The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 176 Explorer

"It's okay, just listen to me and wake up the crew." David said calmly.

Ling Yin: "Okay, Mr. David Lin, the ecological nutrient solution is declining and the biological weak current is starting."

There was a buzzing sound in the ecological cabin, and then the nutrient solution in all the dormant cabins began to weaken, and electric currents invisible to the naked eye passed through the dormant cabins.

Then, the cabin door was opened, and the humans in the cabin began to cough violently, spitting out all the waste fluid in their mouths.

"Cough cough cough!"

Wenwen raised her head, her face and lips were a little pale. At this time, David came to her side and said, "Hello, Miss Wenwen, please drink a glass of water."

After saying that, he handed a glass of water with nutritional amino acids in front of Wen Wen.

Wen Wen took the water glass and said thank you, then drank it down in one gulp, her face suddenly looked much better.

Wen Wenwen sat on the edge of the sleeping cabin and said to David: "David, why did you suddenly open the sleeping cabin? Are you there?"

David stood up straight, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Dr. Wen, we have lost the navigation of a super-first-magnitude star and have deviated from the direction."

Wen Wen nodded and said, "Yes, I understand. Are others awake?"

"They are waking up one after another," David said.

Wen Wen struggled to stand up, rubbed her legs and arms and said, "Convene everyone to the cockpit for a meeting in one hour."

David said respectfully: "Okay, Dr. Wen, by the way, Dr. Wen, your lover Dr. Renault has woken up."

Wen Wen said: "Okay, I understand, you go down first."

David left, and Wen Wenwen came to Renault: "Old Lei, are you okay?"

Dr. Renault said: "It's really uncomfortable to feel this way every time. I must improve the design next time I go back."

He poured a glass of water for Renault gently and considerately, and gently stroked his back and said, "Let's talk about this when we go back. We seem to be in a strange place."

After everyone arrived in the cockpit, Wen Wen said: "As the team leader this time, the deviation of the guidance is my responsibility."

After saying Wen Wen and bowing to everyone, the bald captain said: "Dr. Wen, this is not your fault. I often go sailing and my route deviates. This is normal."

After seeing that the other crew members did not say anything accusatory, Rouwen continued: "Okay, now that everyone knows the current situation, let David talk about what he learned."

When everyone turned their attention to David, they despised him, were indifferent to him, ignored him, and looked forward to him. The source of their expectations was none other than Dr. Wen Wen.

David straightened his clothes and said: "We are currently in an unknown star system, and we have also discovered a habitable planet, but it seems that no life has been found on it."

The bald captain frowned and said in confusion: "This is impossible. As long as it is a migratory planet, there must be life. This is the rule of the universe, or it may be that there is a lack of some element on it."

David shook his head and said: "Captain Chen is sorry, the specific situation has not been investigated clearly."

In fact, some things were hidden by David, and some information in the Zero-tone main program was also eliminated.

Dr. Wen Wen stood up this time and said: "My suggestion is to go to that strange planet and have a look. I don't know what everyone thinks."

Others had no objections. Instead, her husband, Dr. Renault, said: "Is it dangerous to enter so rashly? What I mean is that a detection robot can be sent for inspection."

The bald captain said: "Dr. Lei, you have no objection? That's fine, Zero Yin."

"Captain Chen Jian, what are your instructions?" Yin answered mechanically.

Chen Jian said: "Turn off the warp flight and we are ready to enter the planet."

Zero Sound said: "Closing warp flight, please wait."

The Explorer exited the warp flight, and you could see that the entire elongated and somewhat twisted hull suddenly returned to normal.

The starry sky outside has returned to its original state, still so brilliant and dazzling.

With the help of the detector, the Explorer has found the location of the alien star.

"The mass of this living planet is 1.1 times that of Dragon Emperor Star, and its gravitational acceleration is 9.9, which is completely consistent with our migration." Captain Chen Jian looked at this data and said happily.

Wen Wen also took the information, a smile flashed in the corner of her eyes: "Everyone, is this a blessing in disguise for us?"

The crew also burst out laughing.

You know, planets are easy to find in the universe, but habitable planets are very difficult to find.

It took almost thousands of years for the entire Dragon Emperor Planet to go from the birth of civilization to the universe, but it only has dozens of habitable planets.

This scientific expedition team is not actually heading for an alien planet, but to investigate more distant migratory planets and the unknown civilizations therein.

As the alien star got closer and closer, the speed of the spacecraft began to decrease, and Captain Chen Jian released the detection robot.

This kind of robot is not large in size, but it can adapt to various environments. Of course, there is no way to verify those particularly extreme environments.

"This is what the detection robot reported. Let's take a look." Chen Jian shared the information with everyone.

The radiation on the alien planet is very high, but this radiation is fading at an extremely fast rate.

Wen Wen said: "It is estimated that this migratory planet must have been hit by gamma rays."

Renault said: "You are right. I have just learned about the explosion of the super first-magnitude star through Zero Yin's calculations. The aftermath of the supernova should have swept through this planet."

Wen Wen nodded and said, "Captain Chen, do you have any other information?"

"Yes, take a look at this picture. It seems that this place used to be a very prosperous civilization." Chen Jian pointed to the picture on the information and said.

Large and small spire-shaped buildings, as well as many round buildings caught everyone's eyes.

David also saw this building, but why does the style of this building look so insect-like?

Wen Wen said to the captain in a novel way: "Captain Chen, I'm going to go down for an inspection and calculate the radiation intensity."

Captain Chen laughed: "Dr. Wen, don't worry, as long as you wear protective clothing, the radiation outside is nothing."

Renault also smiled and said: "Okay, since no life forms have been found, let's go down and have a look."

The Explorer passed through thick clouds and saw the decaying world below.

The whole world seemed to have turned into a dry land, and there was loess everywhere.

The spacecraft chose a relatively stable spot to land, and small robots fell from the Explorer's launch bay one after another.

Their purpose is twofold, to expand the search range and to protect humans.

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