The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 212 Thinking Consciousness

"Lord, look, this is the detailed information Adam listed." Adam passed the cell diagram of the holy tree to Zhang Fan, followed by a long list of detailed data.

The cells of the Holy Tree are different from other cells.

As we all know, the overall shape of cells is round, and most cell irregularities are caused by genes within the cell itself.

Primitive cells are round, just like egg cells and hematopoietic stem cells.

The cells of the holy tree were irregular from the beginning, with five tentacles scattered from the middle.

These shots have great ductility and mobility.

Zhang Fan looked behind him and discovered that these tentacles were the basis for the movement of the holy tree and all plants.

Of course, the holy tree also has a cell wall, but the cell wall is relatively weak, but being weak does not mean that the defense is weak.

The cell wall of the Holy Tree is also very malleable and has an adhesive-like element, which is a metallic element.

In addition, the arrangement of the cell membrane and some internal tissues is also different from ordinary cells, and its chlorophyll-like components are dispersed in the cell fluid.

These cell fluids have strong conductivity. Zhang Fan discovered that the Holy Tree's thoughts were also transmitted through these cell fluids.

Interference is impossible, and the effect is estimated to be the same as Zhang Fan's. It can control the whole body, no, every plant cell in the world.

After reading the detailed data, Zhang Fan said to Adam: "Adam, can we modify it by modifying cells?"

Adam shook his head and said: "Master, Adam has already tried it, but unfortunately, the other party's activity is too strong and there is no way to transform it."

Modified cells are a relatively fragile type of cells. When Zhang Fan used modified cells to transform organisms, the main reason was that their activity was greater than ordinary cells.

However, everything is not absolute. When in the ocean, the modified cells lose a certain effect due to poor penetration.

At that time, Zhang Fan also thought about using genetic modification to optimize the modified cells. However, if too many genes were added, the modified cells would reduce their activity in the body.

Just like on the Ancestral Planet at that time, although the lizardmen of Igwanna were transformed, they were also completed in the breeding room.

Their overall cell activity was first reduced to a minimum, and then modified cells were injected to replace their cells.

Then, let’s take a look at the Holy Tree. Of course, the Holy Tree can also be transformed by modifying cells, but there is no such a large incubation room for incubation. If the cell activity cannot be reduced, there is no way to fully transform it.

If you just transform from one point, it will be useless.

Cells have a certain ability to divide and phagocytose. If a branch or a section of tree root is modified, it may be swallowed up by the cells of the holy tree itself before the modified cells have fully adapted. This seems to be a bit outweighing the gains.

Zhang Fan felt a little distressed, and continued to ask Adam: "Adam, do you have any other ways to officially incorporate this sacred tree?"

Adam said: "Lord, if you can peel away the thinking of the holy tree, we may be able to transform it from the inside. Of course, it will take a very long time."

Zhang Fan asked again: "Estimate how much time it will take."

Adam said: "Lord, Adam calculated that it would take at least 300 years."

"So long?! No, no, it's too long." Zhang Fan rejected the plan.

When asked again, Adam said there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Gaia put forward her own opinion: "Dad, how about we directly transform the thinking of the Holy Tree."

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "I have thought about this, but after talking with each other, I found that the thinking of the Holy Tree is extremely huge. If you add it rashly, it will cause some harm to you."

Zhang Fan continued: "If you brainworms count as 1, then I might be 1000, and the Holy Tree's thinking is at least 200."

"No, Dad, maybe we can think about it from another angle and split the thinking of the Holy Tree." Gaia said.

Zhang Fan asked in confusion: "Split? How to split?"

Gaia thought for a while and finally shook her head and said, "Dad, I haven't thought of specific measures yet."

Maya jumped out and said cautiously: "Master, is schizophrenia considered a schizophrenia?"

Zhang Fan nodded: "Forget it."

Tianqi, who had never spoken, said: "Sir, if possible, I may be able to help you schizophrenia the mind of the Holy Tree."

Everyone's eyes turned to Tianqi, and Zhang Fan asked: "So, Tianqi, how do you plan to operate."

Apocalypse's voice was very calm, as if nothing could cause any disturbance in his heart. He said, "We can use the introduction method to channel some of the blank thinking out, and then add it to your big thinking, sir."

Zhang Fan understood what Apocalypse meant, and it would be really easy to figure it out if he just thought blankly.

Then Apocalypse continued: "Sir, after you have a blank mind, you can also introduce it through continuous thinking, and then slowly devour it."

Zhang Fan asked doubtfully: "According to what you said, it didn't completely swallow up the Holy Tree's thoughts. If that's the case, what's the use of it?"

Tianqi shook his head and said: "Sir, there is one thing I have to tell you. The derivation of thinking is just like the human brain. Thoughts are gone, but the brain cells are still there, so in the end only a blank brain will be left."

Zhang Fan's eyes lit up and he said: "I understand. After completely devouring its thoughts, I can then live in its body. In this way, I can control the cells in its body in disguise."

Gaia was also surprised at this time and said: "Yes, Dad, this method can indeed be tried. When the time comes, we can transform the cells and join forces, and the speed will be much faster."

Zhang Fan was very satisfied with this proposal and finally made the decision: "Okay, let's do it like this. I'll be a little tired when I'm tired. Tianqi, please come up with a plan for me."

"Okay, sir."

The brainworms were discussing with Zhang Fan how to deal with the Holy Tree, while Wen Wen and Athena were staring at each other, and then even chatted about home affairs.

Zhang Fan just rolled his eyes and then ignored them.

Arriving in front of the Holy Tree again, the Holy Tree felt Zhang Fan nervously.

Zhang Fan said at this time: "I am going to intercept some of your thoughts now, please let go of your thoughts."

The Holy Tree was reluctant and squirmed a little. Zhang Fan's eyes widened, and then nuclear banelings, self-destructing mosquitoes, and poisonous banelings exploded.

"Do you still agree?" Zhang Fan looked at the holy tree with contempt.

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