The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 144 The Power of Ancestors

Maya smiled and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, don't be excited, I just want to understand some situations."

"I won't tell you anything." Michelle said decisively.

Maya continued, "Well, I thought you would tell me to bring them up."

The engineers took the order and escorted the lizardmen to Michelle.

Maya said: "Hey, it's a pity that we only caught so many, and some still escaped."

Michelle looked at Maya with angry eyes: "We Igwanna warriors will not give in. Even if we die, it will be a return to the embrace of our ancestors. Just give up on this."

Maya hesitated a little, stretched out her claws and scratched the king insect's head and said, "Tsk, this is a bit troublesome."

"Adam, is Adam here?" Maya contacted Adam.

"What's going on?" Adam asked.

Maya told Adam about the previous situation and asked him to help him think of a solution.

Adam said helplessly: "Maya, this matter was entrusted to you by the Lord. It's up to you to decide everything. Just follow the original plan."

Maya originally wanted to contact Zhang Fan, but after thinking about it, she said to Adam, "Okay, I know what to do."

Michelle looked at Maya who was talking to herself in confusion. She didn't know what it was saying and couldn't understand it at all.

Then, with a wave of Maya's claws, the engineers stepped forward and released Michelle's restraints.

Michelle felt her body go limp and fell limply to the ground, coughing continuously to cough up the nutrient solution in her lungs.

Michelle gasped and raised her head, then slammed her paws on the ground and rushed towards Maya.

The king insect opened its huge claws and pushed Michelle to the ground. Maya said strangely: "What are you doing?"

Michelle struggled hard, but she just couldn't break free from the king insect's big claws.

"Impossible? Why have I become so weak?" Michelle was horrified in her heart.

Maya lowered her head and said to Michelle: "If you stop struggling, just nod and I will let you go."

Michelle nodded hard, and Maya kept her promise and let go of her.

She no longer resisted, knowing that her resistance was useless, she stood up slowly, feeling that her body muscles were particularly weak.

Maya said: "You are still in the adaptation period. It will be fine after you get through this period."

Maya then pointed to a group of lizardmen and said to Michelle: "Kill them and you will tell me everything I want."

"No" before she could finish her words, Michelle felt her body moving forward uncontrollably, "What on earth do you want to do?! Let me go!"

The king insect opened its mouth, revealing its dark mouth, which seemed to be expressing a smile.

The engineer handed Michelle a short bone spur dagger. She felt like she was about to cry. Why was this happening?

Arriving in front of a gray-armored lizard, the lizard man shouted in horror: "Miss Michelle! Yes! Sanchez! Sanchez Tutu!"

Michelle left tears and struggled to answer: "I can't control myself!!"

The bone spur was inserted into Sanchez's mouth at a very slow speed.

"Ah! Ah! Ouch!" After the miserable cry, Sanchez spat out a mouthful of blood, staining Michelle's scales red.

"Wow! Woohoo!" The strong female warrior finally couldn't help but shed sad tears.

This was the first time, the first time that he had killed his fellow Igwanna tribesmen with his own hands.

"Please! Maya! Let them go!" Michelle's hands moved faster and faster, and she had killed the fourth lizard man. She finally couldn't help but beg for mercy.

Maya thought for a moment and said, "But the plan we made before was to kill a hundred lizardmen. Why do you have such a weak willpower?"

Michelle was trembling all over, why could Maya be so calm about killing people.

After killing several more of her own race, Michelle clearly showed signs of collapse.

At this time, Zhang Fan stood up and said: "Maya, it's okay, too much is not enough."

"Oh." After Maya heard Zhang Fan's words, she snapped her fingers, and Michelle finally stopped.

She turned back tremblingly and looked at Maya in fear: "You are Dai Feng! Dai Feng Momo!"

Maya knew what Dai Feng meant. According to Zhang Fan, it represented the devil, and Dai Feng Momo was the name of the last evil god.

"I'm not a devil, I'm a Zerg, and I'm the right-hand man of the great master, Maya." The King Insect clicked towards Michelle.

Then, the big claw held it in his hand, and waved the other claw before leaving. The engineers injected the perfect organism into the remaining lizard people.


"Ah! Save me!"

goddess! I don't want to die! "

Screams came one after another, and after a while, the alien broke out of its shell. Its appearance was thicker, somewhat similar to a lizard man.

Michelle was taken away by Maya and brought to a relatively quiet laboratory and said: "Okay, tell me everything you know."

Michelle's eyes had lost color when she raised her head, and she chose to remain silent.

Maya was anxious, this guy didn't explain the situation at such a time.

Maya threatened: "If you don't say anything anymore, I will let you continue to kill your people."

Michelle's body trembled slightly, and then she told about the source of the ancestor's power and the power of the goddess.

Maya showed the compiled information to Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan said strangely: "She said that only she can use the power of the goddess? Is this true? Does this mean she has found a treasure?"

Zhang Fan asked three times in a row, and Adam said from the side: "Master, it seems that we have really found a treasure, thanks to your clever calculation, Master."

"Well, I feel comfortable flattering you. Now, let's take a look at what the ancestor's power is." Zhang Fan said with a smile.

The power of the ancestors is a very pure stimulation of sensory potential. Zhang Fan said that I can do this. What's the difficulty? It's just that every time the potential is stimulated, death is the price.

But the power of the ancestors is different. Lizardmen stimulate their potential through exercise, and the totems on their bodies are actually materials that inhibit potential.

According to Michelle, this kind of totem depiction comes from the sacrifices passed down from generation to generation by the older generation, and Shui doesn't know where this kind of depiction comes from.

There are strong and weak lizard people, and Michelle is the most powerful female warrior, and the totems on her body are also more beautifully drawn, which is why there is such a big difference when Michelle calls out the power of her ancestors.

Any lizard man will receive blessings from his ancestors, it just depends on whether he worked hard when he was young.

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