The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 174 Training

The Igwanna tribe fell into dire straits under Athena's training, and there were complaints every day.

But after the training, I was able to eat the mushroom delicacies cooked by the engineers, and my whole body regained its energy.

Moreover, Queen Athena is so beautiful, just looking at her face will make the male Igwanna burst out with great enthusiasm.

One benefit of high-intensity life-threatening training is that it greatly stimulates Igwanna's potential.

The ordinary training in the past was to prevent premature overdraft of potential and vitality.

Now that you have gained immortality, what is your vitality? What does a broken arm mean? As long as you don't die, practice towards death.

Those who can participate in the training are at least from the fifth group. If not, I'm sorry and will not see the sun the next day.

Athena set the level for this group of Igwanna according to Zhang Fan's order.

The most common black iron level, this level requires the ability to explode the ancestral power of the past under normal conditions.

Most of the Igwanna are in this position, and it is difficult to break through even if they practice life and death.

Next, the Bronze level must ensure that it can stimulate its own potential, just like Michelle once burst out with the power of heaven's punishment.

The third level is the silver level. This level is a bit special. Zhang Fan said that as long as one can enter this level, he will be given the title of warrior disciple. Countless Igwanna people are working towards this goal.

This level requires Igwangna in normal state to be able to defeat Igwangna with explosive potential. You can imagine how difficult it is.

Zhang Fan stipulated that it didn't matter if he didn't realize his potential. As long as he could win, he would be given the title of Silver.

Then there is the gold level, which is to increase the difficulty of selection on the basis of silver, and must be able to stimulate potential.

Generally speaking, those who can reach the silver level can become the gold level as long as they work hard, and they are considered to be mid-range among warriors.

The next level is platinum level. The assessment method for this level is the simplest, which is to be able to catch Athena's three moves.

Don't look at the three moves as ordinary, each punch can explode with earth-shaking power, who knows how many Igwangna will be there.

The last level is the Battle King level, also known as the Diamond level. This level is assessed by Zhang Fan himself, and the content of the assessment is also random.

If you are lucky enough to survive and become the King of War, you can participate in the management. If you are unlucky, you will be in trouble. All you have to wait for is death.

Although Achilles is now a manager, one level lower than Athena, his strength is still only at the bronze level.

Athena's training on him was even more severe. In Athena's heart, he regarded Achilles as his younger brother, and she loved him very much when they first met.

As the saying goes, beating means kissing and scolding means loving. The harder the beating, the stronger the love for him. Several times during training, Achilles seemed to see his father who had died in battle.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan was watching, otherwise the manager he appointed would not have been killed by Athena.


"Master, my slave is here." Athena replied.

Zhang Fan continued: "Isn't your training a bit too harsh?"

Athena knelt down in fear, and the surrounding Igwangna were startled. Knowing that this was the coming of the Lord, they also knelt down one after another.

Athena said: "Master, this slave has done something wrong. Please punish me."


Zhang Fan said: "Can you put it another way? Do you really want me to punish you? I don't!"

Athena whimpered in grievance, just like a puppy acting coquettishly.

Zhang Fan said helplessly: "You, don't always act like this. After all, you are also the queen."

Athena said aggrievedly: "Master, but this slave is also your slave."

Immediately afterwards, Athena realized that she had made a big mistake and said quickly: "Master, I know that I was wrong. Please punish me."

Zhang Fan felt like he was the first and the second one said: "There's really nothing we can do against you, okay, let's get back to business."

After hearing what Zhang Fan said, Athena's expression returned to her natural state. Important matters should not touch Zhang Fan's brow.

"Your training is a bit too disorganized. It's best to develop a systematic training method." Zhang Fan said.

Athena replied: "Master, this slave has considered this issue before, but the physical fitness of each Igwanna is different, so the slave will provide targeted training according to their aptitude."

Zhang Fan said: "I know this, but my main purpose is to make them disciplined and obedient, and to be able to become an organized army."

"Look, the previous Zerg battles seemed chaotic, but in fact they coordinated quite well, advancing and retreating freely, with a certain degree of relaxation. Not a single battle was lost." Zhang Fan said without blushing and his heart not beating.

Athena understood and said: "Master, I understand what you mean. I will adhere to their cooperation, but I have no good plan now."

Zhang Fan said: "Don't worry about this, take a look, this is the plan I wrote."

Athena suddenly had many queue training plans in her mind.

"Master, isn't this too old? It's just an ordinary queue action, which doesn't reflect the combat effectiveness at all!"

Zhang Fan smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't underestimate this method. It can display unexpected combat effectiveness at critical moments."

Zhang Fan continued: "How about this? Let's make a bet. In one year, you will use this method to train a group and fight another group that has not been trained. Then we will see the results."

Athena nodded and said, "Master, I obey you."

Zhang Fan left, but he didn't know what he was doing. Although he got this plan from reading novels and watching TV, and it has a long history, he didn't know if it would be useful in an interstellar battlefield.

At this time, Zhang Fan didn't know that in a corner of a certain galaxy, a group of people were making preparations for exploration.

"Dr. Wen, is the method you mentioned really feasible?" asked a researcher also wearing a white coat.

"Yes, Dr. Lei, I don't know, but I think I can give it a try." Dr. Wen said, but his tone was a little unnatural.

At this time, Dr. Lei stepped forward and hugged Dr. Wen's waist and said: "Okay, Xiaorou, don't call me doctor if there is no one else. Since who made the suggestion, we can only do it, right?" "

Dr. Wen Wen's face turned red with embarrassment. He pushed Dr. Lei away and said, "What are you doing? This is not home. What should I do if someone sees me?"

Dr. Lei laughed heartily: "Who among this researcher doesn't know that you are my wife? Well, Xiaorou, don't think too much about it. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

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