The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 214 Elise

Zhang Fan thought for a while and then said: "However, its thinking is still powerful now, can you stop it?"

"Don't worry, Dad, it is no longer in its previous state. We can resist it together." Gaia said confidently.

Zhang Fan nodded and said no more, and appeared in front of the Holy Tree again. The Holy Tree was now in a very sluggish state.

He didn't notice Zhang Fan's arrival at all, and then Zhang Fan's thoughts began to penetrate.

"Damn it, how come this holy tree's mind is so strong?! It got stuck just after entering." Zhang Fan's current state is a little uncomfortable.

He felt that the two thoughts and ideas were intertwined, a feeling of fusion.

Zhang Fan started to push forward and broke through the defense of the holy tree.

The holy tree seemed to sense Zhang Fan's attack, and it began to resist vigorously, trying not to let Zhang Fan in. A dark green thought became as solid as a rock.

Zhang Fan pulled away from the Holy Tree's thoughts and threw a palm in the air. Zhang Fan could clearly feel the Holy Tree's fear, and his resistance became weaker.

Zhang Fan said: "Don't resist! Release your mind to me!"

However, the Holy Tree did not answer him and nervously guarded its last three acres of land.

So, he entered again, this time like before, he gritted his teeth and sprinted forward.

The black shadow entered the mind of the Holy Tree, and the Holy Tree screamed in pain. This was a battle between minds.

The kind that makes the listener sad and the listener in tears.

Zhang Fan said fiercely at this time: "Stop screaming! If you call me, I'll whip you!"

The Holy Tree is extremely wronged. It is also thinking and conscious. It is impossible for this kind of collision in thinking not to hurt.

Zhang Fan continued to exert force, breaking through the rock-like thinking layer, and arrived at the center of the holy tree. Zhang Fan estimated that this should be the last protective layer of the holy tree.

Then, Zhang Fan began to exert force again, but no matter how much force he exerted, he still could not penetrate the protective layer. Instead, the sacred tree screamed in pain.

Zhang Fan didn't care about the miserable screams of the holy tree. He began to retreat back. The retreat was very slow. He was ready to break through the defense with absolute acceleration.

The Holy Tree breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Zhang Fan had encountered difficulties and wanted to quit.

However, just when the Holy Tree relaxed its vigilance, Zhang Fan moved forward again, and a huge impact knocked the entire Holy Tree to a halt.

The entire Pandora planet is trembling, and thoughts and consciousness are spreading outward.

However, even Zhang Fan's powerful strength could not break through the Holy Tree's defense.

Zhang Fan was greatly shocked: "I'll go! You're too strong! I don't believe in evil anymore! Come again!"

Zhang Fan rolled his eyes and thought of a way to deceive the Holy Tree. He began to retreat quietly. The Holy Tree thought that Zhang Fan was going to attack again, and the remaining thoughts began to gather and protect him.

Zhang Fan laughed and said: "Give up! No matter how much you protect me, you can't resist my attack!"

Rushing forward again, Zhang Fan condensed his entire thinking consciousness into a needle-like form, a little Arrancar, and that powerful force penetrated the entire holy tree's thinking.

Finally, with Zhang Fan's unremitting efforts, he broke through the last layer of protection. This time, the holy tree's screams turned into panic, and it could feel that its thinking consciousness was being lost.

Suddenly, a large oncoming momentum hit Zhang Fan's black shadow, and he felt as if his whole body was washed away by a powerful impact.

"We can't go on like this! We're going to be rushed out!" Zhang Fan said to himself.

So, he began to change his strategy, breaking it into parts, and the entire black shadow turned into tiny particles, wandering in the wave of thoughts.

The black shadow transformed into particles, carrying a devastating momentum, like the Yellow River rushing to the sea, rushing into the interior of the sacred tree out of control.

After entering the interior, the holy tree calmed down. Zhang Fan slowly opened his eyes, and the surroundings were empty.

It was like a commercial building of more than 100 square meters without furniture, and the surrounding area seemed to Zhang Fan to be a blur of white.

It seemed that the entire Holy Tree's thoughts were leaked out under the impact just now.

At this time, Zhang Fan contacted Gaia and said, "Gaia, sense the sacred tree and see its current state."

Gaia said: "Okay daddy! Check it right away!"

"Report to Dad! Everything on the sacred tree is intact! It's just that there's a little too much juice flowing out!" Not long after, Gaia sent back the news.

"Strange, why can't I feel any thoughts? Gaia, feel if the Holy Tree's thoughts are still there." Zhang Fan continued.

Gaia sent back the message again: "Dad, no, I don't feel it at all, as if its thinking has completely disappeared."

"Tsk, it's such a waste. It's great to use so many thoughts as supplements, but now only a blank room is left." Zhang Fan cursed inwardly in displeasure.

He looked around again, looking at the white walls, thinking: Maybe this can be used as a conference room, yes, that's right. "

So, he began to summon the brainworms and the queen to enter this white world.

Zhang Fan said: "What is in front of you is the thinking space of the Holy Tree. Now its consciousness has disappeared, but the brain is still retained."

Zhang Fan noticed that Adam didn't seem to come and asked, "Why didn't Adam come in?"

Adam said aloud: "Master, Adam is here again! The surroundings are too white, and Adam's consciousness is also white!"

Zhang Fan immediately understood what Adam meant. With a wave of his hand, the black aura began to spread in the space, filling the entire space at once.

Six foreign senior officials also appeared in front of Zhang Fan, white, gold, blue, green, purple, red, eh? Why is there still a gray one?

Zhang Fan observed that gray consciousness. It turned out to be the blank consciousness before. Now it cannot be called blank consciousness because it contains the remnants of the holy tree consciousness.

Zhang Fan thought that since you gave me your home, I couldn't help but give you face, so he flicked the gray ball into the original embryo.

The first time he was thrown in, Zhang Fan even thought of a name, so he called her Ai Wa.

Well, there is something wrong with the relationship between Eva and the Führer! Forget it, it’s Eva. Mother Earth’s intention is to give some comfort to the entire Pandora planet.

Eva cannot attend the high-level summit meeting yet, but the meeting cannot stop because of him.

Zhang Fan's first resolution is to decorate the entire space, and it must be magnificent!

He also ordered the brainworm and the queen to maintain humanoid form when entering this space. The female should be dignified and generous, and the male should be graceful.

Yesterday I accidentally missed a chapter. I don’t know if there is a perfect attendance award.

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