The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 161 Secret

"Master, what should we do next?" Michelle asked Zhang Fan nervously.

Zhang Fan touched his chin in Michelle's mind and said, "Well, I didn't expect that story to be so good. Don't worry, Michelle, you already have a perfect organism in your body that can destroy the opponent's plan."

Then he suddenly seemed to remember something, and continued to say to Michelle: "Michelle, do you want a more powerful body?"

"A more powerful body? Master, you mean" Michelle understood Zhang Fan's thoughts and turned her attention to Donagon.

Under Ainz's control, the scanner scanned the entire bodies of the five lizardmen, and then, under her control, the needle pierced the arteries of several people.

The bright red blood flowed down the tube towards Donagon's body.

Agude opened his eyes at this time and gritted his teeth tightly: "Why! Have you been lying to us all these years?"

Ainz turned his head, tilted his head, pointed his finger at his lips and said, "Shh, don't let people outside hear. You are right. Even this time, I did not go all out to help you."

After speaking, he turned his gaze to Michelle and said with a smile: "You say so, Lord."

Hearing these words, Michelle's eyes kept getting bigger, showing a horrified expression, and then her eyes narrowed and she said Zhang Fan's voice: "How did you find out?"

The blood was flowing towards Donagon's body, and Ainz smiled and said to Michelle, "I noticed you as early as when you came to this planet."

Then, she added: "I didn't expect that you actually transformed Michelle. This move seems quite big, but it seems that I won."

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, a glass container appeared in front of Zhang Fan in another secret chamber, which contained the dead alien.

Ainz said: "I don't know how you did it, but after testing, I found that this creature's ability to evolve is indeed powerful. According to the data, it should be regarded as the top creature."

Zhang Fan continued through Michelle's voice: "Oh, it was a mistake. I didn't expect that Goddess Ainz is so wise and almost demonic, but you have seen through it all."

Goddess Ainz smiled: "Haha, how else do you think they managed to achieve a narrow escape like rescuing Michelle?"

Zhang Fan continued: "Then can you tell me what your purpose is?"

Ainz continued to smile and said: "My purpose is simple, which is to resurrect Donagon. When I saw you for the first time, I already knew that your body is exactly what I want."

Gently caressing Donagon's body, Ainz continued: "You don't know how powerful your body's genes are, and you don't know that your physical strength is almost at the top of this galaxy."

Facing Zhang Fan again, Ainz said: "Because of your appearance, Donagon can be resurrected in advance this time. I would like to express my gratitude to you here, so I don't need the blood of others, but Mi I am bound to get Xue’er’s blood.”

Zhang Fan continued: "Is this the reason why you used cannons to bombard me?"

Ainz said: "Yes, your existential threat is too great. I must reduce this disaster to the lowest point. I guess it's time for you to take action."

Michelle raised her head, smiled crazily, laughing so hard that tears were about to come out, and spoke Zhang Fan's voice again: "I wanted to wait, but I didn't expect you to find out, so as you wish, Come out, my troops."

The Leviathans on the asteroid belt began to activate, and their tail thrusters began to emit bright flames, heading towards the ancestral spirits again.

At this time, the Igwanna people also suffered a disaster.



"Why are there still monsters!"

Countless aliens emerged from the bodies of the sacrifices, and other Zerg races were also developing crazily in the secret realm of the sacrifices.

Ainz's expression turned cold: "I didn't expect that you would move so quickly, but so what."

Immediately afterwards, the speed of removing blood accelerated again, and several people's bodies showed varying degrees of spasm.

Agude opened his eyes with difficulty. He looked at Michelle and said, "Please, please, stop her! Please, please, leave Michelle!"

At the last moment, several young priests burst out with amazing power.


Agood and Abdi's eyes turned golden again, and they continued to break free.

Ainz looked at them in surprise: "Why are you still able to unleash your potential now?"


Ainz's only response was his endless roar.


The chains collapsed, and everyone except Michelle had broken free.

"I'll kill you!" Agude, whose eyes were filled with golden light, turned around and came to stand in front of Ainz. An absolutely powerful fist wind hit him.

Ainz calmly watched Agude's fist pass through his body, turned around and said calmly to him: "It seems that you have lost consciousness. Give up, you can't destroy me."


The other three people were also frantically attacking Ainz's projection, and the images kept breaking up and reappearing.

Zhang Fan was overjoyed: "What a great opportunity! It's now!"

A very small worm entered Michelle's blood and was heading towards Donagon along the blood vessels.

Ainz did not expect that Zhang Fan would be able to fight back in this situation.

"Do you think you can control Donagon this way? Naive!" Ainz's eyes turned cold.

On the ceiling, many pulse weapons suddenly appeared, their muzzles constantly aimed at the four male lizard men.

"Fire!" Ainz coldly gave the order to fire.

After a burst of shooting, several crazy lizard men all fell to the ground.

Agude raised his head with difficulty: "Why, why, what did our people do wrong in pursuing freedom?!"

Ainz knelt down in front of Agude and said, "As expected of Ajaka Luru's clone, he is indeed very powerful. Can't he even kill you?"

Agude's eyes regained clarity and he said, "Are we destined to become your playthings?"

Ainz stood up and saw that the worm had entered Donagon's body, and his body was gradually disappearing.

Before disappearing, Ainz said one last word to Agude: "Mr. Agude, Lulu, if I want to blame you, it's because you are too weak."

Agood's eyes turned gray, he was about to die, and his eyes looking at Michelle gradually became weak: "No, we are too naive."

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