The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 183 Choice

Zhang Fan's dark shadow looked down at David Lin and said, "Is this your wish?"

David Lin raised his head and said, "Yes, sir, this is my wish. It's too difficult, isn't it?"

After saying that, he smiled bitterly. This was all edited by the program. What kind of language makes what kind of expression.

Zhang Fan stretched out his black hand, touched the top of David Lin's head and said, "No, this is too simple for me."

After saying that, David Lin raised his head in disbelief: "Sir, are you serious about this?"

Zhang Fan withdrew his hand, feeling a little confused. It seemed that there was no consciousness in this biochemical man's body. If not, could he be given such a promise?

But, who is Zhang Fan? The king of deceit, he said: "Don't worry, David Lin, as long as you can do what I ask you, I will definitely fulfill your wish."

When he heard this sentence, David Lin didn't believe it, because many stories showed that the people or things who said this sentence were villains.

As a human helper, why should he help the villain?

Seeing that David Lin was silent, Zhang Fan continued: "David Lin, you are hesitating. There is nothing to hesitate about. I can't help you get feelings for free."

David Lin said: "Sir, thank you for your kindness. It seems a little difficult for me to refuse, but I still want to say, I'm sorry, I refuse."

Zhang Fan was very calm. He estimated that this was due to the three-iron law of robots. He said without worry: "In addition to giving you the love you want, you can also get the right to eternal life from me."

No one can refuse eternal life, give up, child!

David Lin shook his head and said: "Sir, my current state is immortality. I just need to go back to the company to replace the chip."

Zhang Fan's red eyes narrowed, but before he could speak, David Lin continued: "Moreover, sir, you look very much like the villain mentioned in the book. It's hard for me to believe you."

Zhang Fan was speechless. He didn't decide what he looked like. He had been like this since he appeared.

Zhang Fan said: "Since you don't believe me, forget it, then these two should be your companions."

David Lin did not doubt Zhang Fan's ability at all and said: "Yes, sir, they are senior doctors from the Dragon Emperor Civilization. The target this time is not actually here."

Zhang Fan asked why, and David Lin fully described what happened on the spacecraft at that time.

Zhang Fan said: "It seems that you don't think about mankind wholeheartedly."

David Lin thought for a while and said: "At that time, I did not receive instructions from humans, so the choice I made at that time was determined by the situation at that time."

"But, does this make you feel that you are not betraying humanity?" Zhang Fan asked back.

David Lin said sincerely: "Yes, sir, I did not subjectively persecute them. I just took the spacecraft off course under special circumstances."

Zhang Fan nodded. All signs showed that there was a contradiction and misunderstanding in David Lin's program processing, and he was entering this misunderstanding.

If that point can be found, David Lin being his spy will not be a problem at all.

However, Zhang Fan didn't know that there was another procedure in David Lin's program just to cause this kind of contradiction.

That is formatting, which will reformat the program that has entered the contradictory misunderstanding, thereby making him forget what just happened.

This is a very common thing among the second-generation biochemical people, and it is also an important reason to prevent the biochemical people from developing feelings.

Zhang Fan continued: "David Lin, I will give you two final choices. The first choice is to work for me and I will give you the feelings you want. The other choice is that you can leave and continue to work for mankind. In that case, We can only become enemies."

David Lin looked at Zhang Fan and said: "No, sir, you are wrong, there is a third option."

Zhang Fan raised his head, looked at David Lin with squinting eyes and said, "Oh, then tell me."

David Lin smiled and said: "I think your proposal of eternal life is very good. I have a gentleman here who is pursuing eternal life. Maybe he can talk to you."

Zhang Fan asked: "Who?"

Wenwen and Renault had almost explored Leviathan's body, when David Lin appeared in front of them.

"Dr. Wen, Dr. Lei, I have kept you waiting for a long time." David Lin said, holding a special jar in his left hand and a human head in his right hand.

Looking at David Lin's appearance, he asked gently and doubtfully: "David, where did this head come from?"

David Lin handed the head to Wen Wen and said, "Dr. Wen, this should be an aborigine of this planet. I found it in the underground world of this giant beast."

Renault was shocked: "What? Does that mean there is still undead life on this planet?"

David Lin looked at Renault and said: "I'm sorry, Dr. Lei, they are not resurrected, they are still dead objects."

Renault breathed a long sigh of relief, and Rouwen said anxiously: "David, take me down quickly to take a look."

David Lin shook his head and said: "Dr. Wen, there is not enough time. We'd better choose to go out now."

Wenrou nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, we must prevent the leader from detonating this giant beast."

The three of them hurriedly ran outside Leviathan. The leader was already looking at his watch, preparing to detonate.

At this moment, Wen Wen shouted: "Stop! Stop everyone! Leader! Stop!"

The team leader frowned and asked in confusion: "Dr. Wen, do you have any questions?"

Wen Wenwen raised a head and said, "Look at this! I just found it inside."

The moment they saw the head, the surrounding crew members raised their weapons.

The team leader waved his hand and told them to put down their weapons and said, "Dr. Wen, this seems inappropriate, doesn't it? Just let us give up with just one head?"

At this time, Renault pulled a gentle hand and said: "Leader, don't rush to destroy this giant beast yet. We may be able to understand the background of this civilization through this head, so that even if it becomes an enemy, we can be prepared in advance."

The team leader thought for a while and said, "Okay, just listen to Dr. Lei, close the team and put the observer in place."

"Okay, captain, preparations are complete." A crew member replied.

The group of people returned to the Explorer again, with David Lin still sitting at the end, holding a special jar in his arms and looking directly at Leviathan. No one knew what he was thinking.

Back on the Explorer, the captain's attitude towards the two doctors was extremely bad. He didn't understand that scientific research was so important? Can you even ignore human life?

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