The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 128 Black Crystal Experiment

Faced with this problem, Gaia asked Zhang Fan mischievously: "Dad, why don't you try a nuclear explosion? This should work."

Zhang Fan rolled his eyes at Gaia and said, "I'm afraid you are seeking death again. Once such an underground nuclear explosion occurs, you will really have to dig again."

Gaia said awkwardly: "Dad, if it doesn't work, forget it."

Zhang Fan ignored Gaia and continued to observe the surface.

The rock formations here are similar to granite, and the area seems to be very large. Zhang Fan suspects that if it is destroyed rashly, it will cause a large-scale landslide.

The high density of rock formations also has the benefit of blocking more radiation.

Zhang Fan turned back to Gaia and said: "Gaia, don't worry now, let's explore the surrounding environment first."

Gaia said: "Dad, I have explored them all, and judging from the thickness of the sonar feedback, these rock layers are at least 20 meters."

Zhang Fan was surprised: "So thick?"

Gaia said: "That's right, so dad, that's why, hey, he asked for a nuclear explosion."

Zhang Fan said: "This is impossible. Don't think about it. I know you have an idea. Let's talk about it."

Gaia lowered her head in frustration and said, "Dad, this is the earth-burrowing beast I designed. Look."

Zhang Fan took the information and read the text on it.

The burrowing beast is not a combat creature, but an engineering creature. Its function is to burrow into the ground.

There is a spiral cone-shaped horn on the head that is two meters long and one meter in diameter. The body is a bit like a mole, and there are huge claws on all four legs. These claws are used for throwing soil.

Zhang Fan asked Gaia: "Is this thing useful? I mean, can this horn rotate?"

Gaia nodded and said, "Dad, it can rotate. Its horns are connected by two strong tendons, just like two rubber bands."

Zhang Fan understood what Gaia meant. The principle of rotation of this horn is the same as that of a yo-yo.

Zhang Fan said: "You have already figured out a way, and you still want to set off a nuclear explosion?"

If you don't fight for a day with Gaia, you will go to the house to uncover the tiles.

Feeling Zhang Fan's increasingly cold expression, Gaia recalled the fear of being dominated by the spirit, and said with a crooked mouth: "Dad, if you don't want to explode, don't explode. Don't lose your temper."

"Hmph." Zhang Fan snorted coldly and said no more.

Next, Gaia went all out to create the burrowing beast, while Zhang Fan made some unnecessary modifications.

The burrowing beast successfully landed and arrived five thousand meters deep underground, where there was also insufficient oxygen.

This is not a problem for Gaia. If there is insufficient oxygen, just let the bacteria carpet transport oxygen inside.

With oxygen and food, the burrowing beast started working happily.

"Tu tu tu tu"

This voice seemed familiar to Zhang Fan. He still remembered riding a small battery car passing by the construction site at that time. This feeling was like his lost youth.

Taking it a step further, the Earth-Drilling Beast is quite efficient, and half of its body has already penetrated into the rock formation.

Zhang Fan controlled an engineer to squat next to the burrowing beast.

Use your fingers to pick up some powder and rub it between your fingers.

"This seems to be a very dense calcium compound, and the layer above seems to be glaze." Zhang Fan discovered that this turned out to be a natural glaze.

The function of glaze is waterproof and heat insulation. It is easy to make artificially, but if it is natural, only resin will do.

"Then, if you put it this way, there should be ancient trees remaining underneath." Zhang Fan speculated.

The perspective was adjusted to the burrowing beast, observing its movements and feeling the shock caused by burrowing into the ground.

It didn't take long for the burrowing beast to break through the solid rock formation. Feeling the hot horns on the top of the burrowing beast's head, Zhang Fan could only say thank you for your hard work.

Unexpectedly, the underground space further down was an open space, which was quite large judging from the sonar feedback.

Zhang Fan asked Gaia to send down the fluorescent grass, and now he could clearly see what was inside.

There are hidden mysteries on the surrounding rock walls, with pieces of dark gemstones dotted among them.

Controlling the Earth-Drilling Beast, Zhang Fan removed the black gem. He didn't know what it was, but it was probably a carbon crystal.

"Eh! That's not right. I remember that carbon crystal should be a transparent substance. I remember it was called diamond." Zhang Fan said to himself as he looked at the black gemstone.

"No matter, let's leave it to the brainworms for testing first, Gaia!" Zhang Fan called Gaia.

Later, Gaia took the gem and asked, "Dad, what is this?"

Zhang Fan said speechlessly: "If I knew better, I wouldn't take it out. Hurry up and send it for testing."

"Okay, I understand." Then Gaia sent the black gem into the evolution chamber with a bang.

After a while, the experimental results came out. This was a kind of magnet.

"Magnet?" Zhang Fan asked in surprise, "But this one doesn't seem to have magnetism? It's completely different from the natural magnetic minerals we discovered."

Adam said mysteriously: "Master, you are right, this does not have magnetism, it needs a special way to activate it."

Adam then began to demonstrate the special steps for activating this magnet.

Adam first ignited a pile of flames, and then ordered the worker bees to rub the two magnets against each other frantically.

Rubbing and rubbing, the two magnets began to turn red, and then Adam changed and made the worker bees stop moving.

Zhang Fan said that he discovered the magic of magnets. Even after rubbing them so red, there was still no magnetism. Even the temperature was still constant. It looked like he had found a treasure.

Zhang Fan was a little excited and asked Adam to do the next work.

Then, Adam threw two magnets that turned red due to friction into the fire, and the fire gradually began to become smaller.

Adam continued to order the magma bugs to spray flames, and the worker bees continued to add firewood.

Then, a magical scene appeared. The two magnets began to rotate, rotating alternately, and then lifted up from the ground, rising higher and higher, and flew into the air in the blink of an eye.

Finally, the temperature cooled down and the two magnets fell off, turning black again.

Zhang Fan felt in his heart that this magnet was the universe's favor to him, and he quickly asked Adam: "How did you discover it?"

Adam was also very happy and said: "Master, since Gaia sent it here, Adam has gone through a series of studies without success. It was not until he was accidentally sprayed by the flames of a magma bug after a friction that Adam discovered it. "

Then Adam said: "Master! Adam thinks this is the key to us getting out of this planet!"

Zhang Fan also nodded excitedly. Adam was right, he finally saw hope.

Order Gaia to fully mine the black magnet underneath, naming it the Sombra Project.

All the black crystals were sent to the beast's den for preservation.

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