The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 151 Five Xiaoqiang

Laos knew the power of his ancestors because he had seen his instructor, Mihaqi Dudu, use it.

It can actually shake such a huge Lambda beast, which shows that this power is indeed powerful.

Klaus lowered the heavy sword in his hand, rubbed his sore shoulders and said, "Remember, when using the power of the ancestors, you must not hesitate in your heart."

He raised the sword again: "You are all warriors of every tribe. You should have received bravery training since childhood. Believe in yourself and have justice in your heart!"

After saying that, Klaus fought with the Phantom Bug again.

"Believe in yourself? Do you have justice in your heart?" Agude kept repeating these two sentences.

Then he began to talk to himself: "What is justice? To sacrifice everything for the people? I seem to be a little unable to do it. For Igwanna, it is too difficult for me. What does justice mean?"

Then Michelle's smile appeared in his mind, and Agood smiled bitterly.

Abdi was also lost in thought: "Brave training? I still remember that my master took me to a desert island to undergo several months of hard training. After that, I swam back by myself. Is this bravery?"

Laos felt pain in his heart: "Hesitation? Yes, I was too hesitant. If I could fight side by side with the master at that time, maybe the village could be saved."

Sagat clenched his fists: "Believe in yourself! That's right! I'm just too unconfident. I have great strength and am no worse than others! I believe I can do it!"

The last Vongola raised the heavy sword at his waist and looked at the patterns on it: "I, Vongola Gugu, have a great ancestor. Although I have declined, I will still spread the glory of my ancestors. To the world!”

justice! brave! decisive! confidence! Ancestor!

The five young lizard warriors began to mobilize invisible totems, and their power gradually increased.

The goddess in the Igwanna suddenly opened her eyes and said: "Here we come."

August asked: "Goddess, what's coming?"

The goddess smiled happily: "The true ancestral power of your Igwanna."

Augustus didn't understand what the true power of ancestors was. Could it be that he was the same as Michelle? When he looked at the goddess, he seemed to feel that the goddess had an extra thought.

"Ah!!!" The five Igwanna warriors roared with an earth-shattering voice.

This sound further stimulated the fighting power of the priests, and they knocked the phantom insect away with two bangs.

Zhang Fan was horrified: "What is going on?! This one has explosive seeds?! Is there any mistake?!"

Adam and Maya didn't expect this to happen, they always thought it was a cat and mouse game!

Zhang Fan said angrily: "Fuck! We've been tricked! The other party specially used us to train troops! They're not here to save Michelle at all!"

Adam asked, "Lord! What shall we do?"

Zhang Fan wanted to leave, but decided to wait.

But in the Igwanna, the goddess frowned slightly and said to herself: "Huh? The other party actually stood still?"

As a result, the rail gun that had risen retracted into the spacecraft again.

Of course, Zhang Fan didn't know about this situation. He wanted to find out how strong the transformed Five Xiaoqiang were.

The phantom insect also discovered the abnormality and immediately unlocked the gene lock. Zhang Fan decided to let the other party suffer a little first!

"Uncle! Be careful!" Abdi's eyes had completely turned golden. He clearly saw the movements of the phantom bug and shouted.

Klaus also reacted quickly and pushed his son away, and the phantom bug's scythe sliced ​​down between the two of them.

"Hey! Dai Feng! Look inside!" Vongola's claws turned dark, and he punched the Phantom Bug with an extremely powerful momentum.

The extremely powerful blow actually shattered the Phantom Bug's scythe into pieces.

"Hiss! This guy is so hard!" Vongola rubbed his fists and turned back to his friend.

"Don't look around, it's coming." Agude's golden eyes never left the phantom insect.

Vongola reacted a moment too slowly, and when he was about to be attacked by the phantom insect, a gray figure stood in front of it.


Fire suddenly appeared on the gray scales, and then the phantom insect was kicked away by Sagat.

Laos had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and came to the side of the phantom insect with a speed that surpassed the speed of lightning.

He opened his mouth and bit down hard.


The phantom insect was bitten into two pieces by this powerful bite force.

After landing, the Phantom Bug was still struggling, his eyes full of hatred. Why? It's obviously different from what we promised before, right? ! dominate! help me!

Zhang Fan seemed to have heard the phantom insect's cry for help and descended on it. In addition to the five small heroes, the other five priests felt an even more terrifying aura.

The broken part of the Phantom Bug is being repaired.

"Don't let him recover! Let's go together!" Klaus raised his sword and slashed at the Phantom Bug's head.

How could Zhang Fan let them be so proud, fully stimulating the potential of the phantom insect? After activating it, he probably wouldn't survive, just like the one who captured Michelle before.

The unbroken sickle actually waved out a phantom.

"Damn it! Priests, be careful!" Agude couldn't keep calm at this time, because he found that the opponent's speed had become faster, and for a moment, his eyes couldn't keep up.

It was too late, Jutus and Oliver were cut in half by the scythe.

At this time, the Phantom Bug also lost all its strength and life, and Zhang Fan quietly left.

"Ah! Ah! Oliver! Oliver!" Klaus burst into tears, holding Oliver's body and crying continuously.

The remaining seven people did not expect such a situation to occur. After comforting Klaus, they removed Jutus's eyes and Oliver's claws.

There was no way to take the bodies away, so he could only leave them here. Klaus looked back at his son's body in three steps, and shed tears again.

Zhang Fan said: "These guys didn't expect to be so powerful. If it weren't for the thunder beasts that couldn't enter, you would have been doomed long ago!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier Zhang Fan became. He was actually being used as a place of trial by the other party. Could it be that the other party was so confident that he would not go crazy and kill them?

Maya said at this time: "Lord, I have sent an army of springtails to stop them. I believe we will be able to kill them."

Zhang Fan said speechlessly: "Don't kill them all. Our plan is to let them rescue Michelle back. Maya, go and prepare. Leviathan can take off."

"Okay, Master, I have already found the take-off point. I believe the opponent will not attack us." Maya said confidently.

"You can figure it out yourself, I'll deal with those Xiaoqiang!" Zhang Fan said.

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