The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 154 Battle of wits

"Let the Leviathan fly outside for a while," Zhang Fan said.

Then Zhang Fan sat up straight and said, "Since the other party wants to play, let's have fun with him."

After Maya got the order, she went down to make arrangements.

At this time, the goddess on the Igwanna also discovered Zhang Fan's abnormal movements.

"Huh?" The goddess said strangely, and she began to analyze the reasons for these abnormal situations.

"How did they find out?" The goddess looked at Leviathan strangely as she deviated from the course.

"Could it be said that there are also highly intelligent creatures on the other side? Impossible. According to the system data, the higher the intelligence of the creatures, the lower their physical strength will be." The goddess continued to analyze the intelligence of the aliens.

"Judging from the current intensity of the battle, the opponent is undoubtedly a biological civilization, and it is the ultimate biological civilization. It should not be so intelligent."

Then the goddess drew her hand in the void, and a transparent blue light screen appeared in front of her.

Augustus was curious and wanted to come over and take a look, but at this time the goddess said: "Mr. Augustus Qiqi, if you really want to win this battle, please don't watch it, okay?"

August nodded quickly and then returned to his seat.

Pictures flashed rapidly on the blue light screen. If you look carefully, you will find that these pictures are all cosmic civilizations.

"Didn't you find a similar race?" the goddess said to herself.

Then the goddess continued: "Based on the contrast, the most similar race should be the Ianthe civilization that has been extinct for 50,000 years."

Next, the goddess began to observe the introduction of the Iante civilization.

The Iante civilization was a pyramid-shaped civilization dominated by one queen and supported by multiple queens underneath.

Their reproduction and evolution speeds were very fast, and it took them nearly a million years to successfully enter the universe.

This kind of creature is not very intelligent. They only focus on invasion, fighting, and constantly eating away at the surrounding planets.

After thousands of years, it has become a huge ethnic group.

Only later, the advanced civilized races in the galaxy noticed their existence and used the Gene Collapse Chain to eliminate them.

If they are given another period of time to develop, the gene destruction technology will no longer be able to be used.

After reading the information, the goddess wanted to use gene destruction technology, but that was a technology blocked by higher civilizations.

This technology is as terrifying as the use of nuclear weapons in the primitive world, which can wipe out a race in the blink of an eye.

It's a pity that the goddess doesn't know that. She can only destroy the enemy through conventional strikes.

"It's really troublesome. They actually left the Mother Spirit Planet. Judging from the current energy reserve, the rail gun can only be used five times." The goddess analyzed the situation between the enemy and ourselves with an expressionless face.

"According to the feedback from the rescue team, the opponent should be led by a creature named the Lord, and there should be a number of intelligent creatures as assistance."

The goddess continued: "In this case, the master should be eliminated first, so the first task is to find him."

At this time, on the Mother Spirit Planet, Zhang Fan was also thinking about ways to deal with the Igwanna.

"The opponent's civilization level is indeed higher than ours, but it seems that it cannot produce the Ancestral Spirit Star. It should be because it was damaged during the early battle."

Zhang Fan observed the situation of the Ancestral Spirit Star through the telescope bug: "What should I do if I were the other party?"

Zhang Fan controlled Minette and leaned on the throne.

"First, I will find out the opponent's civilization level and civilization structure status. If it is similar to a republican civilization, it will be difficult to eliminate them. They are single individuals and cannot be eliminated one by one. They must be disintegrated from within."

Zhang Fan continued to think.

"If it is an imperial civilization, then I will first control their royal family, and then induce the people below, and finally form my plan. However, if something goes wrong, it will cause a backlash from the people below."

"In addition, if it is a family civilization, we can start from their genetic level and find their genetic weak points to attack."

Zhang Fan rubbed his head and continued to think.

"According to me, it should belong to biological civilization. If the opponent has a genetic strike attack, it would have been used long ago without waiting until now. Then it can be said that they do not have this attack method."

Zhang Fan opened his eyes and continued to observe the telescope bug. The upside-down bowl-shaped spaceship seemed to have no intention of landing.

"If my guess is correct, the other party should be looking for the supreme ruler of our group, that should be me."

Zhang Fan narrowed his eyes.

"If you want to lure them away, I have to show up, but they shouldn't think that the master is just a kind of thinking, so that's easy to do, Adam!"

Zhang Fan summoned Adam, and Adam's voice appeared in Zhang Fan's mind.

Zhang Fan told Adam his plan, and after analysis, Adam felt that this method was very feasible.

So, I contacted Maya and together they studied the latest master puppet. They didn't ask for great strength, but only wanted a flamboyant appearance.

Not long after, the latest King Bug was created. Zhang Fan felt very awkward while driving the King Bug, as if his muscles had not stretched after high-intensity exercise.

Zhang Fan said sadly: "Adam, the design of this king insect is too bad."

Adam explained: "Master, this is a king insect specially created to confuse the opponent. Many internal organs have been cut off, leaving only the arrogant appearance. This way Adam finds it easier to confuse the opponent."

Zhang Fan glanced at Adam with disdain: "How about we give it a try?"

Zhang Fan controlled the king insect to walk on the Mother Spirit Star. When all the insects saw the king insect coming and going, they all lay on the ground, feeling the master's momentum.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot escape the goddess's quantum detection equipment.

She is analyzing whether this king insect is the real master.

"According to psychology, sociology and biology, there is an 80% chance that this monster is a fake master. It seems that the other party is really cunning and knows how to use bait. Do you think I will be fooled so easily? Is that so?" The goddess's expression was slightly smiling.

"Doesn't it seem like the opponent's intelligence is not as high as I thought?" After seeing the king insect enter Leviathan and take off, the goddess still did not let Augustus fire.

After going out for a few walks, the other party was not fooled. Zhang Fan showed an expression like this.

Adam was very embarrassed. He thought too simply. It would be better to just be a scientist.

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