The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 200 Weird Planet

This kind of thing is not something that Athena can solve. She is good at fighting, but asking her to do construction is not good. Therefore, this kind of thing still has to be done by Zhang Fan himself.

"It's been a long time since I've been around these flowers and plants. My hands feel weirdly itchy." Zhang Fan's thoughts were completely covered in the fungus blanket.

He found that even with such a powerful regenerative power, Zhang Fan couldn't defeat the enemy. This was something Zhang Fan couldn't imagine.

"What's going on? Who are you?" Zhang Fan started to ask.

"Get out! Get out! Get out of my home!" The response was still filled with hatred and resentment.

Zhang Fan knew that there was no way to have a conversation with the other party, so he began to control the carpet and worker bees.

The worker bees were controlled to start mowing the lawn, and one piece of grass was cut bare.

There is a saying that wild fire cannot be burned out, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates, but this rebirth happens too fast.

The lawn that had just been cut out front grew back again.

Zhang Fan knew that bamboo can grow 14 centimeters in one night, but no matter how fast it is, it is not as fast as these grasses, just like pulling them out.

Of course, Zhang Fan will not sit still and wait for death. As long as the lawn is mowed, he will control the spread of the carpet.

He found that the roots of these grasses were very deep and all were connected together.

In this case, the only way to cut off the roots of the grassland is through the strong root system of the fungus carpet.

The opponent also counterattacked, dodging left and right, alas! It just won't let you hit it. It's like Asan who has practiced yoga, very slippery.

Once Zhang Fan relaxes his vigilance, it will climb up the rhizome of the mushroom blanket, and then attach to it to absorb the nutrients of the mushroom blanket.

Zhang Fan was troubled by this attack method. If it weren't for the effectiveness of medical bacteria and needle-shaped bacteria, he would have been swallowed up by these damn grasses.

"Weird! So weird! The sensitivity of these plants is too high!" Zhang Fan couldn't help but think.

The development speed of the mushroom carpet has slowed down, so the construction of the base has also become slower.

At this moment, Athena contacted Zhang Fan in surprise: "Master! Look over there!"

Athena pointed to the group of corpses she had killed. These corpses should have been lying quietly, waiting for the corrosion of time.

However, what he saw now refreshed Zhang Fan's outlook again. He saw that the corpse was melting and the blood was being absorbed by the grass.

Zhang Fan contacted Athena in his mind and said, "Athena, fly over and have a look."

Athena also felt that she should go over, and then her scales turned black, spread her wings, and flew over the corpses of the army.

Zhang Fan said: "Down a little."

Athena listened to the master's words, slowly descended, and stopped 10 meters above the ground.

Most of the bodies were only half-remained, and some were just beginning to melt.

Athena said: "Master, this slave did not notice this situation when we were fighting just now."

"This may be the self-circulation system of this planet. By the way, Athena, take some blood stains and we will take them back for testing." Zhang Fan said.

"Yes, my lord, I obey," Athena said.

Continuing the descent, Athena now had no container in her hands to carry.

So, he gritted his teeth and placed his hand on the scales on his abdomen.


A section of the scale was removed, and there was a depression in the middle of the scale that could accommodate a little bit of blood.

Just when Athena was about to take the blue blood, a vision suddenly occurred.

A vine suddenly appeared on the ground and whipped towards Athena.

How could such an attack hurt Athena in a fighting state?

With a flick of his paw, the vines were blown apart.

At this time, dozens more vines emerged from the ground, and they rushed towards Athena.

Immediately afterwards, Athena's hands, feet, tail, and head were all entangled in an instant.

"Master, this slave feels that his strength is losing. These plants seem to be able to absorb physical strength." Athena said calmly.

Then, the body shook violently, and all the vines were broken and fell to the ground, twisting and looking very disgusting.

Those earthworm-like vines twisted for a moment and then stopped moving, and then were absorbed by the ground again.

Zhang Fan said: "You just said that your power was absorbed? What does it feel like?"

Athena's body began to climb. It was better to be careful before she could figure out the situation.

She said: "Master, the moment the vines wrapped around the slave, the slave felt that her physical strength was gradually draining away. It must be these vines that caused the trouble."

Zhang Fan said thoughtfully: "Then are your scales and skin damaged?"

Athena replied: "No, my lord. You see, the slaves are all well."

Zhang Fan said strangely: "That's strange, then how does it absorb energy?"

"Gululu" a sound like thunder appeared in mid-air.

Athena's pretty face turned red. Although she couldn't tell because of her black appearance, Zhang Fan could feel it.

"Let's go back and replenish our strength first. There will be plenty of opportunities after the test." Zhang Fan said with a smile.

Athena returned to the base a little shyly, where there were already hatched engineers waiting.

After Athena came back, they started busy serving tea and food to the queen.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Fan remembered that there was still a race in Leviathan's body that had not yet hatched.

The Igwanna tribe are dioecious creatures, so this time Zhang Fan brought many eggs and placed them in the safest breeding room.

Under the influence of growth hormone, those eggs have probably hatched.

Sure enough, some eggshells had been broken, and small lizards crawled out of them, howling in search of food.

In the original Igwanna, every mother would personally feed her children and then let them go when they reached adulthood.

But now, Zhang Fan is responsible for the incubation, training and learning. If you don't agree, it's okay. I won't see the sun tomorrow.

He didn't know who was whose child among the eggs he brought this time, so it didn't matter to him.

Engineers acted as temporary nannies. They made special bacteria blankets into small pellets and then gently put them into the mouths of the little lizards.

The little lizard felt that there was food in his mouth, so he started to bite it, and then he burped softly and felt refreshed.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan would feed them food every once in a while, which contained the hormone nutrient solution specially developed by Adam.

Therefore, these little lizards grow very fast. Although their IQs cannot keep up with the pace, their physical fitness is no different from ordinary Igwanna warriors. These have no side effects and are trustworthy.

What the hell! Almost forgot

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