The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 14 Being Targeted

Looking around, Zhang Fan found that the number of insects coming over was even smaller than his own, and asked in confusion: "Insects, there aren't many of them."

The bulldog ant turned around and bit the talking springtail to death with a fierce bite.

Zhang Fan's energy and blood surged, and the springtails kept grabbing the ground with their forelimbs, making a fighting stance.

At this time, Bulldog Ant slapped the ground again: "King, the order is too few."

The order of the Golden Feather Ant King? How many troops does he want us to send out?

While Zhang Fan was still thinking, the Bulldog Ant continued to issue instructions to the Golden Feather Ant King: "King, order, ten million."

Do you need at least tens of millions of springtails? A springtail came forward again and began to ask the other party: "If it's not enough, ten million."

The bulldog ant was still the same as before. He took a bite of the springtail that asked the question and said: "Eradicate, obliterate."

Come on, let's listen to you. There are still many larvae waiting for food in the base. Zhang Fan can't lose the base like this.

Send him a springtail: "Three days."

The bulldog ant ate the springtails with satisfaction and then left.

Zhang Fan still decided to compromise this time and ordered Adam to transport the large army over. The route was already shared.

Adam was really furious. If he had hair, even though his skin was dark, the master's words had to stop.

It took a day to hatch many old versions of springtails, another day to climb the mountain, and on the third day tens of millions of springtails came panting to join the front troops.

The Golden Feather Ant King received the news about the springtail army and touched his tentacles to the subordinates around him: "There are them, keep an eye on them."

"Understood, King." The subordinate left the ant nest and quietly lurked at the base with a group of ant ants.

Zhang Fan didn't care at all about these things. What he cared about was why there were only other insects here, the ants?

At this time, the bulldog ant climbed onto a raised stone and patted the stone surface: "Quiet, let's go, follow."

Three flying ants appeared in the sky, guiding the insect army like navigation.

Zhang Fan also moved with the large army. The scene was really magnificent. There was no grass growing anywhere he passed, and the same was probably true for the termites.

It's painful to live an insect, and it's painful to die.

strangeness? Why haven't we seen any sign of the ants? Thinking about it, Zhang Fan thought of the Mongolian armies he had read about in books.

They will use the captured slaves as the vanguard, let them send a wave of death, wear down the enemy's strength, and then come out to clean up the battlefield when the battle is almost done.

hateful! These hateful ants actually use us as cannon fodder.

Zhang Fan was thinking fiercely when a sudden clicking sound woke him up.

The huge king tiger beetle is eating springtails. Now Zhang Fan quits. You are not arrogant because of the ants!

Just when he was about to attack, the thief ant standing on the head of the King Tiger Armor crawled out and patted the King Tiger Armor's head with its tentacles.

The sound was too low to hear clearly.

It seemed that the thief ant also knew that his voice was too quiet, and patted the king tiger beetle's head again. The king tiger beetle stopped eating, and reluctantly slapped the ground with its huge tentacles, crackling like thunder, and Zhang Fan quickly moved away the springtails around him.

King Tiger Armor sent an order: "Stomach, hungry, replenish."

Zhang Fan heard it clearly now and retorted: "The ants can do it, but they can't."

The thief ant patted the king tiger beetle on the head, and then disappeared. The king tiger beetle began to happily eat the springtails as if it had received instructions.

brother! Is it delicious? If you eat and destroy at the same time, it will be difficult for us to be friends.

In a short time, hundreds of springtails were killed. Zhang Fan was not a fool. Regardless of whether they were thieves or not, he still attacked the King Tiger Armor.

What caused Zhang Fan to shrink back? What caused Zhang Fan to give up? What caused Zhang Fan to cry without tears? It's just because the shell of the King Tiger Armor is too hard to pierce.

Looking at the fierce look on the other side's face, he finally gave in. Eat as much as you like and be satisfied.

Seeing how useless the springtail army was, some of the stronger bugs around them turned their heads and started eating.

Most of the greedy bugs were driven away, but there was really nothing Zhang Fan could do about the powerful bugs.

After all the insects had feasted on the springtails, the bulldog ants appeared again. Looking at the sharply reduced number of springtails, they patted the ground unhappily: "The number is too small."

Something feels wrong, why are all the insects targeting me? The order of the Golden Feather Ant King?

Zhang Fan did not send a springtail to talk to him this time, but the bulldog ant didn't think so. It thought Zhang Fan was looking down on it.

He rushed into the swarm of springtails with his big jaw, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Zhang Fan quickly ordered the springtails to slap the ground: "Why, is it me?"

Bulldog Ant stopped moving: "Weak, huge."

You see, the weak have to pay the price, just wait, as long as I still have one cell, I will make you pay the price, a heavy price!

The bulldog ants killed the springtails that responded and left without looking back.

As a last resort, Zhang Fan called Adam again, and Adam said with dark skin: "Master, how about we fight with them! As long as the Master is with us, we will definitely win!"

Zhang Fan: "Now is not the time. Don't act rashly until we know how many ants there are."

Adam's black skin gradually faded: "What the Lord said is true. Lord, I think your decision is really wise and mighty. Adam is ashamed of himself, Lord."

Before Adam finished speaking, Zhang Fan unilaterally cut off contact with him. This was normal. This guy's flattery was really poor.

A few days later, tens of millions more springtails joined the large army.

The flying ants on aerial reconnaissance saw the two armies meeting, and then flew towards the nest of the Golden Feather Ant King.

"King, springtails, join together." The flying ants slapped the ground.

The Golden Feather Ant King said that it already knew about it, and it was considering how many the other party had and whether it would pose a threat to itself.

In fact, the reason why the Golden Feather Ant King did this was because it knew that the mole crickets it sent out were killed on the first day.

This kind of mole cricket is a twin mole cricket. If one of them dies, the other one will die too.

The Golden Feather Ant King is very calm. Wasn't there a tribe that killed crickets in the past? It hasn't made her docile yet.

Zhang Fande's every move is under the surveillance of the Golden Feather Ant King.

The Golden Feather Ant King then considered whether to find an opportunity to climb up the mountain and take a look. What does the main nest of these springtails look like?

The army marched for more than ten days and still did not reach the termite base. Many insects had died on the road, either from starvation, thirst, or being eaten.

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