Judging from the curvature of light and changes in trace radiation, it is estimated that gamma rays will sweep across the alien star in a hundred years. .”

Zhang Fan said differently: "Only one hundred years?!"

Maya said seriously: "Yes, Lord, only one hundred years."

Zhang Fan quickly calculated in his mind, and then said: "One hundred years may be enough."

Adam's side has begun experiments with nuclear fission, and Maya and Zhang Fan compiled this information together.

In order to observe this nuclear experiment, the three-brained insects put down their work and came to a flat area, where all the bacteria blankets had been evacuated.

Engineers are installing equipment, which are scientific bugs, the same concept as telescope bugs.

The raw material for nuclear fission is uranium ore, which Zhang Fan discovered early on and has been refining in the Scorpion's Lair.

"This time the code name is: Creation." Zhang Fan expressed his thoughts, "Adam, everything has been arranged."

Adam nodded and said: "Master, everything has been arranged. The engineers have begun to evacuate."

"Very good, the detonation will begin in ten minutes." Zhang Fan decisively gave the order.

"Yes." The three brainworms responded in unison.

Ten minutes passed by in a flash, and the eyes of the three brainworms were covered with a layer of brown film.

This is to prevent eye damage caused by strong light. Brainworms must keep in mind the effects and data of this nuclear explosion.






"Light the fire!" Adam ordered.

A small bug instantly activated the nuclear explosion device. In a ten thousandth of a second, the nuclear explosion device generated high temperature.

The little bugs were also burned to ashes by this high temperature.

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