The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 218 Abathur

The five major departments are all internal departments, and there are several external departments.

The first department is the Dominion Cult, whose main function is to spread the Gospel of Dominance to alien races other than the Zerg.

Let everyone believe in the Lord, and let the thoughts of all intelligent creatures support Zhang Fan.

Of course, in addition to this role, this sect also has a role in external crusade. The previous war on Pandora was Zhang Fan's experiment on Athena.

Although, the result of this battle was still that Zhang Fan intervened, and he promised not to intervene, but in the end he violated the true fragrance theory again.

Zhang Fan said that he would definitely participate in future battles, but his participation would not affect Athena's layout and battles.

The dominant religion still focuses on spreading doctrines, supplemented by war and fighting.

Of course, Zhang Fan already has an idea to separate the Dominion Cult from the army.

There is a dedicated queen to take charge of all battles in the army, but Zhang Fan currently lacks such an excellent candidate.

If we talk about external affairs, how come we don’t have diplomacy? Aliens also need to communicate, don’t they?

Zhang Fan calls this department the External Propaganda Committee, or the External Propaganda Committee for short. Zhang Fan doesn't want to communicate with those aliens on an equal footing, so he can just publicize it directly.

At present, this external promotion meeting is also short of candidates. The main work is temporarily taken over by Elise, and Zhang Fan will also provide guidance.

When Zhang Fan said the words of guidance, he was greeted with a blank look from Elise.

Elise said that she would complete this task, but she would not accept Zhang Fan's advice because he had only seen so many aliens. She used to be a human female doctor, and she had seen many aliens at that time. Star creatures have also experienced in-depth exchanges.

Zhang Fan blinked twice and felt that what Elise said was reasonable, so he stopped mentioning it and went on to talk about the next thing.

That is the medical institution. They say that this department is not important, but in fact it is very important. This department is not just a department that is sick in the traditional sense and then prescribes medicine and then gets better.

It does not mean that those advanced medical institutions discovered the virus and then researched drugs to fight the virus.

The medical institution of the foreign race covers a very wide range, and its value is equal to the significance of the strategic department.

Medical institutions mainly deal with invisible enemies, such as the viruses just mentioned. Who knows what kind of abnormal viruses there are in space. Maybe a virus can destroy a civilization.

So at this time, the role of medical institutions comes into play. They will use the same viruses or bacteria to form a wall, and then find ways to deal with them.

There are also some, such as creatures that have suffered cultural invasion. These creatures are basically useless and have little value to alien races.

However, Zhang Fan adheres to the spirit of insectism and feels that he can still save it. The organisms in the medical institution will clean the invaded brain and then implant new memories into it, so that there will be less waste of resources.

Zhang Fan is now very troubled by the problem of resources. Resources are needed here, resources are needed there, and with the evolution of the entire alien race, the demand for resources has greatly increased. Therefore, only the leader knows that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive.

Medical institutions are not immune to counterattacks, and that kind of attack is also an invisible attack.

Zhang Fan discovered that it seemed that he could attack them at the genetic level, but this attack method was too cruel.

An accurate attack may wipe out not only one civilization, but also some related civilizations will be severely damaged.

However, the technical content of genetic attack is too high. Please forgive Adam's lack of knowledge and inability to come up with a genetic attack method for Zhang Fan.

At present, Athena is in charge of the church, Elise is in charge of the alien team, and Zhang Fan is in charge of the other three positions. Perhaps the two queens will still be the main ones.

The alien group does not have many requirements. They can be strong or weak, they can sneak attack or attack by force, and they can also steal and penetrate into the enemy. Therefore, the attack methods of the aliens are ever-changing, and everything is led by Elise.

In terms of supplementary aspects, one is the hierarchical structure issue, and the other is the management issue of other clans.

At present, apart from his own tribe, there are only two foreign races. One is the Igwanna tribe, a fighting race with explosive potential. Although it is still a bit immature in terms of fighting, Zhang Fan believes that the Igwanna tribe will grow up in the future. It will surprise him.

The other one is the Na'vi who have just conquered the Na'vi tribe who have the ability to manipulate nature. However, after the sacred tree was solved by Zhang Fan, the Na'vi tribe's natural power has declined.

At this point, the Na'vi tribe lost the ability to compete with the Igwanna tribe. Therefore, Zhang Fan, in order to reflect their value, gave them the ability to control creep attacks. As before, they were all plants anyway.

Arrange the architecture first. Zerg, aliens and engineers are excluded from this architecture system. They have their own way of working.

The main management is still mainly foreign races, and they are divided into three levels, low-level, intermediate and high-level. The main reason is that Zhang Fan is too lazy to think about those fancy things. Isn't it clear at a glance?

These foreigners will be classified under the Lord's religion and responsible for the Lord's religion. The low-level ones are ordinary believers. They are no different from their ordinary lives. They mainly pray to the Lord every day and participate in some activities dedicated to the Lord. Their own clan is responsible.

Intermediate ones will have to participate in some battles. Those Igwanna tribesmen who died on Pandora before are considered intermediate.

Finally, there is the high-end product, taking Achilles as an example. Of course, Namex now also has two high-end products, namely Nazoi and Mebegi.

Senior personnel are mainly responsible for management and all management of their race. After sorting out the materials, they have to report to Athena.

Of course, senior personnel would also be divided into high and low levels. Zhang Fan directly delegated power and let them play by themselves, as long as it did not harm the interests of foreign races.

It can definitely be seen from this that the development of alien races will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future, and by then all kinds of strange races will appear in the alien world.

But this will create a kind of social disorder. What should we do?

Here, Zhang Fan can finally move out the central processor, which is Abathur. He is responsible for all the work of the foreign race, including evolution and upgrades.

Every foreign creature must import its information into Abathur, and Abathur is responsible for unified mediation and management.

In this way, there will be no chaos, and Abathur's chosen location is the location of the current meeting, the location of the Holy Tree. Maybe the entire Pandora planet may be used as the host in the future.

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