The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 21 Recovery after Snow

Zhang Fan was overjoyed after hearing the sound, and immediately contacted Adam and said cautiously: "Adam, are you awake?"

"Lord, Lord~" Adam is now like a child, with a milky voice.

Zhang Fan seemed to be a father for once, teasing little Adam dotingly.

Adam has already developed a mind, which proves that he is about to complete his rebirth. The next step is to wait for Adam to break out of his shell, study the Hydralisk together, and make the final counterattack.

"Huh? It's snowing?" This was the first time Zhang Fan saw snow in this world.

Snow is cold, yes they are cold, but they are also fragile. They are fragile when they come to the mortal world. They can only protect themselves by getting cold! They are not selfish, not because they are afraid of warmth, they just want to have time to show themselves and let themselves have the value of existence! Even if it's just for 1 second, they are willing.

The Zerg are also cold, and only coldness will make them stronger. If you want to continue in this cruel world, you must make your heart even colder.

The snow was really cold. Zhang Fan had never felt so lonely at this moment, as if he was standing in a corner abandoned by the world. The remaining snow fell on the grassland, decorating the mottled land.

With a flick of his finger, time has passed forever. Looking at the white snow, Zhang Fan thought how long has it been since he came to this world? Will his parents miss him? Do your friends still remember him?

The winter snow is falling, the beautiful scenery is flawless, and the eye shadows are swaying. The springtails have hid in the warm base, letting the snowflakes contaminate the earth, and the north wind is howling. I don't know how many lives this heavy snow will take away.

The Golden Feather Ant King was also looking sadly at the wind and snow outside. This was the second time it had encountered snow in its life.

I still remember the feeling when the Golden Feather Ant King encountered snow for the first time that year, the heartbreaking pain of exclaiming, and the sadness of seeing his people not dying in the war but being covered by the cruel snow.

Countless hesitations, countless confusions, how many laughter and laughter have been frozen? Countless emptiness, countless silences, how many dreams in your heart have been diluted? Countless hesitations, countless fears, how many endless thoughts have been dried up?

Regardless of the dissuasion of his subordinates, the Golden Feather Ant King stood proudly in the wind and snow, raising his head and feeling the howling cold wind, which diluted the thoughts in his heart, leaving only the memories hidden in his heart.

The snow has stopped, spring is here, and the sun shines on this land again, melting the white snow all over the mountains and wild fields.

Insects experienced a cold winter and their numbers suddenly dropped sharply.

The Golden Feather Ant King kept having a bad premonition in his heart. It also left the forest because of the snow.

Zhang Fan's worker bees are cleaning the snow on the bacteria blanket. Unfortunately, the bacteria blanket has no cold resistance and has all frozen to death, so it can only be rebuilt.

The snow brought a lot of water to the grassland, and soon the fungus carpet was laid out again.

According to Zhang Fan's idea, the Golden Feather Ant King should patrol the territory after spring, but why hasn't he come yet? Did he freeze to death?

The good news came that Adam had fully woken up after this winter and was learning to control his body again.

Walking on the ice and snow, Zhang Fan could clearly see Adam's skin that was purple from the cold.

"Master, your most loyal servant! Adam is back!" Adam returned to the hive and said to Zhang Fan.

"Well, although it took a long time, it would be nice to be back." Zhang Fan said happily.

The master and servant miss each other and regard each other as the most important part of their lives.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Fan began to assign two tasks. The time was tight and there was no time to think too much.

The first task is the vitality transformation plan, which is a change to the entire genetic chain. Zhang Fan cannot do it. As he said back then, there is no way to complete the micro-management, and it must be completed by Adam.

The second task was to go to the forest to find useful creatures before the snow had melted.

A gene is a polypeptide chain, a nucleotide sequence. Genes support the basic structure and performance of life, and store all information about life's race, blood type, pregnancy, growth, apoptosis and other processes.

The interdependence of environment and genetics plays out important physiological processes such as the reproduction of life, cell division, and protein synthesis. All life phenomena such as growth, growth, decline, disease, old age, and death of organisms are related to genes.

The controlled cockroaches remained in the nutrient solution at the base and also spent a stable winter.

Adam ordered the worker bees to transport the cockroach back to the Lake of Life. This time it had to observe it closely. There would always be some flaws in remote operation.

A small cockroach appeared in front of Adam, and he threw the cockroach onto the original experimental table.

It still tastes the same as before. Over the years, the Overlord has not changed the appearance of Adam's laboratory.

The nutrient solution in the laboratory began to gradually increase, and soon it would fill the entire laboratory, and scientific bacteria also poured in from all directions.

The large cutting bacteria began to dissect the cockroach, first amputating the legs.

After the amputation is completed, grinding bacteria appear, which are composed of two bacteria that merge together and rub together quickly.

Adam carefully observed the muscle lines of the cockroach's legs. The muscle elements in the legs were very developed and could not be wasted.

Then, he went deep inside to observe the arrangement of neurons. Although it was slightly worse than his own, it was higher than all existing Zerg creatures, so it couldn't be wasted.

As for the rest, Adam hasn't discovered anything yet. His main job is still to study the genetic sequence of cockroaches.

A cut was made from the cockroach's chest. The heart inside was beating strongly and powerfully. Adam observed the flow of blood in the cockroach's body very carefully.

By separating the arteries and veins, the heart can still continue to beat, but the beating frequency is gradually decreasing.

The lungs of cockroaches are also extremely high-quality. Adam has been thinking about the lungs of the Zerg, but Zhang Fan has always believed that breathing through the skin is the best.

But he seemed to have overlooked the role of the exoskeleton in blocking skin breathing.

Adam told Zhang Fan about the lung research, and Zhang Fan said that Adam should just have fun and let it go as long as it develops for the best.

After the lungs were taken out, they came to the vicinity of the kidneys. The cockroach's kidneys were like two points, slightly invisible, but with a large number of gene chains.

It was also Adam's main task this time. The needle bacterium carefully took out the kidney and placed it on the hairy bacterium.

Adam begins to break down the kidneys through various bacteria.

There seemed to be only a few genetic lines in it, and the rest was just water.

Adam observed the combination of these polypeptide chains and imitated them with proteins.

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