The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 168 Special Hobbies

"Ah~oh~oh~um~" Athena let out a scream of ecstasy.

Zhang Fan was so brazen that he could be sure that this Athena definitely had a special quirk.

"My lord, my lord! Please, please use your strength, this slave can still hold on." Athena's face was flushed, and she spoke affectionately.

Zhang Fan twitched the corner of his mouth and retracted his thoughts. At that moment, he saw the picture in Athena's mind and couldn't help but shudder. This was too weird.

Athena stood up tiredly, her face full of grievances: "Master, this slave knows that I was wrong. When I am punished again, I should not speak. Please punish me, Master."

Zhang Fan's eyes twitched and he said: "No, Athena, you first need to familiarize yourself with your own body and the rules of the foreign race."

Then he turned to Adam and Maya and said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you. I'll leave first."

After saying that, Zhang Fan's shadow disappeared amid the respectful salutes of the two idiots.

"Master! Please." Athena knelt on the ground and stretched her right hand forward, as if she wanted to grab Zhang Fan.

"Okay, Athena, the master has left, come with me." Adam squirmed and came to Athena's side.

Athena squinted at Adam, her eyes filled with fierceness: "Huh?"

"This?" Adam looked stunned, "Athena, what's your expression?"

Athena stood up slowly, patted the non-existent dust on her knees and said, "Huh? Adam, right? Since the Lord said so, then you can lead the way."

Adam's heart trembled again and again. This aura was wrong. It was clearly not like this when he faced the master just now.

Then, Adam said, "Then come with me."

Maya curiously approached Athena, looked at her and said, "Are you our sister? You look so small."

"Huh?" Athena turned back and looked at Maya, "Do you have the ability to say what you just said again? Believe it or not, I will peel off your skin!"

When Maya saw Athena looking so fierce, she immediately backed away in fear.

Maya has really never seen this look before, it's really scary.

On the other hand, Adam's expression became much more natural, and Maya's admiration for her eldest brother was like an endless river.

Adam was naturally used to it, and he could see that Athena just had a bad temper, just like when Gaia was born.

Adam felt that time would smooth everything out, and no matter how fierce Athena was, there would be a master suppressing her, and there would be no trouble, so he could rest assured.

After Athena was taken out of the nest, the Igwanna people outside spontaneously came to kneel down to worship Athena. They were moved to kneel down and worship Athena, celebrating the arrival of the new god.

Seeing this, Athena felt a sense of guilt in her heart, she retracted her flesh wings, and her whole body turned into snow white again.

Graceful walked up to the people of Igwanna and said: "People of Igwanna, you have suffered in these years. Now I am here, your queen! Athena is here and will lead you to a better future." future!"

All the Igwanna cheered. They looked at the beautiful and bright Queen in front of them, and their hearts filled with infinite desire for the future.

Adam looked at all this without feeling anything. He had already contacted Zhang Fan: "Master, is this okay for Athena?"

Zhang Fan said: "Let her go. She has to manage these Igwanna anyway."

Adam nodded and said, "Lord, Adam understands."

Next, it was time for Athena to move into the main church. Achilles was specially responsible for the reception and used the best tailor in Igwanna to make a new suit of clothes for Athena.

"Sister, sister, what do you think? Is it beautiful?" Achilles said with eyes full of little stars.

Athena smiled with a very sweet expression. She stretched out her hand and touched the top of Achilles' head and said, "Thank you, Achilles. My sister likes it very much."

Achilles enjoyed the caress of the beautiful queen and said, "Sister, why are you called Athena?"

Athena's smile became even brighter and she said, "This is the name the great master gave to her sister, just like little Achilles."

Just when Achilles was still asking, Athena paused and said, "Achilles, you go back first, my sister has something to do."

Achilles nodded, picked up the staff beside him and left.

This staff is the same style, with a red gem on it.

The color of the gemstones distinguishes the levels of the bishops, with the highest being red and the lowest being purple. Lower-ranking ones must remain respectful when meeting senior ones.

After Achilles left, an engineer came to Athena, put his right hand on his chest and bent down and said: "Your Majesty Queen, Lord Adam has invited you to do a physical examination."

Athena put her hand on her chin and said coldly: "Go back and tell your Adam to come to me and ask him to come in person."

The engineer's expression froze, and he said hesitantly: "Your Majesty Queen, Adam and you are at the same level, so it's not appropriate to do this."

Athena glared, and with a strong pressure, she immediately pushed the engineer to the ground, and she said: "What do I need you to tell me? Who are you?"

Just when the engineer was about to be stunned by this aura, Zhang Fan's black aura floated out from his body.

Upon seeing this, Athena immediately knelt down on her knees and said nervously: "Master, slave, slave, slave, please see the master."

Zhang Fan glanced at the empty hall and said, "Athena, don't go too far. Routine inspections are my rules."

Athena's face was deeply pressed to the ground, her body was constantly trembling and she said: "Master, master, I know that I was wrong, please master and punish me."

Speaking of punishment, Zhang Fan thought of Athena's peach-faced look before, shook his head and said, "Adam should have contacted you before, why didn't you answer?"

Athena was stunned and said: "Is there any? Master, slave, take a look."

After a while, Athena said: "Master, I just discovered that I unilaterally blocked the connection between the brainworms."

After saying this, he clenched his small fist, knocked his head lightly, and stuck out his tongue with a bitter smile: "Master, this slave is wrong. Please punish me, Master."

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "There's really nothing we can do about you, go ahead and don't keep Adam waiting."

After saying that, Zhang Fan's shadow disappeared, and Athena once again put on a cold face.

Looking at the engineer who was still kneeling on the ground, he said, "Go back and tell your Adam that I already know and let him get ready."

The engineer stood up, bowed, and then left.

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